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What would you have done differently had you been god?

Does anyone have ideas about how you would have created the World and everything in it and perhaps even the Universe itself? Or would you have bothered creating anything after already having lived FOREVER, would you have suddenly gotten lonely? 🙂 Larry in western Kentucky

Justme43 7 May 12

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Nothing interesting happening in this Universe, I am on to something interesting.


What would I have done differently than whom, might I ask? Need a little context here.


Smite anyone who builds a temple or hold a services or gives sacrifices. Teach those bastards to deal with shit on their own, must like animals in nature.
And, make really cool unicorns.

Now THAT sounds like a plan. Sign me up; sounds like a world I could live in! 🙂


I think the question itself is erroneous. I’m a 59 year old white male in central Texas; not a supreme being. I’m inclined to support educational rights because I’m a teacher, so, I’m biased towards creating a world where critical thinking is paramount. But I hardly think this really makes any difference. We’re talking about the universe in a very broad sense. The farther we get away from our species into the physical universe the less relevant my perspective becomes. The whole idea of a human centered universe seems very biased and irrelevant to what maybe important on Alpha-Centauri.


God? Fuck God! Perhaps I would fuck myself into non-existence after having fucked my own mother before I existed so that I could come into existence. But who the fuck knows anyway?


Lasers day one! (Evil, Time Bandits) 😆


I would have done just as my Deist avatar believed. After having created everything--matter, energy, and all the physics governing the universe--I would have moved on to more important matters, leaving my creation to evolve on its own without my ever caring, interacting or even being aware of what became of it.



Even though there's a built-in assumption that there is or ever was such a thing, it's a tempting fantasy question. Based on what the latest version of a male god has done, I'd be forced to abdicate my position to the kindest, smartest, most generous female I could find.

Then just staying out of the way and not taking myself too seriously would **have to ** result in a better world than the one we have today.


I no longer can identify with a question of this nature. I have no thoughts of a make believe invisible being in the sky.


Anything different. There is no God that created the universe to begin with. What would I do if I was an imaginary fairytale being?🤔 That would depend on whoever wrote the fairytale and casted me as a god.


Make damn sure no one knew about me.


On every continent there would be multiple places where a fountain of molten lava gently flow up like a fountain and sublimes so no one is hurt, on the top of the flow there would be my book of rules and it would change languages depending on who reads it. If you stick a brannch in it it catches fire, but human and animals can not be hurt by it. It would also eminate audio of the complete book, heard in your head and audible out of your head.

Then everybody would be on the same page. This would go on until the end of days. Humans would need to find other reasons to enslave others or kill maim and torture each other.

But that would be a thinking god, not what we got!


We think we would be a "moral" God. I mean why even create a "hell", or allow evil and pain to exist? Unless . . . its all just entertainment! Eternity and omniscience might get a bit boring. Having planets with creatures on them could be like having a bug garden, fun to watch them, but also fun to fuck with them a bit now and then!

. . . . . or perhaps an ant farm. Then you could take a magnifying glass and torture them using the sun beams to burn 'em. 😆 Larry in western Kentucky


I would create to be the exact duplicate of heaven.


I think that God did it right. He said, "Let there be ye. Let there be world. Let us see what ye can do."

MrDMC Level 7 May 15, 2020

He did it right if he is playing with us like bug garden, just for his entertainment. But an all powerful, loving "God", is a contradiction to reality.


I would have just cut to the chase and made this Jesus.

Holy Sh!t! I did not know that is the way jesus looked. No wonder he always wore a long, white robe! 😉


My answer in a song:

Roger Waters' Déja Vu:

Yeah, I think that about says it all! 🙂 Good selection.


I'd stand back and watch as my "children" figured it out. I gave you a brain and freewill. Figure it out. Those that do, well, I'll consider keeping them.

And, by figure it out, I don't mean come to the conclusion that being a member of the right club (religion) is the key. Being a positive and enlightening influence and a credit to your species, and not a self-righteous, self-absorbed, nasty, judgmental a-hole would be a good start. When you get over yourself and be a decent person, I'll think about keeping you.

The word "freewill" is so fun! I created you, and the universe and you develop it. And you are completely free to do anything you want, you'll be tortured for eternity if you don't do what I want, but . . . freewill. Freewill? That's extortion, and only fools believe in that.

I never said I would invent anything like the Christian "Hell". If you are an a-hole, you just stay in your grave after death, or maybe get re-incarnated to try again, I dunno. But Hell would cost too much in resources and be pointless anyway. The existence of Hell would be just another example of what a judgemental, vindictive jack-a-- of a god I would be.

And there are no rules, except, don't be a jerk. No "...tortured for eternity if you don't do what I want", because I don't want anything, except 'Don't be a jerk'. Be a kind, ethical person. No burnt sacrifices, no tithing (I'm god, I don't need money), no churches, no moralizing.

Think, the libertarian god. Have fun, enjoy life, don't harm (or cheat, defraud, steal from...) anyone.


It's a meaningless question - like asking "what would you have done differently if you'd been The Ancient Mariner?". Well, I wouldn't have shot that albatross, for a start.

Sorry I posted such a meaningless question. Just thought some members might like to have a little fun with it. Sorry to have wasted your time.

@LetzGetReal I have neither.


No, things happened as they must or we would not be here discussing it now.


We are all our own GODS...that's it.


reminds me of some Jewish lore, wherein we are supposedly Yah's children in heaven in our previous life (or something), and we wanted to i dunno Do Stuff too or whatever, and Yah makes the universe for us to learn how, basically. Something like that.

Anyway, "I (Yah) said 'you (you) are elohim,'" so might be worth contemplating yourself as a god


I would not have located a snotty nose OVER a human's mouth! I would not have created the "recreation park" so close to the "sewer plant." I would not have made the sex organs part of the elimination system, since I knew daughter would be caring for fathers and sons would be caring for their mothers in their old age. I would not have created carnivores. No diseases, no insects, no tornadoes, no tsunamis, no earthquakes, and above all no deaths. Oh, and one other thing -- what's this thing about locating the exit of the bowel system at the bottom of where humans SIT, BETWEEN two big cheeks to squish EVERYTHING. Why couldn't it be located at the end of the elbow for example, where when you're old and in bed, you could just throw your arm off the side of the bed and into a pot! Not underneath where you're laying! Oh, yes, I would make THREE arms and hands so humans could read a book or text and hold a drink with the third hand all at the same time. That's all I got right now but I'll get with Saint Peter, John, Matthew, and some of my other guys and come up with some more stuff. 🙂 Larry in western Kentucky close to my ARK in case I send another FLOOD


Internal testicles

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