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Yes...No? Do you base your position on religion or science? Does the woman have the right to chose?


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179 comments (101 - 125)

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The decision is for each woman to make. Her body, her reasons. Has nothing to do with religion or science. It is not the best choice but shit happens and Roe v Wade is the law of the land. Let it alone and stop trying to legislate morality.

Great comment.


If you own nothing else in this world, you own your own body.

And to own something means you can do what you want with it, unless the government comes up with a damn good reason why you shouldn't be able to.

I haven't heard the damn good reason why you shouldn't be able to control whether or not your uterus is used to carry a pregnancy to term yet. And at this point, I don't think I ever will.

Out of curiosity, do you think people should be allowed to sell parts of their body? (i.e. Is their reason damn good?)

There may be a damn good reason to not allow this -- it'll lead to poor people selling their organs, sometimes even fatally, for the benefit of the wealthy. I'm not clear on how much or how far this would be useful to the wealthy recipient, and therefore on how widespread this practice would be, so I'm "undecided" on that point for now.

Cannibalism of body parts is now know and hard to get people to stop begging for them. And if one does do it, it should be consensual. Disgustingly, it has led to poor people selling organs for money. And how often do they get what was promised?


My body, my business. Just that simple. I'm not asking anyone else to have one or not have one, especially since I don't know nor need to know their health or life situations. Treating people like criminals for taking care of their life as then need is far more wrong, It's their business and they are entitled to conduct their life as they need to.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 5, 2018

Well, I'm a guy, therefore take what I say with a large handful of salt. Also know that I have a thing for arguing both sides, because I see great points to both of them. Finding a satisfying answer for you is a hard as it is to find one for myself. To keep form making large paragraphs, I'm just gonna list the things that I believe to be true regarding the subject. Here goes:

-Like it or not, you ARE killing a baby if you have an abortion.
-That being said, I don't think every child should be born into this world that is over-full to begin with.
-This world sucks, it's a fact.
-But a child COULD make it better in the future.
-But at the same time, they really DON'T deserve to have to be born here.
-It IS a woman's right to have an Abortion or not.
-There are many circumstances in which it is the ONLY viable answer.
-but, there are many circumstances where it isn't.
-Just because the baby is born of Rape or just plain irresponsibility does not mean the baby deserves to die.
-You can always give up your unwanted child for adoption (right?).
-Do Abortions hurt? I've heard they hurt pretty bad. If that's the case, you're not saving yourself any pain by having one. If that's why you want one, you may as well have the dang kid, and then give it up for adoption.

The line quoted below tells me everything; I don't see a point in discussing this subject with you any longer:
""Like it or not, you ARE killing a baby if you have an abortion..."


Pro Choice all the way. Keep your politics and beliefs out of the bedroom and away from a woman's body. No one should dictate how or what they choose to do with whatever situation arises.

I used to share good Atheist time with Polly Roinstein; she was the head of the Westchester Coalition for legal abortion. Polly always mentioned her chat on abortion with a very well known local senator; he told her "We don't care about the fetus...but we don't want to give women so much power and, at the same time, to lose a campaign issue.

@DUCHESSA What, one of them actually admitted the truth? That it's about power and control? Photos or it didn't happen 🙂

@RobAnybody That answer was given to Polly -who passed recently- in 2004.

@DUCHESSA Not disbelieving it, stunned that he'd be so blatant.

@RobAnybody And he said so to Polly about 35 years ago. See, it was very difficult to fool / shut up Polly. great lady.


Someone somewhere said this: " Better to be born than to be never born at all". Did they take survey of all people ever born? Some people have had a terrible life and suffer in ways many of us can't even imagine. I dare say they would not agree with a stupid statement like this!

Not being born at all sounds way easier than all this.


It's weird that there is a site where people can debate this issue without attacking each other.

Don't you think it has to do with no believing in "A child is a God's gift"?

@DUCHESSA That, or the fact that we all agree??

Maturity finally has arrived. 🙂


I was forced to have a sterilisation in 1972 when I wanted an abortion, I had two children and was using birth control a coil - I was treated like muck by all the staff at the hospital so I am up for a womans' right to choose!

You were part of what many years before, in Puerto Rico, was known as "La operación" (the surgery)


Undesirable if possible but in a lot of cases the mother would be more damaged having a child than not. Also in the case of rape many women would rather not bear a child to the aggressor.
If there is no legal abortion then there will be illegal abortion killing and disabling women all over the country.


I believe it is entirely the woman's business. Personally I am against it. Good thing I will never need one. And if a friend decided to have one, good thing I would be too busy being a supporting caring friend to worry about it.

If only more felt that way. Taking care of eachother should be a higher priority than degrading someone in a position to need one.

Since you seem to be the only even marginally dissenting opinion here, can you please tell us more? Why are you against it? Are there time constraints on if or how wrong you think it is?

I am against it as a personal choice. Thus "I" would not seek one. It is none of my business if others want to however.

@SCOTT63 I know, I was asking why though. Is it because you think it's a person, because you think it has a soul, etc.

Oh, sorry. I am not sure I buy that souls exist. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be here I guess. Nor do I believe that life begins at birth. But, the part of me that believes a potential life begins at conception makes me not fond of the practice of abortion. I also know there are many legitimate reasons for abortion. My ultimate view is that abortion is a medical decision and the only people ultimately involved are the woman and her Dr. Politicians absolutely have zero authority to get involved in my worldview.


I base my position on what is best for the mother. The woman has the right to choose, I am pro-choice.


It's the law of the land; and rightfully so. It IS up to the individual to decide what to do w/ their own life.

If only that were true. There are TONS of restrictions, and in some parts of the country for certain individuals a complete ban on abortion.

@JeffMurray ?! Yikes; really Jeff? A complete ban? For whom?

@BobFenner In 26 states there are laws that require that permission be granted by one or both parents or some other authority figure for any woman that's not of a certain age. If any of these young ladies happen to be in a family that doesn't believe in abortion, they are essentially banned from having one. There are 5 states that have only one abortion clinic in the entire state, and 24 states have less than 5 in the entire state. For the young and/or financially disadvantaged this is essentially also a ban, especially when you couple it with time restrictions and "fake" clinics that are set up by pro-life groups with the sole purpose of prolonging the time before a woman gets her appointment to make it extend past legal constraints. Seriously look up TRAP laws. This is a seriously fucked up country in this regard for how first-world and progressive we claim to be.

@JeffMurray Ah yes; the under-aged. Chronologically but not physiologically, behaviorally...

@BobFenner Not all of them are under age. I mentioned how many types of women can be robbed of their autonomy. Regardless, how does it possibly matter what avenue someone uses to take away a woman's access to abortion?

@JeffMurray Ugh... "If you would be free, help others be free"... Oh yes, including the half of the population that are female.

@BobFenner I don't understand your point...

@JeffMurray The finer at times balance... paradox of individual freedom and the desires of society. This line/balance is in need of periodic review; with women of "age" being shortchanged currently. I would have all be freer.

@BobFenner Okay, I'm not understanding you. It's reading like an ancient proverb or something. You seemed to take issue with me claiming some women have had their autonomy taken away because of the way it was taken away. I asked why that mattered, and I haven't been able to glean a response out of anything you've said since.

@JeffMurray I don't dispute your claim; the fact of lost autonomy. "It"matters as all deserve self determination.


Abortion is a condition that exists because the pregnant woman either is uneducated regarding birth control or does not have access to birth control. In the event that she became pregnant even though she was practicing safe sex, abortion is her decision; hers alone and nobody else's. If she respects the father, the next option is to include him in the decision making process.


such discussions should be between a patient and their healthcare provide. not a debate by old men.

johns Level 4 Dec 25, 2017

Personally I don't believe that I nor anyone else, including the government or religion, has any say in the medical decisions of another person. The decision to have an abortion should be between a woman and her doctor. There should not be any waiting period unless the doctor believes that having an abortion could be life threatening to the woman. I do think that abortions should only take place before a point in which the fetus could potentially survive outside the womb which is around 21 weeks or so. Some cut-off point should be established.

You realize that the beginning of your comment and the end appear to have been written by two different people? You completely contradicted yourself...

Fair enough JeffMurray though I don't believe I contradict myself. There are limitations on all freedoms that we have.

But, I failed to properly explain my point of view. At 21 weeks, I don't see it as an abortion. It would be a birth if the fetus could survive outside the womb. At that point we're no longer talking about a cluster of cells or a zygote the size of an acorn but rather an organism that could potentially live on its own.

There HAS to be some cut-off point or am I wrong? Should an abortion be allowed at 9 months while the mother is going into labor? What about once the baby is outside the mother but still connected by the umbilical cord? Logically, there must be a point that we can agree it would be wrong to terminate the pregnancy. I chose 21 weeks based on current medical advances that give a fetus born at that point a reasonable likelihood of survival.

@Charles1971 "I don't believe that I nor anyone else, including the government or religion, has any say in the medical decisions of another person."
"I do think that abortions should only take place before a point in which the fetus could potentially survive outside the womb"

Those two statements are contradictory. Either no one should have a say in another person's medical decisions, or there is a time when one can be told they can't make the medical decision they wish. They cannot coexist. So when you say there are limitations on freedoms (like how you can't scream fire in a crowded building) because your freedom will infringe on the freedoms of others, you are essentially saying that taking away the freedom for a woman to abort after 21 weeks is to protect the freedom of the person inside her? I believe the legal cutoff is when the offspring takes a breath. The laws may be location dependant, I'm not sure. But once there is no more additional risk to the mother to carry than to abort, like if the baby is already out of her just connected by the cord, and the cord has to be cut either way, killing the baby on the table would be an obvious over-stepping of the argument for a woman's right to choose.

But let's use your 21 week rule for argument's sake. What steps as a society are we willing to take to protect a fetus a woman wants to abort that we won't let her because it's after the cut off? Can we stop her from riding rollercoasters? How about smoking, drinking, or taking fetotoxic (legal) drugs? Can we lock her in a padded room? Force her to get, or stop her from getting a c-section whenever she wants? (I mean, if she's told she can't have an abortion because the fetus could survive on its own, can she just say, "Well, then, cut it out of me." ) If she goes on a hunger strike, can we tie her down and feed her through a tube?

@JeffMurray... I answered your question. I didn't come here to argue abortion. I've done this before and it's an exhausting and fruitless debate. I told you my view. You don't have to like it.

@Charles1971 Is not that I don't like your view it's that you are not supporting it. If you want to have opinions that are contradictory and ill supported, that's fine. Lots of people do. But if you wish to actually examine your beliefs the way you probably did regarding religion, I'd be more than happy to bounce ideas back and forth and challenge you on some things. Good luck either way.

@JeffMurray My point is that although I support the freedom of choice, as with all freedoms, there are limitations. I strongly support 1st Amendment rights, but freedom of speech and expression have limitations. And yes, if those limitations are violated then it will be the government and the law that will be the authority that will step in put a halt to such violations.

And thus, even with the freedom of choice over abortion, there should be limitations. You stated "I believe the legal cutoff is when the offspring takes a breath." My view is that the cutoff is when the offspring CAN take a breath (even with assistance) and live.

@Charles1971 That's fine that that's your position, but you should definitely not describe yourself pro-choice, as you are actively advocating a partial ban on abortion.

@Charles1971 Also, it's disingenuous to try to compare my definition of when the baby takes a breath with yours as if they're just different points on the same scale, they are not. To claim that they are is like saying you can abort an air strike after you've already dropped the bombs.

@JeffMurray... Then I suppose I don't believe in free speech since I think there should be limitations on what is allowed. I do not think that I should be legally allowed to put up a billboard near your house that says "Jeff Murray is a rapist and a child molester."

Personally, it just seems like you are trying to be argumentative. And your air strike/bomb analogy is silly and makes no sense. And I think breathing is actually important. It tends to be one of the hallmarks that distinguishes the living from the dead.

@Charles1971 Correct, you don't believe in free speech. Neither do I. And if you want to not believe in a woman's freedom to choose as well, that's up to you. And you can call it argumentative, but I have a problem seeing someone label himself as one thing when he's clearly not. Furthermore, because there are other people and factors in the 'obtaining an abortion' freedom, it is not on the same footing as the freedom of speech. By putting the 21-week restriction on it, you necessarily also put other restrictions in place as well. If you don't know what TRAP laws are, I beg you to go read about them. Seriously, if you read about them and don't agree that if legislators were doing shit like that to subvert your rights you'd be outraged, I will shut the fuck up after this post. They use what rational people like you feel are fair, common-sense restrictions to completely deny a woman her rights. One example is when pro-life organizations set up "abortion clinics" in areas that have 21-week laws on the books, only to lure women in and lie to them about the reason they need to postpone their procedure (most often they "have a fever" ). They string them along until their 21-week mark and then the woman is no longer legally allowed to get an abortion. So no, restrictions on free speech are not the same as restrictions on abortion. Not allowing you to scream "fire" in a crowded building doesn't get parlayed into you not being allowed to scream "fire" while playing Call of Duty.

And yes, my analogy was correlative. You comparing 'baby took a breath' with 'fetus could potentially breathe and live outside of the womb' as points on a 'when you can abort scale' is analogous to comparing 'bombs could drop' and 'bombs already dropped' as both being on a 'when you can abort scale'.


I'm a blood donor, on the organ donor list, various different bone marrow registers etc. My belief is, if you're going to have a healthy, happy child, what right do you have to get rid of it? BUT. In cases of Rape, predicted illness (Spina bifida,Downs syndrome etc.) Is it more or less cruel to let that baby be born. In the case of rape, that woman didn't chose to be violated. If a child is going to be in constant pain and sufferring and you know you could stop it, isn't that the right thing to do?

So you do not believe in a woman's right to choose?

@JeffMurray Sorry, I wasn't clear. Yes she does have the choice. Maybe she's want to keep it, maybe she wouldn't want to, could be a permanent reminder of the ordeal she's been through. Totally her decision.


ON demand. I am adopted and the little sweet stories about the babies and the daddys and mommies out there is total bullshit. Abortion, yes. They want to punish the women.




While I do not have a say in whether a female chooses or chooses not to have an abortion. I totally support their right to have a choice.


It should be available to those who want/need one.


Contraceptives and the day after pill should be inexpensive and freely available. During the first trimester, on demand. After that for a good reason particularly late term although that is easier said than determined. Husbands or boyfriends should not be part of the equation.

The morning after pill doesn't work in the second and third trimester. 😛 So, who determines if the woman's reason is a good reason? You're basically saying you do not believe in a woman's right to choose.


I think we need to do whatever possible to take the focus off abortion and place it on prevention. Free birth control anywhere assessable. I believe in a woman's right over her body wholeheartedly, but we must offer solutions being that women are not being offered autonomy by portions of our society who makes sure this is a 'one issue voting stance.'

Of course prevention is the way....but if we "select" no to educate the people we will never see the end of this problem.


If the mother wants to end the pregnancy, that is her decision alone. I do not think ill of it because the entity that is reincarnating will just move on to another baby. The body is not so important, it is the entity reincarnating that is important. The body is like a vehicle and when it cannot be fixed, the entity driving that vehicle moves on to another brand new one.


I'm coming back as a ham on rye; hold the mayo.


A woman's right to choose is paramount. I question the morality of ANYONE who would grant more rights to a blastocycst, zygote, or fetus than to the living breathing SENTIENT human being in which it resides.


Ooooh! CAPS LOCK! Of course on demand. No woman takes this decision lightly, but she makes it on her own. Her body, her decision.

I will never understand a person saying "To abort is a difficult decision for a woman." Is not.

@DUCHESSA - it is a difficult decision, if only from a medical perspective - no one wants to undergo surgery.

@Agnostic1 Medical is just about the only reason....and compared with pregnancy / delivery said surgery is nothing.

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