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A note to all of you who continue to doubt me (re: consciousness)

I have tried countless times to get some of you to see the light. That being we are consciousness and consciousness exists aside from our bodies as a fundamental part of actual reality. I wish to say to all of you - I told you so.

This is the paper from Dr. David Bohm circa 1952. In it he describes "hidden variables" wherein he shows that quantum potential is the factor that breaks down the waveform and that quantum potential is our consciousness. Thus explaining the double-slit experiment, Einstein's time dilemma, and even Schrodinger's cat. Brohm was blackballed by the physics community because of his ties to the communist party and subsequent refusal to testify in Congress during the McCarthy hearings. Despite NONE of his contemporaries (Einstein, Oppenheimer etc...) being able to refute Bohm's conclusions, they were all instructed to ignore him. Thus we have been ever-since mired in a mechanical, materialistic view of reality which doesn't seem to explain things on a quantum level. And it's wrong.

There is NO SUCH THING AS MATTER. We try to define things as objects and items when, in fact, they are ever-changing events happening in bigger events which are also happening in bigger events and so on. At the very smallest level possible there is ONLY consciousness. But that consciousness self-actualizes causing an actual distance that didnt exist before. The absolute smallest perceptible distance which is what leads to time and space both. This consciousness is the field or substrata upon which reality is written and interpreted by our brains. SInce this field is infinite it has no concept of space or distance. It's already there. Everywhere. ANd since there is no "distance" to travel between events there is also no such thing as time. To PURE awareness. But once that awareness gets squeezed into the human brain it is subject to the limits of the physical world at its' level. This is, ironically, the same theories proposed by the Indian rishis in the Upanishads 4,500 years ago. This is the point where physics and spirituality meet. This is the true nature of man - pure awareness. Tat tvam asi.

I told you so.


JeffMesser 8 Aug 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I will suppose that by dynamic reality or pure consciousness one refers to one or all of the following:

"Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, not through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection."—J. Krishnamurti, The Core of the Teachings []

"I would say that in my scientific and philosophical work, my main concern has been with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular as a coherent whole, which is never static or complete but which is an unending process of movement and unfoldment."—David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order []

"To interpret quantum physics properly, it is important to understand what we mean by
t (time) = 0. ...
Science tells us that the big bang is the t = 0 for the universe. I do not think this is correct. The big bang is 13.7 billion years old. ... So how do we explain t = 0? ... Any perception process must have the following two elements: 1. Subject or Observer; 2. Object or Observed. ... the question which must be answered is – what do we mean by an Observer? ... All perception takes place only in the mind. Even science agrees with this – the outside image falls on the retina, which is converted into an optical signal and sent to the brain for processing. Science never explains what happens after that but it does state that the final perception takes place in the mind. Also, science never explains who the observer of the image within the mind is. Who is watching the movie being played in the mind? ... According to Vedanta, Atma is the Observer which witnesses everything that is happening in the mind and we know the mind is full of activity. This Atma is the Real ‘I’ and it is our underlying reality. Atma is merely an Observer and it never influences, neither is it affected by what is happening in the mind. It is like a witness to a movie which is running in your mind. ...To locate the t = 0 for Atma/Observer let us study the external objects out there. ... You even watch your thoughts, they too take some time to form; they are not instantaneous. ... Atma is the Observer, so Atma is t=0 within you. This t=0 is beyond time, it is always ‘now’. ... If you look closely, you would agree that whatever we see out there is all dated or past stuff. The far away star is 1 million years old, the sun is 8 min old, the moon is 3 sec old, the plane in the sky is 300 milliseconds old, the tree outside my window is 10 microseconds old, and the computer in front of me is 1 nanosecond old. We do not see any ‘now’ objects where t = 0, we only see ‘memory objects’, which are no longer current. The universe is only made up of ‘memory objects’. It is just impossible to find a ‘now’ object in the physical universe. It must be understood that ‘memory objects’ means both living and nonliving objects. ... So where is the universe where everything is ‘now’ and where there are no memory objects? This is just not possible in the space time framework as we know it. ... The t=0 for all the memory objects in this physical universe is present within Atma/Observer in its ‘potential or seed form’. There is no actual universe within Atma, but only the potential to become the universe. ... " --Jayant Kapatker []physics-and-vedanta-part-14

except they have shown entanglement occurs at an instantaneous rate and not limited to the speed of light.empirically.

I presume 'instantaneous' means 'now' ... in that quantum phenomena have a particle aspect and a wave aspect, and their particles aspect is entangled to their wave aspect which is the source of all the strangeness of quantum phenomena. []


This might be relevant to your post. I don't claim to understand it although I read it. []


I don't claim to have an understanding of quantum physics. I don't know if you are right or wrong.


Hello jeff glad you are well. So which Dead thinker/philosopher/scientist are you making a mockery of today ?

i don't know ... which errant misconception of reality will you be hiding behind today?

@JeffMesser Ever thought of writing to a live one, and asking if your hypothesis has any relevance to their work ? Then you could post their reply.

@Fernapple you believe in newtonian physics yet you expect someone else's "expert" to be alive? try again.

@JeffMesser I can write to a acknowledged expert on Newtonian physics, or on the life of Newton himself. But that's beside the point because I am not proposing any hypothesis.

@Fernapple then do so. otherwise don't set standards for me that you're not willing to meet yourself. I say dynamic and no matter ... you say static and material. remove time from the equation and show me the theoretical physicists who believe that unyielding, unshrinking matter exists. You won't find them because the actual physicists know the dilemma I am citing.

@JeffMesser Sorry if not then, can you then provide the list of people who peer reviewed this hypothesis ?


I realize I may benefit from some scientific discoveries which I don’t have the education to understand. A new medical procedure, for example, may save my life, without my ever understanding how it did so. So I’m glad that science trudges on in fields above my understanding, and beyond my perception of need.

Meanwhile, I am at peace with my limited understanding, and feel that my needs are being adequately met, regardless of how the scientific method eventually resolves this as yet, as far as I can tell, unresolved question.

skado Level 9 Aug 22, 2020

"Jeff I am just fine with sticking my head in the sand and not registering reality" - thats what I am hearing.

You can belittle me for not caring, or you can teach me why it is so important that I understand. Which will it be?


What objective evidence do you have for your claims?


...I can not substantially add to the skepticism of others here ..only remain appreciative of their contributions, and my ability to associate with them ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 22, 2020

how about being willing to grow and learn?

@JeffMesser Done grown, and teaching for quite awhile now.. You?


Are you saying you are conscious after your body dies?

Who says so?

Dr. David Bohm, Krishnamurti, Sir Roger Penrose, and countless Hindus from 5,000 years ago to the present.

@JeffMesser And they have proof? They are not an authority on life after death. Just more believers trying to save themselves.

@nogod4me you cannot measure a dynamic system with static measures. I don't know how much more clearly this can be articulated. what about that don't you understand? we constantly come to this same sticking point and no matter how many times I say this you just don't seem to get it. you're asking for a frozen moment in time for something that is outside of time. Rishis saw this 5,000 years ago and people still don't "get it" today. As Krishnamurti stated "the observer is part of the observed". There is no objective vantage point independent of literally everything in order to make such measures. your request is an impossibility - just as we have discovered in the double slit experiment or schrodinger's cat. A different set of epistemological standards is necessary. This is why I keep begging all of you to study epistemology. Yet you wont. You just keep asking the same errant questions.

@JeffMesser What are we supposed to get from it? Why waste time with it?

Does your consciousness exist before you are born? What makes it stick in your body? Why should it leave after you die? Can't it just stay with the rotting corpse. Does it miss shopping? Does it miss having sex? Can it talk to other "consciousnesses" everywhere or is it limited to local ones. What holds it together? Is it free to do whatever it wants or is it governed by another force? Can it see, feel, hear, taste, or smell. Can it learn?

If we are going to get into the details of unsubstantiated stories we should know what unproven parts to accept and the unproven parts to reject, ...or we might get it wrong.

@JeffMesser People also believed in a great amount of other unscientific nonsense 5000 years ago. We have learned stuff since then.

@nogod4me have you ever meditated?

@JeffMesser Never meditated or medicated.

I'd rather read a book.


I'm OK just playin' with my dog, thanks

twill Level 7 Aug 22, 2020

A 'suggested interpretation' is far from proof or a basis of an arrogantly projected "I told you so." I applaud him for titling the paper properly. I have no issue with thought experiments. A lot of foundational science has come to fruition through this method of creative thinking, yet many remain simple thought experiments that have yet to be tested thoroughly enough to become widely held scientific theory.

you're missing the point entirely. Let me reprint from below:
We interpret the world around us as isolated, static objects and try to measure them as such for predictability. This static, mechanical, materialistic view of reality is reinforced daily by our observations and has been since this body was born. Unfortunately it's not accurate. We are in a constant state of change on ALL levels and space/time is merely a construct we use to measure travel from one event to the next. Or, more accurately, inside one "measured" spot in this big event to the next. This is newtonian physics. It works on THIS level, but breaks down at a quantum level because what we think is "matter" is not matter. It is constant movement. A DYNAMIC universe, not a static one. Our method of measuring things is useless on levels other than our present one because time and space change based on perceptive level - simply because we are part of the thing we are measuring. If we want a universal, predictive model we must accommodate a dynamic universe and understand that there is no such thing as matter. Only constantly changing patterns. That was Bohm's hypothesis - which explained Einstein's time dilemma as well as the double slit experiment of the waveform breaking down.


@JeffMesser Please explain how to make practical use of your hypothesis.

certainly. We interpret the world around us as isolated, static objects and try to measure them as such for predictability. This static, mechanical, materialistic view of reality is reinforced daily by our observations and has been since this body was born. Unfortunately it's not accurate. We are in a constant state of change on ALL levels and space/time is merely a construct we use to measure travel from one event to the next. Or, more accurately, inside one "measured" spot in this big event to the next. This is newtonian physics. It works on THIS level, but breaks down at a quantum level because what we think is "matter" is not matter. It is constant movement. A DYNAMIC universe, not a static one. Our method of measuring things is useless on levels other than our present one because time and space change based on perceptive level - simply because we are part of the thing we are measuring. If we want a universal, predictive model we must accommodate a dynamic universe and understand that there is no such thing as matter. Only constantly changing patterns. That was Bohm's hypothesis - which explained Einstein's time dilemma as well as the double slit experiment of the waveform breaking down.

Predict what?

@skado the dispersement pattern of "particles" traveling through the double slit.

@skado You are avoiding the issue. Give me a CONCRETE EXAMPLE of how your hypothesis can be of any PRACTICALl use.

Help me understand why, beyond idle curiosity, that matters so much to you.

I’m assuming you intended that to go to Jeff.

@skado, Correct, my apologies.
@JeffMesser You are avoiding the issue. Give me a CONCRETE EXAMPLE of how your hypothesis can be of any PRACTICAL use.

@PBuck0145 how does knowing how something in the universe actually works have a practical application? If the substrata of existence is something that may be altered by our awareness ... you wonder how that has a practical application? epigenetic healing? interstellar travel? the eradication of hunger and poverty? the potential is endless.

@JeffMesser A "CONCRETE EXAMPLE", please.


Sorry, I'm a material girl living in a material world.
When I start living quantum I'll give this hypothesis the attention it deserves.
It does seem to work great with quantum tunneling microscopes.
Just because we don't fully understand it doesn't mean that it follows that it's consciousness any more than it means it's God.
It's just projection from a mortal ego with ambitions.

never said it was a god, the god, or any god. that's the whole damn point. can't you guys see what's right in front of your faces? read the paper.

@JeffMesser How about no.

@Willow_Wisp sure. now you're just as obtuse and close-minded as the religious nuts you claim to oppose. congratulations.

@JeffMesser I'm a little sick of pushy people telling me to submit.

@Willow_Wisp perhaps as sick as I am of people refusing to open their eyes and see the truth?

@JeffMesser Seek psychological help.

@Willow_Wisp me? you're the one being delusional. seek your own help.


Most of us believe that without a body and brain that you have no consciousness. No one can prove otherwise without the intervention of all kinds of woo.

are you too daft to understand quantum potential even when it's laid out to you rather scientifically? all the way back in 1952 as well as 5,000 years ago? maybe your internal narrative needs some backdating?

@MissKathleen how is calling something "woo" in a flippant, dismissive manner any different than asking if someone is daft? it's not. if they can dismiss me then why not the reverse?

@MissKathleen Thank you.


e = mc2

and how does the speed of light stay a constant no matter what the velocity of the observer? this violates newtonian mechanical physics as we understand it. otherwise if we bounced a ball in an airplane it would shoot to the back of the plane at the velocity the plane was traveling. answer answer answer please.

@K9Kohle789 everything inside the plane is traveling the same velocity as the plane ... which means the speed of light should be altered to adjust to the velocity of the observer, but instead it's a constant. as if the person was completely still. which, of course, none of us are. we are all traveling the velocity of our planet and our solar system and our galaxy. it's a dilemma that has perplexed physicists ever since the Manhattan project. but a dynamic model resolves it and Bohm was Einstein's hand-picked successor. Problem was politics got involved because he had communist friends and was a member of a communist group in the 30's (as were many Americans). He refused to name names to Congress so they blackballed him. But the paper is a marvel and used by current physicists as a predictive method for the wabeform collapse of electrons upon observation as they encounter the double slit.

@JeffMesser That's a ridiculous question. In a plane you are travelling in a pressurised tube so the ball would behave as if you were standing still.
I was commenting on the statement "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MATTER". Of course there is. Energy and matter are interchangeable.
As for the conflict between Newtonian physics and Quantum physics, I don't think anyone wasting their time on this chat site could answer that one.

@Moravian from a static perspective there is no such thing as matter. you're still tied into this object-centric view. no object is matter. it is ALL an event. atoms pop out of nowhere and have a half-life. how does your universe of mechanical principles account for that? it doesn't. there is no matter. they will keep using static measures to find something (the god particle) at Cerne yet they will never get to the very smallest instance where it all begins because there is no static "piece' of matter. only an event that cascades into bigger events resulting in the objects we define as matter because our perceptions don't note the decay rate over time. if you could sit in one spot and hold a rock for a few billion years it would eventually disappear. our own finite existence taints our observation of it making us think it is solid much like we THINK that ball in our hands while we're on the plane is being still. It is not, we are not, and matter doesn't exist.

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