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What's a phrase you vehemently despise?

Mine's the phrase "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"
I'm not a cow, sex is not a commodity, and if I marry someone--I don't owe them sex (or vice versa for that matter).

Mea 7 Apr 3

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Anything said just to piss the other person off especially out of the blue. God bless you to an atheist or invisible friend to a Christian. On the other hand sometimes tit for tat gets fun seeing who it more creative.

gearl Level 8 Apr 3, 2018

it's gods will.


It is what it is. Hate that one.

Oh me too! GROAN!

My sister has that tattooed on her leg. Personally, I find the statement stupid.


Man up
Grow a pair
You run like a girl




"President" Trump


"God works in mysterious ways"


Get 'er done!
A man said that on a first date once, as we walked into a restaurant. I was so glad I drove separately.

@Donotbelieve Me too! And I live here in hillbilly land where I hear it every-fucking-day.


A few:
"Most powerful man on Earth"
"Leader of the free world"
"Greatest country on Earth"
"Please place your item in the bagging area"
"Unexpected item in the bagging area"
"License and registration"
"Fox News affiliate"

BenP Level 3 Apr 4, 2018

Good ones!


“It is what it is.” It’s saying nothing with a sound.

Marz Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

Prayers and thoughts


Let me axe you a question

Let me "mill" it over
Pivaligh=pilot light
...and so many more monstrous murdering of the language...


"You go, girl".
"Having said that.."


“I’ll pray for you.” Really? Which god are you pleading with? You think s/he/it isn’t aware? Please don’t bother your god on my behalf.

The best reply I've heard so far to "I'll pray for you" is "I'll think for you". I use it all the time.

When someone says they'll pray for me I always want to respond "And I'll commit an act of divination for you". But I don't. It would be over their head and it's the same thing, divination.

@farmboy2017 How about, I'll cast a spell for ya!?

@GoldenDoll I love that ❣

When somebody that knows I am an atheist says that they will pray for me, I say, thanks for the condescending remark. Pray for my conversion, see where that gets you.


"It is what it is.”
No shit, what the fuck else could it be?

This is one of those meaningless things people say when they have nothing intelligent to say. If you don't have anything to say, why speak?

JimG Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

"Feminism is a cancer" "I'm not racist but...." "I'm a nationalist"


I'm getting pretty sick of conservatives constantly saying "ad hominem". Was there a conservatives meeting where their leaders all told them to use it at every opportunity? We get it you learned a big word.


One time before I married my husband someone asked him when we were going to get married. He replied, "Why buy the cow when I get the milk for free?" I replied back, "Did you just call me a cow??" ???

That would have pissed me off! Lol.

Response to that is , why buy the pig , when the sausage is so small .


"Boys will be boys" I find it an excuse that perpetuates gender stereotypes and bad behavior

I hate that one too. Your gender doesn't excuse you from being an ass.


My father often used the phrase "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" I hated it then and I hate now.

Mom's phrase was "It takes two to tango," when cautioning me about premarital sex, in fact she drove me to this run down tenement in a nearby town one day and told me that is where I would wind up if I got a girl pregnant.

I was 20 when I finally lost my virginity, but it wasn't from lack of trying... summer of '65.

I did observe a ham radio friend of mine who really struggled because he found himself in a family way in a day when marriage was the only honorable thing to do. Yes, they struggled, but also got a college edulation, got to grow up with their kids, and are still happily married 55 years later! Maybe that's the exception...


Whatever the latest idiocy to come out of Spanky's mouth or his twitter feed.


I hate the phrase, "Jesus didn't exist." Ever time I hear it, I hear the same fundamentalistic notion as those who insist he was a god.


"have a blessed day".


"I will pray for you."...speciaslly when they say this to you with a bucolic expression on their faces


At the end of the is what it is.....thoughts and prayers.....


I try not to. Whenever I feel my eyes starting to roll I take a moment to practice kindness and putting myself in that person's shoes. I didn't always.

I wouldn't want anyone else's regard for or treatment of me to change on account of their attitude about some dumb verbal meme I said that rubbed them the wrong way. So I try not to do that to anyone else.

That doesn't mean I think I'm better than anyone, or look down on others for doing things differently. We're all in different places and it's all good with me as long as you're not being intentionally cruel.

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