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Do you give to beggars?

If yes, why?

If no, why not?

If only to certain beggars, why those beggars and not others?

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Jnei 8 Mar 23

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We call them panhandlers in the US. I don't donate because it's impossible to tell those legitimately in need from those who are unwilling to help themselves. I have seen professional panhandling take place where people were dropped off at strategic locations by a large van and placed. Really?


So driving around Omaha today there is a guy on a corner with a sign. They cannot step into traffic so I drove extra so I could hand him a bag. He REFUSED it! I don't know what he thought I was trying to give him, I don't think he was fully cognizant. He kinda rambled and there was lots of car noise. But he refused my bag, I even put an extra $5 in it becase it was such a crappy day. He had odd old shoes and odd pant, not jeans. I was hurt, but I realize it may be a symptom of whatever disease he has.

To say that social service will take care of these people I say "cracks." There will always be some folks that fall in the cracks. There are some too ill to deal with the system. Have you ever been to a shelter? Sometimes they are scary places, and frequently families are separated. Many people are just a paycheck away from being homeless. I do not, cannot, and will not judge. I will help when I can, but sometimes you just can't help.

When the mental hospital were closed it forced thousands of mentally ill onto the streets. More are on the streets every day. The dearth of mental health care in the US is attrocious. I work in short term disability claims. I talk to people frequently who have to wait weeks if not months for appointments with counselors/therapists. They can't work, and I can't pay them unless they are receiving appropriate treatment. There are few things scarier in the US than being poor, because the system is set up to keep your poor. If you throw mental health issues into that mix it is a nightmare.

When I lived near McChord AFB I frequently used to see panhandlers near I5. One of the things I notice is patterns and shapes. Soon I realized the sign that was being held today was the same sign as a different guy had yesterday, some of the letters had unique shapes. I was not and still am not sure what to make of that. Was it a panhandling ring? That was 20+ years ago. Sad that we haven't fixed our problems homelessness and poverty in that time.

Before my marriage broke down, I lived in the city. A year or so back, a guy started sleeping in a covered bridge on my way to work. He was often asleep during the day, but he had a sign which asked passers-by to donate cash, food or books, but only if they could afford it. One day when I went past, he was awake and so I asked him why he wanted books and why he was always asleep in the day - he replied, "because I love to read and because I need to be awake to stay safe at night - there are a lot of very nasty people around." I gave him £30, which was all the cash I had on me at the time.

The following day he was awake again, and I handed him £10 but he refused. "You gave me enough yesterday to keep me going for a few days," he said.

I had a week's holiday after that, so I didn't walk along the bridge for several days. When I next did, I found a hand-written sign taped to the wall where he'd been sleeping. It said "My name is Chris. Thank you all for your kindness. I've now saved enough to buy a ticket to XXX <I can't remember the city>, where I hope to reconnect with my family and sort my life out. Thank you once again."

@Jnei that is wonderful, and so hopeful. Thank you for your warm heart in helping him out and sharing his story.

@Jnei That made me tear up. Thanks for sharing that story.


Explain me... what kind of beggars? Professionals? Needy? Homeless? Alcoholics? Drug addicts? Organized? Hungry? Unemployed? On welfare? Just plain lazy? Amateurs? Dissabled? Gamblers? What kind you talking about?

Let's just say people who ask you for money without providing a service or goods in return.

@Jnei around capital beltway is the franchise of some russian ladies working in shifts.


I would not use the word "beggars" but someone down and out, needing assistance or help.

In the UK, it's widely used and not considered pejorative.

@Jnei The US is not a classless society in reality, so "labeling" is frowned upon. That may seem like an oxymoron, but It's not.


Absolutely not most of those people use the money to get high with.

What's wrong with getting high?

@tymtravler When there are people genuinely in need of food everything.


Absolutely not. It is far better to give to organizations that help the homeless than to the individuals. To me that is enabling.

Years ago, at our companies annual holiday event the United Way asked that question. They also said not to give to beggers as there were plenty of programs in the city to help these people.

Did the United Way also tell you that 80% of all donations went to paying the board members?

@Charlene There is always overhead. The thing is that United Way was not soliciting for homeless programs. They were only saying that the city of Seattle had ample programs to help those who really wanted help.

I had a friend in Germany who was young and homeless. He would do odd jobs (he was a master at plaster work) and find places to sleep. He would use his money to get drunk. I spoke with him and he said he just wanted to be left alone to do whatever he wanted. He disappeared and I asked another what happened to him. I was told he hoped on a tramp steamer and made his way to Mexico where he got drunk and got into a bar fight and got stabbed to death. Many people have this feeling of complete independence (read "The Stranger in the Woods" ) and don't want to conform to any social norms. Diogenese of Sinop, who is considered the father of cynic philosophy, said that if one wants to know true life one must live in a barrel with the dogs on the street!


I rent a room to a friend who was homeless for a while he taught me how to spot fakers. Lot more fakers than needers.

What were the signs of fakers?

@BlueWave Hair for one, fakers hair short, regular looking haircut, real needers maybe almost to the shoulder. Needers have long straggly beard, untrimmed, about 1 to 2 inches long no more. Needers clothes are a bit worn, slightly dirty but not filthy. Shoes are a dead give away, needers shoes, dirty, worn, laces if any might be to short or broken and retied together. Needers carry all their possessions with them, look for over stuffed knapsacks, totes or similar baggage. Bicycle nearby that has seen better days. You can't see all these signs at once but you can catch one or two at a glance. Hope this helps.


I gladly offer food/beverages....mostly earn "fuck you" from it because they want cash for drugs........sigh.

And you know they're only begging for mobey how? it because you assume they're saying fuck you because they want drugs?.. How about they want more than a McDonalds burger or maybe to get a a room with a shower over night? Or maybe just maybe real food for their kids..

@Charlene i offer them up to $20 in food/ beverage, wouldn't feed McD to myself or my worst enemy. They want cash only, that's why they give me such nice comments. WHY do you assume i or anyone else would offer crap? I have been as poor as it is possible to be for a lot of my life......


I would give to beggers but the only ones we get in my area are false. They want to come inside for a drink of water or to use the bathroom. Often a child is with them. They use this child to help gain entrance and then case the joint, also stealing all your meds from your bathroom. Since they have been inside your home you could be robbed in the future. This is the way of dopers in my area of about 1200 people. Sorry! I'm not your mark.
But if I do get a real begger and I can see they are real I might help them. They still cannot come inside. I will serve them on my porch instead.

When this happened to you, did you confront the person? Call the police?

@BlueWave What I am saying is that I am streetwise. This is how people do today. I'm aware of what I'm reporting. It did not happen to me personally.


Not always. But I figure if the change in my pocket is gonna break me, I've got bigger problems, so what's the harm? I've also taken a hot meal to a group living under a parking garage when it was ridiculously cold outside. Least I could do.

That is a different story, if I see a kid in need I would do the same.


Yes. Because I've been there.

It's the only charity I trust. Buy someone a meal or bus ticket. Many offer to do odd jobs.


I do - just small change in most cases and if they then go and spend it on alcohol or heroin, at least they got the money given to them rather than having to carry out a (possibly violent) crime to feed their addiction.

I give more to female beggars. Life on the streets is tough, but it's a whole lot tougher if you're a woman.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 23, 2018

I've donated condoms to a local group that gives them to homeless women.


I donate food, clothing and household items to people I know in town who need it.

That's a lovely and very wise way to go about it!


Sometimes I do. It makes me feel good to do acts of kindness and acts of consideration for those who cannot fend for themselves.

You are better then me. I just can't understand why people can't get to health and human services and get emergency services. There are case managers to help.


I look at their's evident who needs some financial help......

jasen Level 8 Mar 23, 2018

When I see them smoking I realize they don't really have money problems.


I keep ziploc bags in my car. Each bag has a pair of sox, several individually wrapped personal wipes, a mylar blanket, and $5.00. I give them out whenever I see someone with a sign along the road where it is safe for me to hand it out. I've gone around the block to hand it out. Why? Because I don't judge and because I can. I also have a stack of $5s in my car to hand out as needed. I might make a difference, I might not. But I tried.

That's such a great idea.


I may give to street entertainers if it is real enjoyable and not intimidated but not to pathetic bludgers!

What is a pathetic bludger?


Usually tickets to public transportation or a meal.


The last beggar I gave money too I found later fucked up with a needle hanging out of his arm. I normally get them something rather than money.


I used to give to beggars because I felt lucky not to be on the street like them. However, over the years, I began to realize they need to help themselves (if they are able bodied). I also think maybe half of them use the money for their addictions which I don't want to be a part of. I think most people can find a job doing something if they try hard enough.


I do. There is a homeless man that I see around town and when he gets low on insulin he holds a sign up that says "need help paying for meds". I always try to give him money when I see that he's low on medication. It doesn't bother me that some people would try and abuse my kindness. I gave for the right reasons and my conscience is clear. If someone is pretending to be in need then that's something they will have to live with.


I live in a country with an extremely generous welfare system, we have free medical, we have lots of emergency assistance programs, I work on many of them myself. I do not believe it is good to feed peoples habits.


Sometimes I do.

JVee Level 4 Mar 23, 2018

If I have loose change in my pocket I'll sometimes donate that if the person asking isn't obnoxious in any way.


Totally depends on how I’m feeling that day and if I get a good feeling from them.

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