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NOT WANTED: Another Bygone Bro-gressive Who Thinks He’s The Future Of America

Truth in satire:

Enough already with the old geezers who think they’re the white saviors of America. They’re not.

Bernie, Biden and now Bloomberg? Sorry, but the last thing we need is another septuagenarian white guy in the White House.


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 26

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Stop playing identity politics. Judge people on their policies, their accomplishments, their integrity, and their consistency.


I disagree with the premise that age, gender, or race disqualifies a candidate regardless of his platform. Bloomberg is not progressive and doesn't offer anything's meaningful. Biden is slightly better, but I'd really hate to have to vote for him. I would gladly vote for Bernie or Tulsi, and I'm still up undecided on whether Warren is sincere in her newfound progressive ideals. I don't particularly care for anything I've seen from Harris or Buttigieg either.

However while, I'm not impressed or particularly excited with 90% of the Democratic candidates; any one of them offers a significant improvement over the human shitstorm currently defiling the offal office.

JimG Level 8 Nov 26, 2019

Whoever wins the Democrat primary, I will vote for her (or him). ANYONE would be better than the foolish criminal liar that now inhabits the White House.


I don't give a fuck who the Dems pick anymore, my vote is #NotTrump


Me, too.

I care until after the primary. After that, I'm voting straight Dem next November.


I'll vote for the Dem that has rational real world policies just like I do with my religious or lack of religious views regardless of age. Our economy would already be in recession if it wasn't for the Fed pumping it up with QE to the tune of 60 billion a month in bond buys. This at a time when trump inherited a strong economy. If it doesn't crash this coming year it will 2021 regardless of who wins. One thing I don't want is someone adding another tens of trillions of debt to our economy. I like Klobuchar or Bloomberg.


I vote for the candidate with the best ideas IMHO. I don't care what age, gender or nationality of the person offering those ideas. And shame on you for prioritizing those things.

Sanders and Warren are tied for my vote so far.


It's satire.

@LiterateHiker There's a meme, in some circles called PoE ... "Parody of Extremists". Basically it discourages such attempts at parody because it is impossible to tell the difference from the real thing.

:-/ .... which of course serves to show the ridiculousness of the ideas in the first place.

@LiterateHiker Actually the name of the author's column is 'Truth in Satire' it's and opinion piece.


I concur. Time for the Boomers to stand back and let the next generation take over. We've done enough damage to the country and the planet. The future rests in the the post 70's generation and not in the post-War generation. New paradigms are needed.

I'm 55 yo and I am a Boomer.

Damned if I'm giving up on an entire generation due to some rotten apples!


I'm a boomer (65 yrs old) and it's time we moved over. We can still effect change by our vote.

@t1nick I've voted since I could and probably always will. But I refuse to become an ageist.

Do I think someone younger could do a good job? Yes. But that does not mean someone in my age group or older - couldn't do a good job.

What we have in the government right now is just not a good example of who we could have for representation.

Though frankly I've been more than happy with my Reps. in CT.


I don’t care. I’m voting blue no matter who. We have to get Dipsh1t Donny out of the whitehouse and put him in the outhouse where he belongs

CS60 Level 7 Nov 26, 2019


Me, too. I always vote for Democrats.


Good points made in this read


It's not color or age that's the problem, it's policy. Biden and Bloomberg are moderates so they want as little change as possible to the status quo. We can also add Buttigieg, Harris and most everyone else to that group too. Sanders, despite his color, age, and gender represents the most sweeping change of anyone. That's what I feel this country needs. Warren is another change agent just less so than Bernie.

I'd be happiest with either of them but I'll take anyone over Trump or any Repub. That entire party is a disaster.


Don't care just beat trump

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 26, 2019

The author makes several mistakes:

  1. Lumping Bernie in with Biden and Bloomberg ignores their vastly different values, experiences and principles
  2. Lumping them all in with Trump because of their age and skin color ignores their vastly different values...etc.
  3. Avering young voters will not vote for a septuagenarian ignores history and ignores the known support of Sanders by millennials.
  4. He actually prefers Bloomberg among the lot because Mike is a billionaire. Holy f*#%. Just keep giving the hen house keys to the foxes.

In the end, the argument seems to be against older white men despite who they are and what they stand for. As if younger women regardless of who they are and what they stand for would be better choices. I give you Liz Cheney. Condoleezza Rice. Sarah Palin. Nikki Haley. Carly Fiorina. I’m out.


Truth in satire.

@LiterateHiker I’m not familiar with ExtraNewsfeed. The article seemed like a genuine opinion. Oh well, next time I’ll know 🤪

@Bobbyzen I am with you. I can't see what "truth" is in this satire, even if it is a satire.

I've heard actual people make this actual argument, in earnest. This appears to me a propaganda piece.

@AtheistReader We’re on the same page.


Wow that's a lot of "Isms" for one post.


Im assuming you think Warren is ok because shes female?


I think Elizabeth Warren is too old, as well.

@LiterateHiker you should have clarified that


Better a dominatrix for President.


Thought for a second there that you were talking about another on-line date. LOL

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