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Atheists and politics

Found this on Facebook. Thought it was worth sharing on here. Thoughts?

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Barnie2years 8 Apr 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I think there are probably more atheists that are progressive than not… If you don’t believe in God it’s likely that you are a proponent of the scientific method, that supports a progressive mindset...Sure there are exceptions but that doesn’t seem any more logical to me then being a theist. I realize saying this could piss some off but I believe it’s a minority. If statistics prove me to be wrong I would find that to be disappointing.

@Bobby9 because facts and reality matter.

@Bobby9 You have no profile picture or bio of any kind, you ask pointed random questions. I don’t feel like playing.

I can, get a bio and a profile pic, speak in full sentences like you want to have a conversation and don’t come across as a troll and I will. With no information of who you are in anyway whatsoever or what your position may or may not be I see no reason to sit here and just answer questions.


We have different political views on this very site. I would venture to say Wouldn't you?

trying to be diplomatic lol.

@sassygirl3869 Within a certain range I would say. I haven't been on that long, but I have not seen a lot of Trump support. Or maybe I just avoid those type posts. There certainly is a lot of issues to choose from, and I did see there is a Conservative Atheist group.

like I said trying to be diplomatic - I am a liberal political junkie.


Republican policies help make me a Progressive. My parents were born in 1918 and suffered through the Depression, they disliked Republicans as much as I do.

My father, who also grew up in the Depression, was a conservative Republican after he became successful. His father was a die hard Democrat. But in truth, the parties have done such a complete switch in their philosophies over the past century, I am not sure most people even know what exactly they are voting for. They have just been programed to go in the voting booth and pull the R or the D lever (or the equivalent, since voting machines are pretty much gone).

@Barnie2years I know exactly what I am voting against.

@jonds56 Bernie. His name is BERNIE, not Barnie!

@jonds56 so do I.


I think this is a good question for discussion. I would vote that atheists would tend toward being progressive. The scientific mind is persuaded by facts not opinions. Of course there are people on both sides of the social/political fence who twist the truth to fit their ideology. Still from my limited experience browsing comments in atheist groups, the ideas shared support the notion that we as a group are opposed to many negative views espoused by the right wing. I would be interested to read comments from other folks.


A-theists reject the idea of the existance of a god(s) or dieties. Other than that we are just normal human beings with all that that implies like everyone else.

I agree with you.


I would have to say for the most part atheist are more prone to be progressive for the same reason they are atheist and that has to do with intelligence and fear. Studies have shown you that if you are more intelligent you tend to be more liberal. A couple other studies indicated that conservatives react to threats and fear in different ways. I think there is a tie between intelligence and how you react to threats and fear but cannot point to any studies that support that belief.


Yes, of course atheists tend to be more liberal, since the alt-right base their hate stances on the Bible.


I am English so we don't have the same labels and i don't understand what they would mean to you or me. I vote socialist always.

As a socialist, you would definitely be on the Progressive side. In Britain, the Alt-Right would be perhaps the Tories or a neo-nazi group, if they are even allowed.

@Barnie thank you!


My motto is Vote Socialist and Vote often!

Wow, your not from Chicago are you? That's an expression there, I know I lived there....LOL

@buzz13. Nope..a traveled native to Chitown though..


It is not a Progessive who stand to be right or wrong, that is a fascist conservative transnational corporations view who want to indenturement and enslave us!

A Progessive see's the Moral and Ehtical reasoning for the greater good not just for the few wealthy, transnationall Corporations, bought and sold politician!


I am a progressive Democrat. Loosely defined as a Social Democrat.


It’s a shame there are only ‘two camps’ in the USA, though that’s what our system’s forced us into. I’ll support what I feel is right, or correct, over the ‘team’ that happens to include either party. Wanna see a shit storm, though, identify with one ..then disagree 😉

Varn Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

My parents were Dems, My grand parents were Dems..on both sides..My brother and I are DemSocialist..back when my folks were alive you'd be an embarrassment to the families if you Republican..My 3 oldest sibling voted Her Drumpf..cause you know he's white and MaGa..Yes I am Thoroughly embarrassed!


Most atheists that I know have a more left leaning political views and centerest views.

I’m an atheist and it has nothing to do with my political views.

@SuzieHarmon I agree with you.


Critical thinking is key. what happens when we are the majority should be interesting as then the greedy will be in our midst


Well I personally don't like the term progressive because it has tinges of regressivism, but I do think more atheist fall more to the left of the political spectrum. Obviously there are outliers and such but from real world experiences and from being online it seems that way.


I just read an article about how an increasing number of atheist men are gravitating toward anti-feminist and white supremacist spaces. I would think, however, that atheists would be more likely to be progressive. Socially progressive, at least. None of that biblical morality messing things up.

The link in the post takes you to an article dealing with that question. The vote on here is running 100% on the progressive side as of last check. Or maybe neo-Nazis and far Rights just don’t hang out on sites like this one where open discussions without name calling trolls are asked to leave.

The New Atheist ilk leans toward antagonism with a lot current progressive trends, this especially festers on YouTube & has driven me to be more of a apatheist in the face of my more progressive leanings.


Currently running for a special election for city council.


I dunno. I align personally with neither as a libertarian.


I dated a woman a few times who was a staunch Republican, a few dates in she told me she got hate messages on a dating site for being an Atheist so changed it to Other. Would that be an oxymoron?

No, just sad!


No political preference, both sides can and have been wrong on certain issues. Politics have become so corrupt it's not funny.

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