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LINK US coronavirus: Nation could see deaths in the 'multiple hundreds of thousands,' group says - CNN

The United States on Wednesday surpassed 150,000 recorded Covid-19 deaths -- a milestone that comes as the country's rate of daily coronavirus deaths is the highest it's been since the spring.

The first death in the US was reported on February 29. The country reached 50,000 deaths 54 days later on April 23 and 34 days later on May 27 crossed 100,000 deaths. It has taken 63 days to add another 50,000 to reach the 150,000 mark.

HippieChick58 9 July 29

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Opening schools will quickly dispel the idea that "only old people get it". watching a train wreck in slo-mo, only worse.


I looked at the morbidity rate early on at about 5% and figured that without a vaccine or competent leadership I expect about 40 million dead worldwide before it’s done.

I see no reason to change my number yet.


Yup, we will very likely pass two hundred thousand deaths from covid, and the number could go to double that before we can vaccinate enough people to achieve heard immunity. And this was totally avoidable, as the experience of other countries has shown. Trump has bungled this crisis BIGTIME!




We have a President whose strategy for controlling the virus is "Soon it will just disappear." We need a leader who will marshal the resources to defeat this virus.


If Trumpy gets a second term, and deaths continue at current rate, it could be more like 1.5 MILLION dead from corona!


The GOP and their supporters lost their shit over four deaths in Benghazi, but barely bat an eye at 150K in six months. I'm not trying to minimize the loss of the four lives, but it's obvious the GOP only gives a fuck about dead citizens when it's politically and financially beneficial to them.

dkp93 Level 8 July 29, 2020

With Trump and the Repubs running the show, worst case scenario is pretty much a given.If you're going to let a monkey drive your car, don't be surprised when there's a crash.

In fact, be surprised if there isn't.

If he wins again, I'll wager big on near or beyond a million before a vaccine (And more even after unless requirements are in force - schools, military, etc.)

@Beowulfsfriend This country won't survive him winning again. No matter how bad we think it'll be, the reality will be so much worse.


Fake news.

SCal Level 7 July 29, 2020

I think less the 300K @200

barjoe Level 9 July 29, 2020

That is how much damage the idiot Trump's incompetency has done.


one fact one funny


Largely because a majority of idiot Americans were so opposed to electing a female president that they would cast a vote for the fucking POS there now. Nice work people. NICE FUCKING JOB.

honestly she was not a good candidate to start with

@whiskywoman Right, the woman who was Secretary of State and had been in government for decades was much less qualified than a sociopath and reality TV host? Got it.

@ReadyforaChange I truly agree.
I have actually never heard of even one single thing bad about Hillary Clinton.
False accusations, that were long ago debunked, yes.
But one solid negative thing about Hillary?
I have not heard it yet.
Not yet.
Not one.

@bigjac Agreed. The worst thing she ever did, IMO, was not kick out her cheating husband when he humiliated her with a twit half her age. She still got my vote.

Hillary Clinton was superbly qualified for the job. Okay, she screwed up managing the Benghazi situation. But she didn't come close to all of Trump's screw-ups over the year. Moreover, she has good common sense and good mental health. As opposed to the pathological narcissist sociopath that we put in the White House. (Sorry, not "we" but rather "they." )

@ReadyforaChange i agree she was tenhundred times better than trump

only partly true-- she won the popular vote by 3 million. it was the electoral college that elected trump. But I will say that to all those midwesterners and southerners she came off like an aloof, elitist. perception is very meaningful. I also believe she screwed up in the one debate where trump stalked her on the stage while she was talking. she should have slapped him away and not put up with that shit. look all that said, despite being much more qualified to be president, she lost to a carnival barker, which showed she wasn't the right candidate for the Democrats.

@ReadyforaChange perfectly stated!

@bklynite53 She lost because she is female. Women cannot even get equal pay for equal work in this shithole country, you really think all those insecure little men would vote for a WOMAN??


The US population stands at 331 million plus at the moment. The death toll on an average is 923 per day. As it ramps up the death toll will rise. Nothing to look forward to.

The very telling factors are the new infections curretly over 50,000 per day and the positivity rate as high as 50% in some hot spots. The positivity rate needs to be below 10% to even begin normalcy.


Too bad trump can't die hundreds of thousands of times. If only he would have done something - ANYTHING - to fight the virus, but instead he used taxpayer money to buy up ventilators, confiscated more, refused to provide ANY national coordination on PPE, testing, tracing, or medical coverage. Spread disinformation, continues to do so, sabotaged the CDC, the list goes on and on.

It is a national tragedy and the disgrace of the administration.

@RussRAB Correction...ONE of the disgraces, the biggest one. I hate them all, hope every single GOP animal gets COVID and dies painfully. Fuck them all.


Did anyone look at the AAMC road forward? The people in the US following any of these recommendations? I wouldn't hold my breath. 😣


The trump virus could be the worst thing to hit the US in modern history, over 4 million casualties, 150,000+ dead, economic collapse, and it shows no sign of getting better unless you are a billionaire getting rich off the deaths and sickness of others.

Oh! I'm not a billionaire... duh, that's what I've been doing wrong! facepalm I'll rectify this and report back if I see any improvement!

I'm convinced enough of the 1% emerged from the crash of 2008 better off than before that they thought it might be worth a second go around. Mitt Romney suggested during tne initial stages of the Great Recession that we allow the wealthy to buy up properties and assets (at severely depressed prices) to dig us out of that time period. Steve Mnuchin made a ton of money kicking people out of their homes and taking their properties (and Trump rewarded him by making him Secretary of the Treasury). So a few hundred thousand of the 99% die or become disabled from this disease. With the GOP wanting to cut back on services for those unable to work, it won't mean much more of the US Treasury (or the growing National Debt thereof) diverted away for others when it could be available for them to pilfer.


Kindly read this in an old-timey voice

I like saying it with a slight British accent.

@ReadyforaChange I guess I could have also let the pendulum swing the other way and suggested people read it like Gordon Ramsey 😂😂

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