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Well done & timely! #StayWokeBitches!


Awesome !!! "Become" some fucked up dystopia lol 😉



WOW! There goes online dating lol

@kenriley I aim to please 😉


#staywokebitches. 😀


Gotta love Jordan Peele and along those lines, Trump needs to get the fuck out!

so he is worse than obama?
you forget many saw Clinton as worse than trump as well


Whoa-glad he let them do this. Good guy

Excellent man, with a sharp sense of satirical humour. "I would never say these things - at least not in public"


Technology is both a blessing and a burden. It is frightening to see such a clear example of personality fraud. Perhaps, it is time to seek a clarifier of reality, but how will we know if they too are not corrupt?


I could tell by the mouth region that it wasn't him...but it wouldn't be hard to fool most of america with shit like biggest worry, is that this is going to be a 'I didn't say that' defense. Ugh.



Hah! My immediate first thought as started in with how people can manipulate messages, I figured this was going to be the case. Nice setup.

godef Level 7 Apr 18, 2018

Love the example. All politicians and super wealthy are going to need a forensic science team to protect them from the B/S.


I wonder if the emergence of this tech will lead to pretty much any recorded video being questioned, and by extension lead to more live events. For now, the time to process the images is a limiting factor, and it's doubtful it could be done without a significant delay.


What is a trusted news source? Corporate media showed no skepticism about the WMD threat when they joined the drumbeat for war with Iraq.

JeffB Level 6 Apr 18, 2018

So then you disbelieve everything?

@LadyAlyxandrea disbelief is different than automatically believing. I'm a bit skeptical. If it agrees with my own ideology I tend to be more skeptical.

On the media in general, I would recommend the book Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herrmann. There is a film about the book that is also good. All a little dated at this point. FAIR (fair and accuracy in reporting) does a lot of reporting on the media which demonstrates their bias. And yes, I didn't just believe those sources ether.


Banana, banana, banana, banana, banana.


This that fake one ?



Fux Noise has been putting words in his mouth for years.
Or deleting words.
Example: When Obama was runing against John McCain in the 2004 campaine. Obama made a statement that he was going to visit all fifty-three states and territories. The ass holes at Fux deleted the word territories. They then ran a news clip of him stating how stupid he was saying there were fifty-three states.


This all started with a rather clever company formed in the UK by some smart computer programmers and graphics folk. It touted its wares to some film companies, and Bingo!
More and more innovative folk are pushing it to greater and greater heights.
We'll all have to revert to reading newspapers that are not controlled by, for example, any corporation with Murdoch in it.
Fox news is definitely out!
Think I'll stick to Al Jazeera - it's unpopular with BOTH sides in many countries, because it insists on not suppressing stuff, without being sensational.


Looked like he had an abscess in his left cheeck

Yeah it did.

He just went to the dentist. Can’t you tell? lol


I love this. And so miss the Obamas in the WH.So much intelligence so little drama.


Wow! Obama does a mean Jordan Peele impersonation!



Coldo Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

Technology is getting to freaky for an old bastard like me

@jioo087 right. As soon as the ice gets off the water....Spring is coming late here this year


I knew it wasn't his voice, but how many people would be convinced that it was?

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

well wacky!


Fucking brilliant! Thanks for the post. 🙂

Thought you all would be interested.


We need critical thinking lessons in schools. Perhaps now more than ever.

Never give the slaves the tools to overthrow you.

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