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My mother says I'm going to hell.

Storm1752 8 Jan 25

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Ask her if they serve Martini's there? When she tells you, "No," tell her you have no intention of going there.


There's definitely a song about that.

There should be, at least. Something country, I would think.

@GeorgeRocheleau Definite Honky Tonk.


Is that you reporting your mothers warning or is it her telling you "I am going to hell" because she has been naughty?


When I was in school (too many years ago), I came across a late 1800s printing of a witch's spell book at a book show. It was serious -- it had 10 or so truly useful spells like one I still remember was 'To Make Your Lover See Your Rival's True Odious Nature'.

I never tried any of them. They all took months of preparation. You first had to make your magic brasier and your magic knife (athame) and so forth.
And of course for me it would just fail in the end because I didn't believe hard enough. But it was a fascinating look at how some people really thought.
There was a spell for how to summon a demon but it had a safety warning not to ever try it. It said no normal person would be able to handle a demon and it would kill you. Ha, ha I guess.

Then one day my mother happened to visit -- and a week or two later I noticed the book was gone from my apartment. She never said a word and I didn't accuse her of stealing it, but I'm sure she died years later thinking she'd saved me from the nasty forces that children sometimes are exposed to in the evil world.
The episode never caused any noticeable friction in our relationship but I have to admit I never entirely forgot it.

When you get right down to it, xtians are usually more delusional than atheists -- they're the ones who believe that stuff is real.
Maybe the spells would have worked for her -- I don't know.

Maybe she was the demon...


Not sure why so many xtians think they need God. They create heaven, determine the membership requirements, and determine who gets in, as if they were sitting on a condo board. Any chance they're nervous because they can't measure up to their own standards? I've been trying to verify the claim, but I once heard that Mark Twain said he didn't want to go heaven because he wouldn't know anybody there.


Do you smoke cigars & drink whiskey??
I'll save you a seat at our table over by the "lake of fire"!!!
😈 🥃🥃🔥🔥🔥


My mother told me I was going to college ( with GI Bill and paying my own way ) cuz I was too lazy to get a job.

I threw her out of my life.

After i graduated I let her back in but nothing was the same.


I’m pagan and believe wholeheartedly in Karma! But what purpose would eternal hell serve? Non-eternal Karma serves to keep people on track for the future. Christian hell is like life (or eternity!) in prison for stealing a candy bar.
>>. Besides- a Presbyterian Minister told me once (and he respected my faith) that “Hell is simply the absence of God”. I like that quote best of any Christian quote ever.


Non-Christians can't go to hell . Satan or Lucifer was an angel . He rebelled against God , so was cast out of Heaven . God had to be the one who created Hell . If God doesn't exist , then he could not have created Hell . If God doesn't exist , then Hell doesn't exist . Only those who believe in God , have a Hell to go to .


What a pity that it makes your mother feel better to think that.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 26, 2021

She didn't care about that

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 25, 2021

Just say "sure mum", and give her a big hug. Cause whatever way she expresses it, she loves you.


To wit, it’s gotta be better than this....


Since she offered you her unsolicited opinion, perhaps you should engage her in a scholarly discussion as to what "Hell" means to her, and then challenge her assertions with references from history.

Sometimes, people need to have their noses rubbed in it real good in order to have them shut up, mind their own business, and to live and let live.


No love like a ...


Hell, hmmmm
You are already there!!! You have to go through hell b4 you get to Heaven....


Sounds like a wonderful lady! Lol


U will have a very difficult time finding your way there -
as "hell" is merely a deviant mental conception & construction of the "church" -

as such tell her she need not worry 🙂


What do you think?


Well, I hope Hell is not a boring as Heaven.


What did you do to your mother, to make her mad at you?


he who digs a pit for others to fall into ends up in it himself
and Gehenna is on earth! 🙂
so, sorry. for your mom.


hopefully they have a good sweat lodge lol


Any reason why?

Because I told her Jesus Christ is a lie dreamed up by the Romans.

@Storm1752 Actually Jews, not Romans originally proclaimed Jesus the Son of God.

@Alienbeing Not ACTUALLY so, the Jews, even to this day, DENY that this Jeebus character was either the 'Son of God' or the Messiah.
In Actual and Historical FACT there ARE no records of a Jesus ( Yeshua son of Joseph) having ever existed or being executed by the Romans.

@Triphid I said ORIGINALLY. Note that ALL of Jesus' deciples were fellow Jews. Therefore Romans didn't "dream it up" Jesus' deciples did.

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