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A recent interlocutor informed me that Evolutionary Psychology wasn’t real science, so if that’s the case, this article and this type of research can’t be trusted to be reliable. It’s trying to claim that atheists are more intelligent than religious people.




skado 9 Feb 6

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@skado, was the this "Interlocutor" of yours perhaps the "Locutus Of Borg" perchance?


Being able to 'rise above one's instincts' is a critical point. In order to evolve in a positive manner one has to become more reasoned based and understand the negative aspects of emotions.


so often atheists fear they ain't the smartest dummies in the room. they're right.


Yeah, I don't think that's very scientific. I read all of what was linked, but the controls and group formations don't take nearly enough steps to ensure even moderately reliable results. Even the term "more intelligent" is really hard to nail down scientifically speaking.
Then, even if you have all that sorted out, it still doesn't grant you the cause:effect that's being postulated. There could be a correlation between irreligion and intelligence independent of anything related to evolution or instinct. If a group of people 18 and over still believe in Santa were less intelligent than a group of people who stopped believing in Santa before they reached that age, or conversely, if really unintelligent people were never told of Santa when they were young so they never needed to stop believing, those could cause correlations that are independent of evolution, and the same could be true for religion.


Good luck with your claim. It is hard for me to believe atheists are more intelligent because a great many of them believe stupid shit just like religious people do. I see some atheists not believing in a god simply because they do not want to and have never had any desire to go in that direction. At the same time they might believe in UFO's and aliens because it seems likely. As I write this many think NASA had admitted to aliens just because they admitted to UFO's. That is not true at all unless you want to believe it as true. We all have cognitive bias to one degree or another.

There are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars.

If one out of every 1,000,000,000 had a planet similar to Earth.
And one out of every 1,000,000,000 planets similar to Earth had life on them, there would be
1,000,000 planets with life on them.
The odds one of those planets was close enough to Earth that we would encounter them are extremely slim.

I always find I funny when the term ufo is associated with aliens. Apparently unidentified doesn’t mean what I think it means

@Canndue I think it's because if the flying object was from our world, somebody knows what it was. In that respect, it's technically identified, just not by everyone. I wouldn't call differential equations unsolvable just because I can't sit down with a pencil and paper and solve 'em...

@JeffMurray from the observer’s POV, the item is unknown, therefore unidentified, could just be a weird cloud

@Canndue I'm just telling you why people probably associate it with aliens...

@JeffMurray I understand that, I was just commenting on the use of the phrase

@Canndue So that's the silly part. If a definition is different for almost every single person, the word tends to be meaningless. People like their words to mean something, hence, the tendency to associate it with a definition that would make it universal.


I think we only need to look at the long list of those professing doubt or downright disbelief of God to see that intelligence is directly connected to lack of belief. Over many centuries to the present day the most eminent luminaries of Science, Philosophy and the Arts singularly appear to be sceptics, agnostics or in fact outright atheists.

I agree this may not be a scientific approach, because it isn’t, it’s merely an observation of mine and I leave other more qualified people to do the scientific research. However, to my simplistic mind it seems fairly compelling evidence.


They are.

Your posts are proof.

Either you're a reasonably intelligent person making bad-faith arguments or you're too dumb to understand what you're reading.


You'd know.


I'm not sure how much modern man has evolved intellectually in the last 40K years if at all. If you had cloned a Cro Magnon baby 25 years ago, you'd have a typical millennial. Humans are the one being able to contemplate and question their own existence and mortality. They invented religion to explain that and they still rely on one form of another of that invention.


Ignore skado’s posts; he has only one message.

May be ALL the intelligent members here should merely block him and then we can all have peace from his tedious drivel.

@Triphid He has been warned.

@yvilletom I prefer to ignore posts and comments from @Triphid

@Matias . . . hmm, since @Triphid has blocked me (I can't see his comments/posts) does that make me "intelligent" ? 🙂
(asking for a friend 🙂 )

@FearlessFly You should be glad @Triphid blocked you. Now you don't have to be subject to the bullshit.

@Matias Hey LET @skado do his own battles, he is a BIG enough boy according to his profile.
The rest of us here do NOT band together to cover each others arse against the likes of skado and other trolls, etc.
I doubt, most sincerely, that he'll go anywhere as far as giving you a BIG Hug and Kiss on the lips for doing his battling for him.


I am so ignorant of so many things. I have heard the term and have likely read things from this field of science, but I had to go and look up the term Evolutionary Psychology.

"evolutionary psychology, the study of behaviour, thought, and feeling as viewed through the lens of evolutionary biology. Evolutionary psychologists presume all human behaviours reflect the influence of physical and psychological predispositions that helped human ancestors survive and reproduce."

It would seem a no brainer that our emotional development would respond to evolutionary pressures and influences every bit as much as the intellect and the physical features of a species. Any aspect of a species that increases its survivability and reproduction would be subject to evolutionary influences.


Who may this eruditely WISE "Interlocutor be may we ask, please do us the decency and yourself the honour to name him or her?
Btw, @skado, numerous researches have been performed on a World-wise basis testing both School aged children and Grown Adults as well to ascertain the differentiations between the Intellectual capabilities of the Non-Believers and the Believers and those article are widely published and available IF one set about seeking ACTUAL Proven Results from NUMEROUS sources rather than a single one as your have done here.


"Evolutionary mismatches????"


@skado you are imo, MISREADING the actual meaning/s of the terminology of "Evolutionary Mismatches/Mis-matching but hey what do we the ordinary people who are NOT from Alibami know.

@skado "Interlocutor," meaning - a person who enters into or partakes in a Debate/Discussion as a Proxy for another person less capable.
Or, in simpler terms for you @skado, a substitute MOUTH-PIECE because you think the word sounded more important.


And this picture is germane because....?

Did you read the links?

@skado you always ask that question, AS IF everybody would Have to get the same slant from anything......

That’s not my assumption at all. I just prefer commentary to be relevant to the linked material.

Because in @skado's mind he says that it is therefore it MUST be and we are NOT permitted to disagree.

@skado Imo, there is NEVER ANY relevance in ANY of your postings, they are as relevant, imo, as a newspaper is to fish.

@Triphid We’re not allowed to wrap our fish n chips up in newspaper any more ….”elf n safety” forbids it! I know that’s not really a very pertinent remark …or is it?

@Marionville Yeah I know, NO more reading the news or the Cartoons whilst you eat, bloody wowsers, spoiling everyone's enjoyment.

@skado I think she prefers the pictures to be relevant to the linked material, too...

Her preferences rightly govern her posts.

@skado I love how you can respond to this, but not the objections above...

@skado wait!_you mean like i prefer a pic related to the article? Or an explanation of Why it is...... NS Sherlock!

@skado, @JeffMurray you, sir, win a cigar or the beverage of your choice!

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