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LINK Capitalism Is A Misanthropic, Dystopian Religion

Capitalism is a misanthropic, dystopian religion. By "capitalism" I mean this or any other possible system wherein mass-scale human behavior is driven by the pursuit of capital. By "religion" I mean organized collective faith-based belief system.

In times past the dominant religions had names like "Christianity" or "Islam", which were used to promote doctrines that shaped societies, dominated civilizations, and built entire empires. Theocratic institutions labored on behalf of the powerful to bend entire continents to their will, using narratives about beneficent invisible deities as cover. Nowadays the dominant religion is called capitalism, and the theocratic institutions are called governments, and the beneficent deity is called the invisible hand of the market.

In the old religions, people would gather once a week in a building to be indoctrinated by clergymen. In the new religion the clergymen come to indoctrinate you right in the comfort of your own home on screens showing news, TV shows, and Hollywood movies.

And capitalism, like most other religions, has a very bleak view of humanity. Its most vocal zealots talk a lot about "human nature", which they insist is greedy, self-centered, and competitive.

This belief, like other religious beliefs, is based entirely on blind faith, and it is false. The belief that humans are inherently greedy, self-centered and competitive only feels true to someone who is greedy, self-centered and competitive. As EW Howe said, a thief believes everybody steals.

HippieChick58 9 May 9

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I often argue that the mental illness/homeless crisis is a result of capitalism which fails those that can not compete. The right blames socialism as if San Fransisco is socialist. It may aspire to be but is a far cry from the ideal. Socialism would provide tax monies on a federal level which it once did until RAYGUN gutted the programs. Thanks again RePUDlicans.


It's God is Greed.


Blind adherence to any ideology, whether political, religious or economic can make it appeaR to be similar to a total system ideology (one which purports to explain and include everything). In fact, capitalism, in and of itself, is not a total system ideology.


Your last paragraph just about sums it all up. It is also true that a thief believes everybody steals. This is reflective of our current state of things.


nice imo, ty 🙂
we've outed the sexual predators; maybe it's time to (finally) out the financial ones?
(not) Federal, (no) Reserves...ty, Rothschilds


Socially responsible, classical liberal capitalism is practiced in the Nordic nations, and in Switzerland and Israel. It is not a "s a misanthropic, dystopian religion", and declines to comply with your definition.

Those countries merely have some decent domestic reforms. However, the wealth that funds these reforms comes from the exploitation of the countries of the Global South.
Capitalism is never merely a domestic system. Each country's domestic capitalism is based on its place in international capitalism.
Capitalism is based on expansion and international capitalism requires the exploitation of the countries of the Global South which started in the age of colonialism and slavery. The manner of this exploitation has changed but it still continues in different forms.
This abuse of the Earth and its subject peoples is what makes capitalism dystopic.
And the rationalisations for capitalist expansion, called Neoliberal theory, is just as fanatic as any religion and even more murderous.

@Krish55 To any rational, objective thinker, "Capitalism" is no more a pejorative than is "Socialism". A successful society needs the best elements of both.

@PBuck0145 The latter half of your reply refers to market incentives and aspects of free enterprise. You are correct. Both of those are important.
However this acknowledgement does not negate the inherent destructive and exploitive nature of capitalism.
The synthesis of both of these apparently opposing truths is that the replacement of capitalism must indeed incorporate such free choices while eliminating the inherent destructive defects of capitalism.

Excuse me BUT READ the Talmud and the Law within it that STATES quite clearly and succinctly that " A person of Jewish/Hebrew Blood may NOT profit from any loans made to a Fellow Jew/Hebrew but can Lawfully and by Talmud Law make as much profit as possible from ANY and ALL loans made to Gentiles and the like."
Now, please tell me there is NO capitalism in Israel or the Hebrew/Jewish religion.

@PBuck0145, @Krish55 good luck searching this i guess, but Lincoln's (real) "greenbacks" caused a rennaissance in the middle of a civil war; which btw some Rothschild effnard openly threatened him with, if he chose to not comply with the central bank charter--is what i recall reading anyway

("and mr lincoln will find himself in a most unfortunate civil war" a search of this phrase used to reveal the specific rothschild, and the newspaper it was printed in; all Zucc'ed away now i guess)

"Lincoln's Greenbacks" might get one there sideways...
"The Suppressed History of American Banking: How Big Banks ...[] › book
Sep 17, 2016 — How Big Banks Fought Jackson, Killed Lincoln, and Caused the Civil War ... Reveals how the Rothschild Banking Dynasty fomented war and ... who had riled the banking family by having state banks issue "greenbacks".
Missing: resistance ‎| Must include: resistance

The Suppressed History of American Banking | Book by ...[] › Xaviant-Haze
Based on Taylor's suggestions Lincoln intentionally insulted the Rothschilds by authorizing Congress to print the greenbacks as full legal treasury tender. Lincoln ...
Missing: resistance ‎| Must include: resistance

Lincoln, Money, Greenback, JFK, Kennedy, Edmund D. Taylor ...[] › pridger › lincoln › lin-ken
The Lincoln Conspiracy, for all its revelations, is silent on the greenback money controversy. ... Rothschild Brothers were then the great money kings of Britain. ... with its treasurer, will on the strength of such security, furnish national currency to ...

The Civil War was not to end slavery, it and the War of 1812 ...[] › forum › history › 1133922...
Nov 20, 2010 · 10 posts · ‎10 authors
... banl, and printed the 'greenback' based strictly on the strength of America. ... Abraham Lincoln worked valiantly to prevent the Rothschild's ...

@Triphid Why? I explicitly stated that Israel is one of the socially responsible, classical liberal capitalist states.

@Krish55 Capitalism does not need to be "replaced". Crony capitalism and corporatism need to be replaced with socially responsible, free market capitalism.

@PBuck0145 You are only concerned about domestic problems.
You are ignoring the destruction that capitalist expansion has on the environment.
You're ignoring that capitalism has led to imperialism and war in the search for resources and markets.
Those problems innate to capitalism.
The countries you cite have nice domestic programs but still contribute to these two major problems.

@PBuck0145 ISRAEL, "a socially responsible, classical liberal capitalist state," you say.
ISRAEL, the country that was STLEN from the Palestinians in the late 1940's.
ISRAEL the land that ONLY EVER existed in the imaginings of the writers of Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy.
Yes, it IS responsible, RESPONSIBLE for the NEEDLESS DEATH of THOUSANDS of INNOCENT PALESTINIAN Children, Women and Babies.
ISRAEL about as liberal with its HATRED of everyone else as the U.S. is with its GIFTS of Weapons to ISRAEL.


Yeah total worship of money, the worst way


Couldn't have said it better...

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