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Anti-racism: the latest religion.

PBuck0145 7 Sep 7

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Love John Stossel’s work. Echo these sentiments and to think, the lead priest of the wokist religion, Ibram Kendi, cannot even give a good definition for “racism.”


That has been going around for literally years, but yes, it's still fucked up and OVERTLY racist.


When I was younger everybody talked about "what are you going to do when they want to live here in our areas with you?" Of course, "they" meant black people. Other races fall in right after blacks to be considered in this bigoted and biased cesspool of thinking. The haters and the ignorant always come in to stir the pot. What I have learned mostly is that none of those people are really my friends. My message is do not fall for the crap.


John Stossel's stock in trade is to dress up his shallow, eighth-grade understanding of social issues in the garb of journalism and sociological analysis. But it is neither. It is an apology for the patriarchal, white-privileged system we have lived under for 400 years and that he now feels is being challenged.

Ad hominems are evidence of nothing. The modern day cry of "White Privilege" is analogous to the ancient chant of "Burn the Witches"!!

Challenged how? Are all outcomes race-based because that is the core of Kendi’s hypothesis


Actual racist propaganda by the whitest snowflake ever

He has one of the whiniest white man voices ever.

I want to stick an icepick in my ear.

I dislike Tucker more.
Though I doubt either one of those would take their ball home in a fight against a couple sturdy 5th grade Ohio girls

@BufftonBeotch Guess that’s the slight difference between us, I would prefer to thrust an ice pick in his ear 😎


This is clearly a political post, why is it under philosophy and meaning. This seems like a half ass attempt to provide exposure for blatantly racist far right talking points and avoid as much immediate backlash and scrutiny as possible.

domos Level 7 Sep 8, 2021

Some of the posts from the source also approaches InCel.

@BufftonBeotch I see.

Sounds like classic alt-right recruitment and persistence tactics. Making sure they're talking points are persistent/ubiquitous enough as to not be easily dismissed by being unfamiliar or easily associated with easily identified right-wing extremism.

It could be a bot account or a drone user.

@creative51 so a drone user then?

@creative51 a drone user is an individual who intentionally or unintentionally participates in a disinformation/trolling campaign.

Specifically, they engage in platforms to represent controversial or offensive views and consistently engage in light discussion. Typically enough activity to distinguish them from an automated system.

Any extended participation generally serves the purpose of toxifying the discussion or community with methods of escalation such that individuals who might be moderate on the issue would choose not to engage.

Think of a drone user as a type of trolling.

@creative51 no prob. I think the term drone troll is better.
After all it's basically trolling in service of a conspiratorial agenda.


John Stossel is possibly the whiniest, self important white man that has ever existed.

I suppose his guest speaker is too???

And people recently immigrated from the Ukraine owe "reparations" for slavery?

He totally nailed it!!

@Normanbites White people who immigrate to America from Ukraine take advantage of a system that, partly due to slavery, disfavors black people and other minorities. They are immediately placed in an educational system, a job market, a health care system, etc., that gives them advantages over minorities. That they have done nothing wrong is not relevant; it is not necessary to be guilty of a crime in order to be civilly liable for something. Liability and guilt are two different things.

@editor20 I think the US gave favoritism to people leaving Communist countries. No idea if that is or was Ukraine at the time.
I know we had an open path to citizenship to anyone from Cuba who managed to get a foot on the sand for many years.
I don't think that is true anymore either though.

@editor20 I disagree. IMHO this whole idea of "structural racism" simply confuses "racism" with the actuality of "class warfare".

I think you and I will agree these injustices exist.

Where we disagree is "structural racism" will claim these injustices exist because of "skin tone", whereas "class warfare" is simply a matter of the "upper classes" exploiting the "lower classes" as they always have, including the institutions of slavery and share cropping and exists without regard to the skin tone of the people involved.

For example, "structural racism" will contend that the less expensive illegal drugs garner more severe punishments than the more expensive illegal drugs. "Structural racism" ASSUMES that all people of color are poor therefore, this imbalance of punishment is due to "Structural racism" rather than the availability of money by the purported criminals (class warfare).

Injustice is injustice regardless the skin tones involved. The fact that Oprah Winfrey could afford (if she chose) more expensive drugs than I can does not make my skin any darker, nor hers any lighter. .... Hence, it is class warfare, not racism at play.

@Normanbites Racism was and is a reality of a thing.
Realtors will to this day not show a black couple homes in certain neighborhoods and banks are far less likely to sign the note.

@Normanbites So you don't believe in the phenomenon of "driving while black," "shopping while black," walking down the street while black," etc.? You don't believe that blacks are stopped by the cops at a higher rate than whites and are shot by the cops at a higher rate than whites? You don't believe that people with names that sound black are more likely to have their resumes thrown in the trash? Or that black people who apply for loans (for cars, houses, businesses) are denied them at a higher rate than whites, even when their credit histories and incomes are the same? You don't believe the stories of black people getting higher offers for their homes after they take the family pictures off the walls before potential buyers are shown the house?

These phenomena are well-documented, and they target people because they are black, not because they are poor. The truth is that black people are treated worse than white people literally every time they associate with other people, and it has much less to do with poverty than you seem to think. You are in denial about the state of racism in the United States.

@BufftonBeotch In the US, this is now clearly illegal. If you can prove it happened, law enforcement should be called. If you are merely asserting this without evidence, then you are merely flapping your face to no useful effect, much like most clergy do.

@editor20 I'll simply point out that "correlation is not causation" and that many times the police officers involved are also POC.

In short, I will agree it is sometimes a factor, but as Morgan Freeman pointed out, you are making race in these matters a bigger issue than it needs to be.

@Normanbites I respect Morgan Freeman for being a great actor and almost literally the voice and face of god in his roles.
But he has also been a person who has been touchstone that certain people go to for a claim that racism no longer exists.
This one black man says he's had a great life so all those other black people are slackers.
Oh and Oprah!
There cannot be a racist America...because Oprah!

@BufftonBeotch When an injustice exists, it is not made better or worse because of the color of the victim's skin. How about we address ALL police brutality, ALL fiscal unfairness, ALL unjust behavior as comprehensively as possible and not just one color at a time?

Lives Matter, If you MUST put a color in front of that, YOU have a racism problem.



A great offense beats a good defense, I guess.

twill Level 7 Sep 8, 2021

The John Stossel fan boy again?

This man has ZERO credibility as a journalist.


I used to respect Stossel as a journalist.
That stopped a long time ago.

This whole "issue" is stupid, and rooted in fear.

White men are the only true victims of racism. lmao


I got blocked by the author of that other thread. No idea why. Pretty sure I was only interacting with you. The owner of that thread must be one fragile ass bitch.


Race baiting? I’m not biting.


After 4 years of blatently racist race-baiting by Trump, yeah, just who is a member of a cult? If you look at Stossel's video on weed, one can see exactly what is meant by Institutional Racism.


i applaud your courage. Stossel has always been a voice for common sense truth. his truths here are moderately, even timidly stated, and dead on right. but we're in the middle of a hysteria much like the salem witch trials, Orwellian thought control, American style, is in the air . the witch burners have subverted this presumably free thought site, as they have most all public venues. very soon the "progressive" dingbats here are going to come out of the woodwork , and your going to be viciously attacked........ but i suspect you know that

Indeed, that is the modus operandi of the woke regressive lift.

Common sense and truth......only a bigoted racist would get that from this fear based horseshit....🙃

@Buck ........."more weight!"

"A voice for common sense truth." Ha ha ha. Stossel promotes the same kind of "common sense" that believes that the sun revolves around the earth. A belief that seems obvious at first but which doesn't stand up to the slightest bit of analysis or scrutiny.

@editor20 Desperate, foolish, unsupportable statements.

@editor20 . .you mean like black criminality?


Victimhood is the rage these days.

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