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Name something men need to stop doing.

Name something men need to stop doing

factorbelief 6 Apr 17

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Scratching thier testicles.

It's complicated down there, things need freeing up.

@LenHazell53 let your wonan do it for you ?


I recently got a private message of "pffffffffft!" when I responded to a man's request (his first contact with me, mind you!) to know where I lived, and I replied that "I prefer to be a little vague about exactly where until I get to know someone better." I wish men would get over that idea that they are entitled to an answer to their requests, even if it makes a woman uncomfortable or in actual danger to comply.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 17, 2018

That would be the Last man I would tell where I LIVED, disrespectful & uncaring at best,, YOU DID GOOD!

Yes please don't confuse being a man with being a creep, he was obviously the latter, personally I think you behaved in exactly the right way and the way I would have behaved had the roles been reversed.


Thinking they're better than women


Hanging those plastic bull testicles under the rear bumpers of their pickups. Two weeks ago I saw the beginning of a new trend. A guy hung two automotive engine pistons and connecting rods under his rear bumper. I wish I could have shot a photo for the Meme group that said " I knew this guy wasn't hitting on all cylinders".

A friend of mine ask me what's going on with truck nuts? Why is there no penis? I told her that if there ar a pair of testicles under the truck obviously the dick is inside.

Know what you mean. Here in South Africa we have a provinceal Rugby team called the Blue Bulls.

@JimG That's too funny!

@farmboy2017 Cape Town actually . Supporters hang them from thier towbars

If there are nuts hanging out the back you can be sure there is a dick behind the wheel. We started saying that here in Alberta when those things started being hung on tow bars and bumpers. Within 6 months they all vanished, I haven't seen anyone with them on a vehicle in over a year.


I don't think that's fair. Not all men do things that could be considered "bad".
Some men should just stop breathing (some women, too). That certainly doesn't apply to all of them.
I like most men. I think many of them are pretty freakin' awesome.
NONE of us are perfect.

Can you cook ?

@MrLizard but can you cook ?

@VAL3941 Yes, I can cook.

@MrLizard Thats what I like to hear. Self sufficient.

@MrLizard You need a husband, not a wife ? ( smile )

@MrLizard "going steady" is an excelllent mind-set!

@MrLizard well, if you really enjoy someone, you make each other very happy, but want to live in your own house, not interested in getting married At All, over child-bearing age (a bunch!) But want to be exclusive, what would you call it?


Being violent, raping, molesting, trying to tell women what to do and so on.


Voting for politicians who only represent their big corporate donors.


Solving problems for women.


Mansplaining is my pet peeve, although I know women who "splain" also. I wish people would ask if I'm familiar with a particular topic instead of launching into a lecture about it.


Stop hiding your feelings behind "ug me male and tough". Say what you freaking mean already


Stop posting dating website profile photos of you from the 1970s. If your age is 60, don't show an orange-tinged photo of a young man in bell-bottoms covered in peace symbols.

Bwahahahahah! so true!


People should let people be themselves.

I like how that sounds, but some people don't act like people.

@nvrnuff The second part of that (which I omitted for brevity's sake) is: "...and subsequently orient themselves accordingly."

I don't tell anybody what to do. I let people be themselves, and if I don't like what they do, I adjust myself in relation to them--usually by applying distance. I don't want anybody telling me how or who to be--and I don't want anyone else to not be themself.

In close relationships, I set boundaries and give people the choice of whether they wish to be in relationship with me. Still not telling anyone what to do--just saying, "That doesn't work for me."

There is a certain baseline level of such unhealthy boundary-concept socialized into most people (in my whitebread, American) society that many people are freaked the fuck out by this clear, simple, and direct approach--and they end up distancing themselves or blowing up the relationship rather than face the reality that we can--amd should!--take control of our personal social spaces.


Making major societal decisons wtihout contemplating the effect at least 7 generations down the road.


Spitting on the sidewalk

  • Stop trying to sleep with me when you're married/dating a woman.
  • Stop treating women like objects
  • Stop treating their children like obligations

Stop being so aggressive. We get it: you need to prove to your peers that you're an alpha male. Just stop trying.


Stop trying to give directions when you obviously have No Idea!!! Would it kill you to say, "sorry, I don't know"?????????????


I've got nothing. I just came to read the comments.

...and have free popcorn.

Enjoy. Add to your knowledge.



Again, would someone please tell me what this non existent word is supposed to mean?

If you don't understand it, you can always look it up. 😀 (see what I did there, lol)


@LenHazell53 'nonexistant' I think you mean 'purposefully denied because how dare we point out flaws in manliness?'

@LadyAlyxandrea Oh I am sorry, seems I was wrong "mansplaining" has entered the dictionary, in February this year, it is still etymologically ridiculous, inherently sexist and lexicographically nonsensical. To say nothing of being redundant when the word "Condescending" is perfectly adequate, can I then assume you would be happy for me to describe your answer as Femisplaining?
You see the reason I would not do that is unlike you I am not a sexist pratt!

@LenHazell53 really because every word you said was pretentious and full of pompous asshole-ness. Guess what? It does exist, and the men who do it are sexist. I guess it's easy to pretend you aren't sexist


treating women as unequal


Stop belittling women.


Stop using your vehicle as a symbol of your sexual drive.

@Reikodriver1981 it's true that's why I stay away from men who drive pickup trucks! Lol just kidding

I drive a Towncar. What does that say?

Yeah, those can be what I refer to as 'surrogate rigs'! I drive a 2 door truck. Nothing egotistic going on with mine but I know what you're talking about!🙂


Anything detrimental too any being or place.

Coldo Level 8 Apr 17, 2018

Scratching their balls in public - just a thought 🙂


Stop being overly sensitive.


Trying to be sensitive to third wave feminism, when even the majority of Feminists and women generally think it is bullshit.

Didn't know therd was a first wave ?

@VAL3941 their definition not mine
1st wave feminism Women's lib 1940-1970
2nd wave feminism women's rights 1970- 2000
3rd wave feminism Militant feminism, man hating and superiority over equality 2000- onward

Of course none of this takes in to account real feminism from the turn of the twentieth century suffragettes which is a disgusting omission and now leads more to the idiotic snowflakes like so called "Big red" and her ilk who would scream rape and oppression if a male dog licks them.

These third wavers are a disgrace to a cause I have been involved with since the age of eighteen and have made the word feminism a label of shame and ridicule.

@LenHazell53 So lets start a 4th wave ?

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