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Has anyone tried a home DNA kit?

Did you find out anything interesting? I found out 6 to 8 grandparents ago one of my grandparents was 100% west African. Estimated to have been born around 1710-1800. It hit me shortly after reading the results that they must have been a slave. My father's family is darkish olive skinned and the family story was that in the 1700's one of my ancestors married a native American. Problem is there was no native American DNA in my profile. I'm guessing the story was started to cover up a bi-racial baby? Anyone have any good stories they uncovered?

BrightTyger979 6 Apr 16

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To update my previous post, I just sent in my Ancestry sample in hopes of meeting more relatives since it is more popular with people interested in geneaology


Sounds about right. My grandmother on my father's side used to have a tobacco plantation in the family. Their go-to story was that we were part Cherokee. Well we had all of my grandparents tested and she did not have a drop of native american dna, but the 4% African was there. It was funny because she's pretty racist at times. Still there's some family that are in denial.

😮 funny


My search started with an interesting story: my mother was given up for adoption in 1946 at the age of 9 months because her birth mother's husband came back from overseas and demanded she do so since he had been gone too long to be the father. Birth mother claimed father was an incarcerated native american. Since my mother had coal black hair and I have olive skin, it was believed.

except we are 99.99% white.

My mother was born in a town that has a population of under 1000 today. Much smaller then. The surname of the couple that adopted my mother was Cox.

One of my DNA cousins had an uncle with last name of Cox. Same general area
It is possible my mother was adopted by her own father. Who had black hair.


I did 23 and Me. I found out that I'm only about 70 percent Polish/Eastern European, with almost all the rest being European of some sort (Scandanavian, Finnish, etc). The biggest surprise for me was that I am a small percentage Native American, which I didn't know.


I used 2 differrent companies & they each came up with mostly but not all of the same results. I might try a 3rd company & I don't care about the rights to my DNA.


My test was done by National Geographic years ago. It identified my Haplo Group and traced its origins in Africa to the 'Mitochondrial Eve' 150,000 years ago.


I just got my results today. Turns out I am just about entirely Celt. Fascinating stuff!

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 16, 2018



I want to but it worries me allowing a company to have my DNA when the government can make them hand it over.


No because I don’t want to give away my rights to my DNA . Which you do with most home DNA kits


What can they do with it if they get it?


I have mentioned numerous times here that the commercial DNA tests are for "informational purposes only". In fact, if you pay for several different ones (I paid for 23AndMe and myHeritage), they will show different things.

My father could have registered for inclusion in one of the Native American tribes (I don't remember which one), however both my sister's and my tests showed no Native American. My original DNA test showed I was 75% Scandinavian while my sister's test showed she was predominantly French. The differences were so different that I paid to have a professional sibling test done. We are in fact, full siblings.


I'm sure that I'm a mutt. Besides, I'm not letting anyone have that info.

Part of me wants to take one, but then I can't because I don't trust it.

@Browneyedlady yes, they sell you the kit and then sell the info to a third party.

All of all of this.


Yes, I used a DNA kit and discovered some DNA companies are illegally eliminating some races, especially the Native Amerians from North America.
My brother's DNA, using the same company, shows Nigerian ancestry. Mine didn't.
I I learned that fathers/sons DNA goes further back several generations back compared to womens/daughters.
With every child born from the same parents, the DNA tests combines unique patterns of genes. So what showed up in my brother's DNA didn't show up in mine. In fact he is "more Italian" percentage wise than I am?! Remember though the DNA companies are still in its infancy and blood DNA test are a lot more accurate compared to saliva/tissue samples.
Jamesd: question - How does Mexican lineage shows up if a person's DNA shows it's from, for example, Nigeria?


West Africa would be the Moors. The Moors conquerred Spain and lived there for several centuries untill Ferdinand and Isabella reconquered Spain. West Aftican blood means you probably have a Spanish (Mexican) ancestor.


I've had mine done. Plus done a lot of genealogy. Family stories about both sides say there's native America. My DNA says there's no native American. UK and Western Europe, mostly. Some eastern Europe. Made me wonder if Ancestry didn't just rely on my tree that I'd already submitted. I list no native Americans on my tree, but the family stories and people at family reunions have native American features.

When I was in elementary school , my parents had to fill out forms which , if your ancestry included Native American , meant the schools were given more money from the government . I remain suspicious , because that is the only time I ever heard any kind of talk about there being any Native American , in our family history .


I was part of a 'study' that provided a DNA test. It was very basic, but it was free. I DID find out that there is a small percentage of Native American blood in my family. I heard stories growing up that we had Native American blood, but I figured it was just 'wishful thinking.' But I am encouraged to do another test, just to see if the percentage changes. More than likely, I will utilize's DNA test on the off chance that I will be able to 'connect' with others withn my family tree. The rest of the results were pretty much what I expected.


No, I've never tried it.


I did it, and found that I am Scots/Irish, Wil a little e Viking mixed in. I know we it, but fun to have it confirmed. I'm in the process of tracing my family back to where they were from in Ireland and Scotland.


I've been interested in trying it. My family on my dad's side published a book in the 1930s that traces our family back to the time of Henry the Eighth, but records are much sketchier on my mom's side. There was talk that there might be Native American on mom's side. We know Scotch-Irish, English, French and German, but what unknown relative got under the fence? Who knows?


Yes. Both my wife and I did the DNA ancestors test. Nothing surprising. Interesting though. Opens lots of discussion within the extended family. Especially the % Neanderthal DNA that showed up.


Yes. Both my wife and I did the DNA ancestors test. Nothing surprising. Interesting though. Opens lots of discussion within the extended family. Especially the % Neanderthal DNA that showed up.


I sent my test kit in for analysis last week, a 57th birthday present to myself. My family has deep roots in Canada and my mother is blonde haired and blue eyed but her siblings have a very dark complexion and native features but they insist there is no native blood in the family, naturally I am curious about my genetics. My father was adopted in the 1930's and there is no paper trail on his roots so I would also like to know about that side of my bloodline. I studied Life Sciences in the 80's so I am doubly curious.


Yes, I've had mine tested. Originally at the request of a fellow Ancestry user/friend/potential cousin who wanted to know if I was from the English or Dutch side of our family surname. My dad always thought it was the English side but as I started researching I found that it was probably the Dutch side and then the DNA test confirmed that. As you've discovered, my only caution would be to those who might not want to find out anything "surprising".


Very interesting, @brighttyger979. I have not yet, but I want to.


I kind of feel like this is a government plot to gather our DNA.

Are there any other conspiracy theories you also believe?

@BlueWave Many yes. Not every single one that comes up the pipe and I do a lot of homework before believing anything and everything. I believe 9/11 was an inside job, but don't believe Reptilians are breeding with politicians and royalty to make freaky alien babies.


Interesting article about Mexico's mixed up genealogy:

I was aware of the Manila connection from a visit to the museum in Cuernavaca which is in a castle Cortez had built there.

My son is Mexican and has a lot of mixed blood, even an african connection through the Mascogos who are an afro-descendant group in Coahuila, Mexico. Centered on the town of El Nacimiento in Múzquiz Municipality, the group are descendants of Black Seminoles escaping the threat of slavery in the United States.

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