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Yes...No? Do you base your position on religion or science? Does the woman have the right to chose?


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179 comments (26 - 50)

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If the foetus is found to have a mental or serious physical defect which would mean they needed care for their entire lives then I believe it should be compulsory.

I am pro-choice. IAW, even in a situation such as the one you describe to abort (or not) should be the woman's decision.

@DUCHESSA Not when the NHS have to pay for the care for the child's entire life.

@PeterMetcalfe1 With your way of thinking any baby who is born with a condition no detected during pregnancy should be eliminated? Sounds Nazi to me.

@DUCHESSA that's not necessarily a Nazi view. There were other vile, psychopathic despots who shared that view.

@JimG Well, to me his comment was Nazi

@DUCHESSA I call it compassion. I wouldn't want anyone do everything for me and I'm sure you wouldn't either. I would rather not exist, and if I was aware of what was going on I would be angry for allowing me live.

@PeterMetcalfe1 I assure you if what you describe was the will be hoping for those medical advances that have solved many of the birth defects some people suffered

@PeterMetcalfe1 Again, it's not within your purview to make that choice. They used to say that about fetuses with Down Syndrome, and they are the sweet, happy, lovable children

@TheoryNumber3 Yes but they still require care for their entire life, which is my point.

@PeterMetcalfe1 And in your original post you mentioned NHS..........Are you aware that this child's parent have contributed to said NHS?


Since over 90% of abortions are comfort abortions, we aught to realize that we are creating the situation to create the need for this act. There is no question that the child inside the womb is a real person. Infanticide is illegal and this is what abortion really is.

Guess what? Call me infanticide as much as you wish....Abortion is OK. read about Iceland on this issue.

If a woman becomes pregnant at the wrong time / she doesn't want to be a mother / her health is in danger...or the "baby" she carries is not normal and she wants to her right and privilege. No doctor / husband / boyfriend / friend / relative has any say on her decision.

The vast majority of abortions could be prevented. We actually can stop the sperm and egg coming together. Most of the reasons you have stated are where abortion began. Now the vast majority are just about the comfort of the parent. If human life is sacred, then this is wrong. The only way to get around it is to say that human life is not sacred. Then of course, infanticide is not wrong either.

@noseenobelieve Sure, prevention is the way to go. Makes no sense to risk the woman's life. Now, if the prevention methods fail and the woman doesn't want to be a mother there is nobody on this world that has the right to tell her no to abort..

@noseenobelieve Comfort? Do you have any idea what a grueling experience it is to have to make that decision? Women think about that unborn child for the rest of their lives. Not to mention the pain of the procedure itself. Unless you have a uterus, you have no opinion.

Why don't you preach in your church, entertain the half wits!

@DUCHESSA, @TheoryNumber3 This means that while people appeal to the outliers, convenience abortions are the most common.

@noseenobelieve Remember. What you describe as "convenience abortion" i do as "the right of a woman no to be imposed what she doesn't care / want / like / need...and I am not the only one who thinks this way.

When a woman is forced to deliver the kid she doesn't me, the only one suffering is the child and for the rest of his/her life. I know it very well.


Yes a woman should most certainly have the right to choose. Of course, if I’m going to be pro-choice, I must insist on realistic and relevant sex education and free or low cost access to birth control including condoms because an unwanted pregnancy could be the least of a woman’s concerns.

To me it’s common sense. If a woman is raped, forcing her to have her attacker’s baby is like raping her all over again. Also, let’s not forget girls as young as 11, some even younger, can get pregnant. There’s no sane reason to think a girl that young having a baby is okay. Also, if continuing a pregnancy will jeopardize the mother’s survival, then she has every right to her life. Also, it could be the fetus itself will develop into a baby who will be severely ill and in pain in life. To me it would be more compassionate to terminate the pregnancy than it would be to bring a child into the world who could very well suffer before he or she passed away so young anyway.

No one takes this subject lightly; at least I hope they don’t. That being said, I don’t support late-term abortions.

The problem is, those on the right don't want to pay for birth control, sex or pregnancy prevention education, prenatal and post natal care, afterschool day care or maternity leave. Love the fetus, hate the child.

The woman has a right to choose to not get pregnant. A child has a right to be born. If human life is sacred then abortions take away life that is sacred. If humans are not sacred then anything goes.


I see it as no ones business but the body it is in. PERIOD.


Yes. Women are adults & entitled to make their own reproductive decisions. Period.

Carin Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

I see abortion as a option. Not a good one but a needed one for an imperfect world. First of all since I am not a woman I feel some limitation on my position. I think for practical reasons very late term abortions save in the case of a threat to the mothers life should be illegal. Besides that I think there should be ZERO religious influence or conditions for a woman to have access to an abortion. I find it insane that so many religious people and groups who oppose abortion rights also oppose the very things that reduce the need for and/or incidents of abortion. Namely access to free birth control, comprehensive sex education at an early age and teaching boys to respect woman and woman to respect themselves. I think planned parenthood should be a permanent part of American health care.

Quarm Level 6 Oct 18, 2018

A detail: Very late abortion is always performed to save the woman; those who think it is done because the woman doesn't want the child are A) ignorant people and B) those with an agenda.

What do you think of this article. [] I think its brilliant and hope they continue to be available to American woman.


Women have been finding ways to abort for an eternity, ever since anyone knew they could do so. Particularly young, poor women. Even if it meant potentially killing or maiming themselves. Poisons, eating various types of animal feces, deadly herbs, throwing themselves from heights and letting people beat them.

Sadly, some people would prefer or say they deserve to go to these lengths. I hope they never have daughters in that situation.

Wouldn't do it myself, regardless of the situation, even though I don't really care if I ever have kids of my own. Still not my place to judge someone's sitiation. Would rather women have safe options. We have plenty of humans, let's take care of the ones already here first.


I'm against abortion. I think women shouldn't use it as birth control.

And who told you it is used as birth control? Only an idiot would do that.

I actually do know an idiot who has before. But shes an idiot so...::

Again, this is a lie and the numbers of women who use abortion as birth control are very low but way blown out of proportion by Pro-Lifers. Think about it, if a lot of women did get an abortion every time they got pregnant and didn’t bother with birth control there would be women walking around who’ve had 20 or 30 abortions. Abortions take a toll on a women’s body each and every procedure that’s done. Which makes it unlikely that there are just tons of women out there getting abortions once a year. More propaganda by the Lifers. But aside from all that, it’s still none of your business what another women chooses to do with her body. Period.

My body, my business!

@Stressmonster Indeed she is.


It should be legal, and all women should have bodily autonomy to make decisions about their own bodies. So sick of religious men making decisions about what I can and cannot do with MY BODY!!!


I personally don’t approve of abortion so I’m never going to have one.

Never say never!

@zesty Okay, how about impossible?

@OtherPatrick It is easy for a guy to be judgemental.

@zesty How am I being judgemental? I’m not going to stop anyone from having an abortion nor do I believe it should be outlawed. I cannot have one due to being a guy, I would not want a person I was seeing to have one so I do everything I can to prevent it from happening. But, like my original statement, I’m not going to have one.

@OtherPatrick You are right!


Realistically, until the foetus becomes a viable baby, able to live independently of the mother, then it is none of my business. I cannot insist that a female should be used as an incubator against her will.

I do genuinely believe that in the interest of both mother and unborn child that there should be a point after which the pregnancy should continue to full term.

This is, however, my rather simplistic view, and as ever, there are lots of variables and other subtleties that require consideration.


Not a fan of it, but even less a fan of forcing a woman to give birth to an unwanted child. Abortions are generally done when there’s not a lot there — and the potential to become a human is not the same as being human. Shoot, we have the technology to clone things now — and although no one is “officially” cloning people, as far as I know, but we could likely do it. That means essentially every cell in my body has the potential to become a person, but we certainly don’t consider them as such. An embryo in the first trimester is not much different.

When it comes to later in a pregnancy, I would certainly try to keep those restricted to the more extreme situations, like risk of the mother’s life. And yes, she takes priority over the fetus that is still a parasite at that point. My nephew and his wife had twins at 27 weeks — barely viable, though doing great three year later. At that stage, I’d rather have a fetus delivered early and given lifesaving care, although I’m not sure how “person” is there at that point — and obviously we will be able to push this back farther and farther with better technology. We will have to make a decision about how far we’re willing to go, and honestly, I think that although I’m fine with people trying to save a child people want at, say, 5 months, I don’t see it as too horrible to sacrifice one at that point, either.

Kodij Level 5 Sep 5, 2018

i don't know anyone who is in favor of abortion. abortion is sad. however, i, like many folks, am in favor of a woman's choice what to do with her own body. a first-trimester fetus is a clump of cells with nonfunctioning nerve endings. it's a potential baby. it's not a baby. it's literally a parasite. that's what it is physically. emotionally, it could be a baby. if you want a baby and you're pregnant, it's a baby, and you don't have to say "potential" because that's understood; you're already imagining it as your baby, picking out the daycare, thinking about which college, imagining your grandchildren. there's nothing wrong with that, but that doesn't make a similar fetus a baby for someone who does NOT want to be pregnant. technically, it IS a parasite, and a woman should have a right to protect herself from a parasite and maintain control over her own body. you can talk about planning, poverty, sin if that's your concern, the rest of the woman's life, the odds of death in childbirth (yes, it still happens!) and whether or not to buy stock in coat hangers, but what it boils down to is a woman's right to control her own body. religionists who oppose choice (they say they oppose abortion) call it murder (a legal term, not applicable to abortion since abortion is legal), talk about killing babies (a fetus is not a baby, i repeat) and drag all kinds of other issues in, but religious considerations applied to the irreligious amount to bashing down the wall between church and state. not all are sincere, either; what's with requiring doctors to lie to patients? but even the most sincerely concerned religionist has no right to tell another human being what to do with her body. that religionist may refrain from having an abortion; that is her right. she may not control another person's body.



I am curious about this because people are angry with God because of lives taken but are happy to play God when it comes to abortion. How can we accept that it ok for us to take life but not for a deity?

I see the opposite. The religious right thinks that the unborn should be given every protection imaginable, but would not stoop to help the living. I like to say they believe in the scantily of life from conception up to the moment of birth.

Simply put the deity if he or she is out there refuses to talk to us in a clear and meaningful way. So playing God as you say is our lone purview. Yes I know about the Bible and all of the other holy books. All of which make so little coherent sense they are used for a rainbow of causes and justifications. For me personally playing god I would think is the point right? I mean if this god(God) is out father/mother then as a we adult until we become one? Fun stuff but until God shows up and says here I am then it falls to us wonderfully scary insane apes to do what it will not. Make our own way in a cold and hostile universe.

@Quarm Perhaps the best way to respond is to ask: What have you to offer regarding the big 4 questions: Origin, Morality, Meaning, Destiny. Any coherent belief system must have a clear answer to each of these issues to be worthy of following. If there is something better than God created, is worthy of worship, wrote the Law on our hearts, wants his creation to abide with him, I would be more than willing to study it. So far I have not found anything to supplant: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. Everything that was made was made through him.

Also, if one approaches scripture from the frame you have given, then it is easily dismissed. However, if one approaches the Bible from the viewpoint that it holds the truth to the 4 big issues, they will find answers there.

Fuck God!


We are deciding on death or life. Those who accept abortion must accept infanticide. There are a few months and moments between these possible events.


I think it is horrible and it is murderous. It should be avoided at all costs. In the 21st century, it should be a rare occurrence since birth control is generally effective if done properly.

I also think it needs to be legal. Sometimes, it could be an issue of two people dying, someone having a child against their will, or someone ruining their life. Just because I don't agree with something doesn't mean I can choose for everyone what to do. This is especially true since I'm a man and this issue would mean me controlling someone's body against their will.

I've always found this argument impossible. There are so many things that can usually be done before you get to that point that the procedure should be rare. Surgery should be a last resort in any situation if a non-invasive method could be used earlier on.

That's almost exactly pretty much my position. Personally, I am against it. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who would abort our child.

But I also feel that it should absolutely and without reservations be legal, because I have NO RIGHT to hold anyone else to my personal feelings.


Ladies choice.


Women should definitely have the right to have an abortion.


It’s a Discussion between a woman and her doctor and the decision is hers. It is outrageous that there are laws about a woman’s body. We are fully capable to make decisions about our bodies. I am not an advocate for abortion, instead I am an advocate for birth control. However, abortion should be a woman’s right to choose.

"...between a woman and her doctor"? The doctor has no say in her decision besides advising her on the possible impact on her health.


It’s a Discussion between a woman and her doctor and the decision is hers. It is outrageous that there are laws about a woman’s body. We are fully capable to make decisions about our bodies. I am not an advocate for abortion, instead I am an advocate for birth control. However, abortion should be a woman’s right to choose.


I don't like it but its also not my decision but if i impregnated a woman and she was contemplating having an abortion i think id want a say in that discussion

Yes ... you should be allowed to have a say.

I personally agree, but before you have sex with a woman, know her well enough to ensure she willl consider your feelings.

that would be true providing she had a say in the sex itself. there are states where it is being proposed that a rapist may decide whether his victim may have an abortion. let's assume the following best-case scenario: a man and a woman have had consensual sex, they're still together, he wants her to have the baby and she doesn't want to have it. that's a tie. who casts the deciding vote? well, the man isn't the one who has to be pregnant for nine months and then give birth, possibly with a c-section. traditionally, he isn't the one who stays home with the resulting baby, either, perhaps sacrificing his career, or his peace of mind. he isn't the one who might suffer post-partum depression. so in this tie, who has the more abiding interest in the pregnancy?


@PontifexMarximus I agree in cases were either the couple is in a dedicated relationship or if the sex is intended to produce a (surrogacy ect.). As for casual sex I do not think the man should have any say at all or even awareness of the unless the woman allows it. Ideally she would want to tell the man but in reality with all of the possible litigation ect. i understand why a woman may be better served to just have it aborted or raise it by herself as she wishes.


I believe in a woman’s right to choose. ... ... !!!
... religon nor science has nothing to do with my position.

Tomas Level 7 Aug 26, 2018

I will never have one.

I never had one either ...

I never had one, but I believe it is my decision and no one has the right to tell me what i can and cannot so with my body.


In theory, I think it should be entirely a woman's decision. However it really isn't that simple. In a perfect world, all children conceived would be wanted and would be free of physical defects. That's not the case. If she chooses to continue the pregnancy, there's going to be a child to raise and support. I was lucky, when I got accidentally pregnant I was happy (he wasn't) and had the resources to go it entirely alone. His name isn't even on the birth certificate. But I was lucky in being able to handle it this way.
I do think that whatever the relationship or lack of one between the potential parents, it's the woman's body and the woman's life that are going to be most affected. Therefore it should be her decision.



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