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How do you groom your downstairs? How do you prefer your partner?

Trimmed and tame, wild and free, smooth and shiny?

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 8

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Wild but clean.


I stay waxed, my preference.


Hire a pro to do it.

Lmfao beautiful!!!


I prefer myself and my partners to look like grown ups, not prepubescent children.

Get to a certain age and you will probably go bald. And of course if you get really vigourous you can rub yourself and your partner bald.

I recently shaved, for the first time ever, on a whim. So far, the only thing it did was to make it look a little longer, and itch.


I haven't got a downstairs , I live in a flat


I'm just here for the weird and awkward euphemisms.

My specialty!

@AMGT Thats hilarious!


A few of us were discussing this Friday at work with one of the urologists. It seems to us that young men (Millen. and perhaps some Gen X) are shaving everything but older men do very little grooming. The consensus is that they do it to make the penis look bigger? Optical illusion? Personally, not my cup of tea. Then we got on the topic of anus bleaching.....sheesh.....where does it stop? Can't one just dim the lights?

The anal bleaching right?!! I watched American Horror Story Hotel, and Kathy Bates was giving Liz specs on a guy (short version) and she says, “is anal bleaching a thing now? I wouldn’t know my asshole from a line up.” Best line I’ve heard in awhile.

@PinkPassion Kathy Bates is just the best. 😀

I knew one woman who used to get her young son to pluck the anal hairs out with tweezers.
Personally I think it was child abuse.


I trim up, but I don't shave anymore. My exes made me for so long. Little girls don't have hair, women do.

I agree. Seeing all these hairless men and women makes me shutter a bit. I get trimming but hairless? Nah. I’m a woman; not a girl.

@PinkPassion Yes, me too. My exes refused to have sex with me unless I shaved all the time. Once I broke up with the last one, I grew my hair back out. I do trim though.

@MrLizard It's my choice.

@MrLizard Thanks for your approval.

Can we please stop associating the personal choice to shave with a tendency towards paedophila? As I've already said on this thread, shaved adult genitals look nothing like pre-pubescent ones. The difference between women and girls (or men and boys) doesn't revolve around pubic hair.

Oh, and does this go for armpit and leg hair too? Or is it okay for women to try to make their bodies prepubescent in some areas but not others? Is there a strict 'so many inches from the vagina' rule in play here?

Ever performed oral sex on someone with ungroomed pubic hair, only to have hairs come loose and end up stuck in your throat? I have, and it totally killed the mood.

So shaved or neatly trimmed for me, thanks. Don't expect any enthusiasm from me of you've got an unkempt mess down there.


Hoover the the living room, mop the kitchen give the tv a dusting now and again and my partner gets to do the dishes

Very good!


I prefer, and keep, a well tended garded. Completely hairless can be weird but trimming and maintenence are perfectly fine and can make certain... err.... activities, more enjoyable for both.

Ahhh finally a voice of reason. Thanks

@Kojaksmom I do what I can. 🙂


Very carefully! I'm cool with either or. Trimmed or fluffy, lol. Of course I'm a child of the 70"s.


How? Very carefully.


Why does everyone want to look like they did when they were 13 ??

Men expect waxed buttholes because PORN.


Sadly, I admit my grooming habits have fallen by the wayside since my wife died ten years ago. A couple of years ago, a female friend from highschool days, friend requested me on facebook. She was a crush back then and after awhile had a date planned. I trimmed the downstairs just in case. Actually, hair trimmed or plucked from every orifice. Manicure and pedicure too. I have always worked at looking the best for my woman out of respect.
I prefer my woman neatly trimmed or shaved leaving a small area of tuff. It is nice to run my fingers through to find the prize. Clean shaven is nice for no hair ending up in ones mouth. Back in the day before a clean shaven woman started being a given, I had a little cringe like I was taking advantage of preteen girl. Maybe that's why I prefer some dressing to remain.


Neat and clean, just like I like a man's face. I just can't understand why men feel the need to have shrubbery all over their face. I once had wild sex with a man who was totally shaved. LOVED IT!


Normally I'm pretty creative when it comes to my lower manscaping and sometimes lower ladyscaping (if the lady involved is down for it) . Anything from lightning bolts to festive christmas trees, had a nice lopsided shamrock for St. Patrick's Day....and yes, I dyed it green.


Really? A completely untamed bush is perfectly fine with me. Preferable, actually.


When I was younger, I loved my Bush but these days bald as a babys butt is how its goes...guys 2.

@Davethecave That's fucking rude.


A landing strip is all the instruction one needs... lol


Trimmed and at least my partner should have a small landing strip. I do not like or understand this new trend of being totally hairless. We have hair in these areas for a reason. Being bald does not serve us in any way.


Like a cricket pitch ... without the stripes lool!

Generally trimmed .. anything goes here.. Within reason. I draw the line at animals wigs and tram lines.


Like lawn care, in general and for myself, I prefer the “let go and let god” approach to grooming combined with regular daily cleanliness. My partner may groom as she pleases and I’m always available to be helpful.


Au naturel et mon amis


Without any specifics, I'm amazed at how often and how soon this question comes up in online dating. I'm never the one to bring it up, either.

Lmao...right? And so many people respond! Hmmm...humanity...go

Hmm,,, first impression of looking down ones nose I've seen on here. Interesting?


Smooooth...and shiney..for all involved..especially men..

@MrLizard don't be so lazy..up keep takes no time! There Nothing worse than going to the dentist for a haircut.. takes no time!

@MrLizard lol..


I use a hoover! Oh! not THAT downstairs d'oh!

There are quite a few men who have ended up in hospital after using a vacuum. It is extremely dangerous and not recommended.

@Davethecave I had a friend pull a condom over his head so it came down just below his nose, he was then able to inflate the condom, by breathing out thru his nose, resulting in the most extraordinarily large cone head!

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