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LINK COVID deaths higher in Republican states, new study proves

Best damn news!!

STUNNING CORRELATION: COVID deaths higher in Republican states new study proves

While many Democrats may believe that Republicans don’t care about life, a newly published report on the excess rate of deaths among Democrats and Republicans during the coronavirus pandemic now substantiates these allegations. A study by the Yale School of Public Health confirmed what many already knew – that right-wingers killing themselves to “own the libs” is an actual thing. And Florida Governor Ron DeSantis helped led the Red State charge with his anti-mask policies.

According to the report:

“Political affiliation has emerged as a potential risk factor for COVID-19, amid evidence that Republican-leaning counties have had higher COVID-19 death rates than Democrat-leaning counties and evidence of a link between political party affiliation and vaccination views."

“Overall, the excess death rate for Republicans was 5.4 percentage points (pp), or 76%, higher than the excess death rate for Democrats. Post-vaccines, the excess death rate gap between Republicans and Democrats widened from 1.6 pp (22% of the Democrat excess death rate) to 10.4 pp (153% of the Democrat excess death rate).”
Over a million Americans have died from COVID-19 and complications related to the virus. Data collected before and after the deadly virus hit our borders reveal both a stark difference in how the two parties handled the worldwide pandemic, and how politics facilitated many of those deaths – especially after the vaccine’s availability.
Republicans may lie, but the numbers don’t.

Full stop.
“In the summer of 2021 — after vaccines were widely available — the Republican excess death rate rose to nearly double that of Democrats, and this gap widened further in the winter of 2021,” the study says.

Data taken from Ohio and Florida – two key states in the fight for democracy – links the deaths in both states of those 25 and older, their voting records, and subsequent death totals through 2021.

“Overall, our results suggest that political party affiliation only became a substantial risk factor in Ohio and Florida after vaccines were widely available. Lack of individual level vaccination status limits our ability to draw broad conclusions, but the results suggest that the well-documented differences in vaccination attitudes and reported uptake between Republicans and Democrats, have already had serious consequences for the severity and trajectory of the pandemic in the United States. If these differences in vaccination by political party affiliation persist, then the higher excess death rate among Republicans is likely to continue through the subsequent stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

MAGA and GOP pundits have whined about being “replaced” by Black and Brown people – those already in the country, and others coming to it. Yet nearly a third of the country did everything in its power to insure that dream would come true by bucking COVID mandates and mitigation.

Republicans are the OG’s of hypocrisy and projection. For them, it’s:
Republicans: Don’t kill a single fetus. Also, Herschel can kill all he wants, even baby eagle fetuses, we just want to win. Also, we’re killing ourselves because of the great replacement theory, which means someone will have to replace us.
But the good news is, they don’t have to worry about being replaced by others – they’re handling that task pretty well all on their own. And giving the moniker “Red State” an entirely new meaning.

Follow Ty Ross on Twitter @cooltxchick

HippieChick58 9 Oct 8

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1 can't fix stupid?


Oh, golly! Whoda thunk?


And The Darwin Award goes to THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN/MAGGOT populace. Fucking Moroons


It comes down to how deaths are classified.
Given that the government gives more money to the hospital if someone dies of Covid, it really only proves that republicans are better at capitalism. Democrats suck at building money.

Wow, that must be the case because it's not like Republicans to dispute the figures when they look bad. And Reps have perfect recall so Trump giving more COVID aid to red states and publicly saying so must not have happened either.


I hope it cause the repubican party to loss seats in DC.


I could tell you the rates are higher in Republican communities in this state.


Color me unsurprised.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 9, 2022

Sorry, having a hard time not LOL....okay, not sorry.
what a fine Sunday this is so far......


There should always be consequences for abject stupidity, and deliberate ignorance.
The only shame is that they took so many innocents with them.
This is ALL on 45 and the republicans.
Especially Deathsantis.


Stupid makes me sad. On the other hand I guess that means fewer left to vote for continuing their death spiral.
In WA State the vaccination rate follows the national tread, the republican led counties continue to have fewer vaccines administered. My county shows 53% vaccination rate.


This is what I was predicting so I'm happy to see it proven. Let's have another viral outbreak or hurricane, in fact! The Party Of Death can't die fast enough for my blood.


I believe this is true for 2 reasons. The first is that they will argue with you that they have rights not to take a shot. The second is that the bastards all wanna take Ivermectin. Now that takes real intelligence. It's almost like they think Trump was in a hospital for Covid and refused the treatments.


Why am I not in the slightest bit surprised that COVID deaths are higher in Republican states? Why am I not in the slightest bit surprised that willful stupidity and willful ignorance results in higher rates of mortality?

Because you're not a brick. 😉


An immensely important study. If only Republicans would read it, understand it, believe it, and act accordingly. But then they would be Democrats! Maybe they could get head transplants...🤣


Dump has committed more murders of his own countrymen than Putey of the Russians My guess is that of the million dead in the US from covid, about 1/3 died because of a lack of preparation, 300,000. Puton has sent 60,000 Russians to the Ukraine to murder people, but are now dead themselves. Yes, the numbers change, depending on who is counting.

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