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LINK Louisiana Church Packed For Services Again, Pastor Says You Can’t Arrest Us All | Michael Stone

These idiots are going to drag out the pandemic, makign it last much longer.

snytiger6 9 Apr 2

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Religion is our worst pandemic. 🙄

And always has been.


If a "Christian" dies of Coronavirus and goes to "Heaven" does that mean the infection will spread to "Heaven"? God is pretty old so that means he is in the "High Risk Group" and could DIE...Oooops

You just blew my mind. Also, great story idea. Just saying.


Lock the doors and let them experience the rapture.


Let's tell them we're praying they'll all get the virus. Then admit they were correct that God does answer prayer.

I get it, but that is dark.


Darkness is always followed by light.


You can barricaded them though. Let’s see how they like that. Surely god will keep them alive. Just pray a bit more.


Shut the church down and fine the fuck out of it. Litigate their asses into bankruptcy. True, they can not all be arrested; how many will continue to stand up after the first few are in handcuffs? And get the IRS on their asses; if they are political, they can be taxed.


Can't we just lock them in for two weeks?


The religious can't wait to die. That's what religion is all about - worshiping death instead of living life. Teaching kids to talk about death really excites the religious especially if the kids are out of sight in a back room naked and ready for groping. They have this dreamy goal about how glorious it will be to be rotting in the ground and by the way they won't mind taking everybody with them on their death trip. I thought committing suicide was against the religion but I guess not - nothing new This is christianity Jim Jones style . Maybe this virus is their god's way of saying to the completely out of touch religions of the world - Stop congregating immediately or will crush the breath out of you, Shut the fxxx up you don't speak for me and stop dictating like you're the god.


I can't help wondering if this is evolution at work. A pity about the collateral damage

Exactly! If not for the collateral damage I wouldn't care if they put themselves at risk.


We have competing viruses: Covid-19 and terminal stupidity. Its reached all the way to the top of the government.


Sadly, no they can't "arrest them all" but whomever contracts COVID-19 will definitely be regretting their attendance. It's sad when reason and logic go out the window, but I suppose reason and logic were never the forte of these people.


I would not blame someone in that area if they burned down that church to stop it being used as a distribution center for covid. It would be an act of defense.


Back in the 1400's Vlad the Impaler might have locked the doors and set them alight.

But we've learned much since then. Right??


@starwatcher-al double hmmmmmmm


Let them fuck each other up, always keeping your distance.

If it were only that simple. They will go out and infect others and then health care workers are put at even higher risk due to even more cases.

@Joanne health care workers are heroes and are underequipped. Their profession will put them around positive people regardless. Still, for non health workers, one must keep distance of at least 6'. Only oneself can make sure of that.

@Mofo1953 Keeping 6 feet away is not always possible, no matter how hard one tries. They are not only putting themselves at risk, but others. And, yes, the health care workers are around positive people, no matter what; but they don't need to be even more overburdened, working more hours, having their immune systems pushed to the brink.

It seems that you are saying that what these people are doing is fine because all we have to do is stay 6 feet away from everyone and we won't get it; and health care workers have to deal with it anyway, so what's a few thousand more cases? Or something to that effect.

Please correct me if I am wrong in that assessment.

@Joanne i say if they are dumb enough to congregate, let evolution take care of them. What can you do with stupid people? Are you going to stop them somehow? No? Then let nature take its course. That is exactly what I'm saying.


Seeing as how the LA Governor wants to play dumb...If we lock down the LA Borders then we can contain the virus..."can't fix stupid"


Sure , go ahead and meet ... then all the doors need to be locked from the outside , until the "Stay home" rules are lifted !


The hoax is is a fraud, fable, fairy tale...


A simple solution, perhaps, Put the lot of them into a Detention Centre in the middle of a desert, supply them with the biblical 3 loaves of bread and 5 fishes plus 1 cup of water per person per day for the next 40 days and nights, sit back and see if they can pray up a few 'miracles.'


And my weed store isn't deemed essential....back to the black market.....

I was wondering myself. I'll have to call before venturing out.

@Coppersmith1965 I guess it depends on city ordinance. Shops around Kansas City have an occupancy limit of 5. Stores in Greene County, Springfield are all shut down.

Essential in Vegas and conmiefornia.


If it weren't for the fact that these idiots will end up going from their gatherings and then spreading the virus to the rest of us when they visit stores or medical facilities, my response would be along the line of what some officers said in the Vietnam War, which was " Kill em' all and let God sort out the mistakes". Or in this case, let them all die from the disease, maybe by trapping them all in the church?

Exactly! If they were only putting themselves at risk, I would not give a rip; but they will put others at risk, to include health care workers who will have to care for their sorry asses.

@Joanne Precisely. I would not be very pumped about treating these idiots if I were a medical worker.


Fucking idiots!



This lock down is a big pain in the ass. I guess we all need to stay out of the South.


Everyone is going to have the virus run through them. It's a shame. Congregating like that is just stupid though.


Send this bastard to a Covid-19 ward, where he can do prayers in person, very in person.


Seeing as how the LA Governor wants to play dumb...If we lock down the LA Borders then we can contain the virus..."can't fix stupid"

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