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How do you answer "How are you today?"

"Hi there. What are you up to today?" a man asked as a first message on a dating site.

"What am I up to?" I replied. "At the moment I'm drinking coffee and thinking about how to answer your question. Are you asking about the moment, today's activities or life goals?"

Then I felt guilty for being a smart-alack. I followed up politely:

"I'll bite. Today I plan to lift weights and use the rowing machine at the gym. What's your plan for today?" This brings us to the ceaseless question:

"How are you today?"

Cashiers and service people don't want an answer.They want to appear friendly.

"Happy!" I reply with a smile, startling people into consciousness. "Not unwell," I reply to men on dating sites with thanks to George Carlin.

Unless we're talking with friends and family, we're all like talking dolls, endlessly repeating the same trite and tiresome lines: "How are you?" "Hot enough out there?" "Don't work too hard!"

Sprayed with God Cologne

"Increasingly at Southern airports, instead of 'goodbye' or 'thank you,' cashiers are apt to say, 'Have a blessed day!" David Sedaris wrote in his hilarious book, Calypso.

"It can make you feel like you've been sprayed against your will with God cologne. "Get it off me!" I want to scream. "Quick, before I start wearing ties with short-sleeved shirts!"

"As a business traveler, you'll likely be met at your destination by someone who asks, "So, how was your flight?" This, as if there are interesting variations and you might answer, "The live orchestra was a nice touch," or "The first half was great, but then they let a baby take over the controls and it got all bumpy."

"In fact, there are only two kinds of flights: ones in which you die and ones in which you do not."

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 28

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I committed to myself awhile back if someone asked how I was doing I would tell them and if I asked and they told me I would listen. As far as someone saying “ have a blessed day “ , it doesn’t rattle me ; it’s someone wishing me well in their way .


My go to is, Great, but it'll get better. or fantastic, checked the obituaries and I didn't even get an honorable mention or Not too bad, but it is still early . I've been using those and others that I don't even know which one is going to come out half the time. Just mindless blather.


When I am asked this question I always try to reply with...I'm well, how are you?...while making eye contact (most especially with people in retail because they have to deal with some really 'ugly' people in their day). Some will look at me with shock (perhaps fear lol) and some will give a minimal response but mostly I find that a lot of people are pleasantly or curiously surprised and will interact in a more personal way. I enjoy and appreciate all of their responses. Having said all of that, I have to really work hard at being civil when confronted with the God Cologner's. I try to be a decent person so I don't pursue anything past the smile that I may give them (depending on my mood yikes) and take the 'blessing' with the good intentions that may have prompted it.


I do find that most mean that question as a version of “hello”, and most are too self absorbed to realise I simply don’t answer, sometimes just responding with “how are you doing?” My son always notices and says “how do they NOT notice you don't answer? Ever?” Because it’s more about them, most of the time. And if it’s someone who really cares, they’ll likely ask me something meaningful (which I’ll then answer honestly).

Karuk Level 6 Dec 28, 2019

"Good. You?"


My standard answer is "good enough". Just that


I agree with you. People that ask how you are really do not want to know. They simply want to appear as friendly and professional. I've taken to a smile and the answer that says "I could be better but then I could be worse." 🙂


All my updates and data diagnostics say I'm good to go. How about you? Lol


As I have held public office in the United States, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution and always answer “fine” if asked.


I always answer the same. "If I was any better, it would be (insert day of the week here). 🙂 Either it gets a smile or a confused look.


Much the same as yesterday is my answer, every day is the feckin' same! 😉


I am happy to be on this side of the sod!


I'm not much for small talk but depending on my mood:

  1. Ok.
  2. Not dirt napping yet.
  3. Thrilled to be here.
  4. Incontinent.

After watching The Handmaid's Tale, I favor the response, "Blessed be," especially for severaly afflicted believers. I guess it makes them feel all gushy inside.


I usually respond with doing good how about you?


Depends on my mood, and who's doing the asking.

For casual strangers on an ok day, I tend to fall in line - usually with a smile. Not a problem.

For casual strangers that give off bad vibes (or "god cologne" !), in my direction, I have said " you will never know", or, I may not respond at all, and glare.

For casual friends, or coworkers, I do the real deal - which could be anything from "fabulous", to "none of your fuckin' business" - with a laugh . And I may listen to their woes , if they have some and don't go overboard with whining. I also may offer support. I tend not to gripe much to others though.

For folks I know on a deeper level, all queries and responses are possible - anywhere from negative to positive. If they're going through a bad patch, I'll try to cheer them, and I'll definitely be there if they need me ! And vice-versa.


If someone I know asks I give a thoughtful answer because later on, if they find out I'm suffering, they will feel hurt that I lied to them. So I almost always try to tell them the truth.


I tll them "I am excellent!" A friend of mine replies "Fantastic!"


I can count on having a "blessed day" whenever I go through the drive-thru at the local Dairy Queen. I usually order a Blizzard for me and a Pup-Cup for my dog, not Holy Water.


I don't think I have told people I am happy. It would be a goddam lie. I just say I am fine or I am okay. thanks. If in a neutral or good mood I will ask them how they are. If in a lousy mood, will be too in my own head to bother asking. 😕


I have no negative judgement about how someone makes an attempt to speak to another stranger. I like to connect with people, whether a brief minute or two or start an interesting conversation. Like in improv, just run with it. I am an extrovert and love to talk to diverse kinds of people and all ages. My thoughts. It may help to be present and ignore the inner chatter we have running in the back ground and have fun with these exchanges.


To cashier banter when I buy food, my reply to HOW R U ? is: "hungry" beverage purchase: "thirsty" catfood purchase: "meow" "have a blessed day" my reply is: "seances never work" or "prEyers always fail"


Meh, my general response is "fine", which is literally all anyone ever expects or wants to hear. I figured out a LONG time ago that almost no one gives an actual useful shit how I feel. And the feeling's mutual, trust me.

Thankfully there are a small handful of people who only ask that question because they genuinely give a fig, and that's a different story. Those are the people you can reply, where necessary, along the lines of "not so great; I'm feeling x about y" and they don't get all taken aback. Of course they STILL usually can't help you much in any specific way. But at least they CARE. That makes all the difference.

Even there, of course, one must hoard one's poker chips, because even those close to us don't want to be pulled down by constant angst. You have to pull your own weight by listening empathetically to THEIR woes, for example.

We can only save ourselves at the end of the day. But it's nice on those rare occasions that someone actually at least tries to feel with and for you, and to help.


I usually reply with the normal Aussie phrase, " I'm about the same as always but it's no use complaining because it does no good for anyone anyway."


When I am photographing motorcycles in the summer, somebody will always ask, "aren't you hot?". When I tell them I'm from Phoenix, they laugh and go away.

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