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How much respect do religious believers deserve?

I tend to respect kindhearted, compassionate believers--despite dismissing their supernatural beliefs--and to hold self-righteous, hateful bigots in contempt. I suspect many, if not most, nonbelievers would agree. My question: Where on that spectrum is the tipping point, and why? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

SteveJ 4 Mar 15

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As much as they give me. If they treat me fair and square, I'll treat them fair and square.


I have a couple of Christian friends. There are not church-going and not strict bibble followers. Both tend to be "Oh I know he looks after me but other than prayer, I don't do much about it" When they say "It was gods will" then I jump on them. Because if that were the case then all the bad things in the world must be too.


The default position should be to respect others unless they prove to be unworthy of that respect. Whether they are a believer, or not, should not come into the equation.

That said, I am under no obligation to respect their beliefs. And, I will fight against any beliefs that promote harming, marginalizing, discriminating against, others; and, especially so, if they try to use the government to force their religion, their beliefs, onto the rest of us.


They deserve just as much respect as nonbelievers .As long as a belief is not harmful in its ideology or disrespects or denigrates nonbelievers


For me the tipping point is how much respect they are willing to give to me. And after all isn't the whole nature of the golden rule? Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Not screw over others who don't share your beliefs...


Respect people when appropriate, respect beliefs never.


None, except for as a person.


All people religious or not deserve as much respect as they show for others who are different than they are, or who believe differently than they do.


I really give them no respect.


The right to believe what you want is given and automatic.
I will respect someone based on their actions and if those actions deserve respect. I tend to judge people by what they do, not what they say.


The moment the bigotry shows up

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 16, 2020

As much as any human being who allows belief in magical fairytales of supernatural beings to guide and inform his/her thinking.

So not a hell of a lot.


However much you want them to respect you.

skado Level 9 Mar 16, 2020

What about the self-righteous non-believers and bigoted atheists. Where do you think they sit?

I try to be objective in evaluating what people claim to believe. I hope I am looking for evidence first and not giving in to confirmation bias. But no one is perfect, and bigotry by definition deserves disrespect. I think self-righteousness is more likely to be a religious trait because the entire structure of faith is built upon it. That said, no one is immune.


I think respect (lots of variations, I think) needs to be earned.


I try to respect everyones choices, as long as they don't harm others with those choices. My respect wanes when they try to 'insist' that their way is the only way and that I should convert. If they choose to chastise me for for my lack of their faith, then I tend to lose respect for them and their beliefs.


I respect the first and the 5th amendment 😉


As much as they give us, no more not less!!!

With perhaps a teeny bit more than they give us????


They deserve as much respect as they grant to others.


As people, the same as I'd expect. Their BELIEFS, on the other hand, deserve none.


I give everyone just as much respect as they give me.


Each person is logically due the utmost respect, not because we are good people but because of facts.

Every second of conscious awareness is a profound miracle beyond all comprehension.


ALL human beings, animals, plants - our whole world deserves respect. However, a belief is not something to respect. ... Have fun turning the tables.... Believers love the sinner, but not the sin, so love the believer, but not the belief AND say so. (They do!)


Honestly Depends on the religion. are their religious views toxic and based on fear, hate and dominance like chsitianity and it's ugly little brother islam? Do they endorse horrible crimes, sadism, oppression and slavery along with violence towards non believers like the above? Are they used to justify forcing the religion's views on others?

Then their views don't deserve any respect.

Do their views discourage violence and intolerance? Do they support good values like charity, kindness, cooperation and acceptance? Then they deserve more respect.

I actually kinda respect the Sikh religion even tho ignorant morons confuse it with islam. The sikh faith promotes religious tolerance and equality of women, it could hardly be further from islam. I'm not a sikh but i respect their religion and those who follow its tenants.

Likewise I respect gnostics and rosicrucians as neither seems to be based Mostly on sadistic hate fantasies about "others" all burning in hell for all eternity ad infinitum.


I feel a certain pity and not understanding at someone wasting their time following supernatural beliefs. Constructive conversation should be the goal. Stooping to trump like rhetoric is where I draw the line.

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