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Norse religion

I'm really sceptical about Norse gods but I have alot of pride in my Scandinavian culture and wear a mjolnir around my neck, is that wrong?

JerryTetpon 3 Aug 18

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My father, of Danish viking heritage, told me all the sagas when i was a child. All my tattoos are based on those stories. Across my back is my motto: Sá sem lifir án aga, deyr án heiðurs. He who lives without discipline, dies without honor. That has given me direction in all my life. Remember that the Norse gods did not require worship by the people.

I like the sentiment of your tattoo

@ShadowAmicus Thanks.


Is it wrong to wear a Mickey Mouse shirt even though there are reasons to think he is not real?

Wait a minute, there's a possibility that Mickey Mouse is not real?

@lerlo Of course he’s real. Don’t worry about it.


We are humans and religions are part of who and what we are. As a historian I think these things are very important to remember. I have religious relics all over my living room from many cultures which reminds me I have no trubutes to the Norse gods.

As an atheist of course they are all crap.

There is a huge differencw in BELIEVING in magic and apperciating culture and fantasy.

I would wear a Harry Potter or Jedi t-shirt just cus I like them and no one would question my beliefs in them. However I do know in my heart Zombies are real!

Have fun and aknowlege who you are and where we have been!


The sagas are great stories .. you have a proud seafaring heritage ... with a little rape and pillage thrown in - hold on to it

@Athena sadly not all consigned to history ..

@Athena okay, go ahead, show me the raping and pillaging by the Amish

@lerlo there will be an outcast with a history

@ShadowAmicus not quite sure a "history" equates with raping and pillaging. We all have histories

@lerlo the odds are that there is or has been, a mormon rapist

@ShadowAmicus if only the Amish were Mormon...

@Athena checking your searching prowess 🙂 Bravo!

@Athena 😉

@lerlo, @Athena there was bound to be something on Amish .... and found mormon case really easily ...looks like they breed some screwed up people


What’s there to be sceptical about?


No enjoy your heritage take pride in it

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 18, 2019

What makes you proud of your Scandinavian culture?

The Vikings were pretty amazing seafarers.


As a descendant of Scandinavians, no, it's not wrong. As long as you don't wear it as a badge that is supposed to give you special rights, symbols of ones culture and heritage are not a bad thing to wear.


I happen to like Norse God's a lot myself (I'm Canadian), I in no way believe they are or were real but I enjoy the human aspect of them. How they all seem to have personalities and faults of their own. A lot of the older religions gods share that and I find it fascinating and intriguing.


Naah. It's cool. I love it.


No...wear whatever you like. We all have heritage from somewhere, there is nothing wrong in feeling connected to our ancestry.


Thor's hammer cool, if it makes you happy wear it.


You are free to do as you please.
That includes wearing any kind of jewelry you like.

That's right. He just has to say he's free, and it's only further demonstrated that he is. That's just true.


Wear what you like for what ever reason you like.


we use symbols from old religion all the time.
The greek gods are symbols for everything, the days of the week in english are most of them on norse gods Tyr, Odin, Thor and Freya. Old religions becomes symbols, concepts, summaries of ideas.
Thors hammer was really popular during christianization of the norse people in scandinavia or Danelaw (occupied territories in GB) as a symbol of resistance (jokes included about the nailed god versus the hammer god).

Religion is part of the culture so do not be afraid of using cultural symbols. But please do not start with the sacrifices and if you are making an hallucinocenous induced orgy for easter, keep it low profile XD.


There is no problem. It is your neck and you choice about what you want to wear on it. I am an atheist pagan, which people think is impossible, but it isn't. I wear a crescent moon, along with some other stuff. Don't worry about it. If you like it, wear it.


I want to say the following to distinguish a clear buffer from wronging by wearing a Mjolnir, or anything of the sort:

No, it's not wrong. People who are saying it's wrong are tools who really don't base their arguments on anything true, or even culturally valid.

Asatru isn't necessarily about superstition. It's chief god, for starters is about knowledge, wisdom, and magic (which is just another word for the ability to be crafty and skilled with anything, but in the most generalized sense) anyway.

It's conventions, culture and teachings. It's a way of running things. That's it, no one says you need to be uncertain about whether to wear a mjolnir or not. If you want to wear it, wear it. If you don't, then don't. No one has the right to insult or manipulate you for it, nor should they get off scot free for doing so.

"Gods" in the Norse culture were just a way of quickly expressing larger political arms like war, love, etc. and the religion was about living with those things and contributing towards those political arms. It's words, man. Don't mistake their nature. They're just mental imagery, analytics, etc. . They're not physical assumptions, feelings, etc. That's moreso of your body's programming, rather than the whole divinely granted self, if you want it in religious language.


Why would you believe in anything can can not be proven. On the other hand it is just as reasonable as belief in any of the religions.

That's the question... But I've been getting positive feedback about it and I am very proud of being part Scandinavian and that's what I think it boils down to it


I come from a long line of Swiss cheese makers and grave diggers - not sure what I could wear around my neck🤔

The Green bay packer "Cheese head hats" just might work for you!

Grimy cheese?

Somehow it doesn’t have the same cachet as a war hammer😟


Thor's hammer must seem awfully heavy. How were you able to pick it up?

He must be worthy.


Could we have a photo of your mjolnir ? Wear it with pride to show your heritage but do not bestow special powers upon it.


Is anyone being hurt you wearing the mjolnir around your neck? I would guess not, so do what feels right to you and don’t worry what others think.

CS60 Level 7 Aug 21, 2019

Where I live anyone wearing such symbols is immediately looked at as though they may be a Nazi since Asatru is so deeply connected to the white supremacist movement.


You wear a hammer around your neck?

I hope its not a 4 pound metal working hammer that could be cumbersome!

0 are American.

Does that matter? Just because I'm American doesn't mean I'm not part Swedish, Åre you American?

@Allamanda Also don't tell me where I can and cannot go! Who the 🤬🤬🤬🤬 you think you are?! You don't even km now me

@Allamanda my bad disregard my last post I totally read that wrong and I now see who your talking to, please Accu my humble apology

@Allamanda I'm new here on this site.... It's nothing like any other social media sites I'm on, it's definitely different

@JerryTetpon Not the greatest protocol response if you want to be taken seriously 😒

You might just get away with that one at Level 3 but that’s no excuse for such vitriol.

Let’s hope future responses are more civil and erudite.

This is not Facebook.

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