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What do people do that grosses you out? X(

My list includes:

Money in bras.
Licking fingers and putting them in shared food.
Public displays of ball scratching (hand in pants).

silvereyes 8 Mar 27

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69 comments (51 - 69)

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Sale "heaven and salvation" for monetary gain.


Geeking chooks
Vomiting on me


Breed way too much and greed and blow snot everywhere or leave shit in a toilet bowl. lots of things.


Public onara… ?

@silvereyes I had a good teacher. ?


So I guess if I scratched my balls then licked my fingers and put them in your bowl of popcorn, you would be mad??...makes sense...hahaha....for me, bad oral hygiene makes me nasty.

hahaha...I would never steal your popcorn, I would buy us both one. 😉


Stick their finger in their ear then smell it afterwards. Pick their noses. Chew tobacco, and then spit into cups, bottles, onto the floor, anywhere they desire.


Chewing with your mouth open.


F-bombs, I once counted 9 in one sentance from a fool in a bar

I agree. This is a pet peeve of mine. I think using the F-word as part of regular conversation is vulgar and shows a limited vocabulary.

I agree on this. However, I once saw a drummer having issues with his kit during a live gig. When the singer asked if he'd fixed it, the drummer replied "No, the fucking fucker's fucking fucked" - which elevates use of the f-bomb to an artform.


Leave the washroom without using any water to wash with.Chew with mouth open,bite their nails,pick their nose and fart saying he did it.




I can’t read these comments, they gross me out.

BarbR Level 3 Mar 30, 2018

Spitting. I stopped watching baseball many years ago because all the spitting grossed me out so much. A couple of times I almost threw up.

marga Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

People! that lick their fingers before handing you a piece of paper


Whar do people do that grosses ME out?

  1. they eat sweet potatoes. thats just plain nasty.
  2. they waste their sundays doing church things
  3. the drink alcohol. blech.

I read most of these posts and wonder what one is to do when in public and one has to far, after holding it it just comes out. Yes farting is gross but it a natural process from eating good food. Spitting is never acceptable, but there are times when it is necessary. Carry a handkerchief. Washing one's hands in a given, after all how sick does one want to get.


Not washing hands in the restroom. Ladies, you'd be shocked how many guys don't while you're having a lovely dinner at a nice restaurant.


Spt on the sidewalk or out of the car window. It's guys that do that.


Spitting,,especially hockers...gag. People, especially men, who empty their noses of boogers into the shower ( that their wife gets to clean up), or blow their nose into their hand, then wipe it on their shirt or pants. I see guys do this all the time when I'm sitting out on my porch....yuck.

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