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Is it OK to be racist against white people?

Using the Merriam-Webster definition of racism,

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

You CAN be racist against white people but is it OK?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they need to atone for the actions of their ancestors?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they are racist simply because of their race?
Is it OK to blame an entire race on the actions of 2 people?
Is it OK to purposely tell your kids to not trust an entire race?

Sadly I doubt I'll get many honest answers because it's not PC to you think racism is OK as long as those your racist against are white. But hope springs eternal.

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MamaMOB 5 Apr 30

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125 comments (26 - 50)

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"Is it OK to purposely tell your kids to not trust an entire race?"

There is an old story about a Asian student who's father sat his down before he went off to college to explain the facts of life about the bigotry and racism he would experience in college. It is also known that many black parents also have similar conversation with their children.
Eric Holder told the NAACP
“[m]y father [sat] down with me to have a conversation — which is no doubt familiar to many of you — about how as a young black man I should interact with the police.” He continued that Trayvon Martin’s death “caused me to sit down to have a conversation with my own 15 year old son, like my dad did with me.”

So, yea damn straight,

cava Level 7 May 1, 2018

No. First of all, there is no such thing as race. Read Guns, Germs and Steel and The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond. Secondly, why would you want to discriminate against any one ethnic group? Reversing racism won’t right the wrongs that have been perpetrated in its name. This masochistic liberal nonsense of feeling guilty about having European roots is going to get us in trouble. The West brought us the very Enlightenment values which can be used in the fight against ignorance, racism and bigotry and the religions that perpetuate them.

There is no scientific basis of race. But there most definitely, as a human construct, is such a thing as race.

Have read Guns, Germs and Steel and at the time was totally impressed with Diamond. I'll have to pick it up again.


This question sucks...

Yeah it's gross.


But that yea is conditional. Are we in the United States? Also, are perpetuaters of this "racism" in a disadvantaged demographic?

I don't think white people as a whole can be oppressed to the severity of other races in America. I'm a redheaded female in the south. Pale, dead, sick, souless ginger, ect. was the terms used to bully me in public school by a larger portion of african american students. Their attacks against the color of my skin wasn't racism. I had no disadvantages to the quality of my education, dealing with the law, or job prospects. That's the bottom line.

If I was the bully, attacking a quiet black girl walking to class, calling her a racial slur, that would be racist of me. Because that girl has already been targeted, demoralized, and made to feel inferior by white adults all throughout her life. And I'd be their white POS kid that couldn't relate to an ounce of her life. Counselors not pushing secondary education or they're more worried about teen pregnancy. Parents who didn't have a college education or income to even give their kids hope. She's going to be stereotyped by authority figures and be in danger by not being submissive and polite. White faces in tv, magazines, movies, books, music, getting all the highest ratings and views.

Racism against whites is a conditioned response to how people of color get treated by whites in this country. So yeah, if someone says they hate white people, and truly mean it, that's ok. They're still going to be bad people for judging someone for their skin color. Some truely traumatic shit probably went down by the hands of white people in this persons life. Or they're mentally ill. All in all, that's an individual who isn't getting any platform to stand on, and has no power to significantly effect the racial bias of this country. They're not racists.

Racist white privileged fuckers are literally making laws, getting voted in government positions, getting promoted at work, are in charge of law enforcement, and have literally hundreds of supporters at all times to defend their racism. In my book, anyone of color has a "fuck white people" coupon to use liberally should they feel compelled to say it.


There's only one race. The human race.


The only question is "Is it OK to be racist" anything more is irrelevant.


White Irish and English villagers were kidnapped by pirates in the 15th and 16th centuries and sold into slavery in the Middle East. White Irish men and boys were sold to work on farms in the south. Chinese men and boys were sold into slavery in California and in the west to work on the Railroads in the 19th century. Which white people should we be racist against? Some called it indentured servitude, too, but all knew what it really was. I guess I don't get the point. Racism in any form is wrong.

@icolan It could be argued that serfdom and indentured servitude are forms of slavery since both were designed to have cheap labor and usually so that it was near impossible to raise your self out of being a serf or to buy your way out of indentured servitude.

Not always, in both cases (there are some counter examples) but far too often. As in charging for everything an indentured servant needed: food, lodging, clothing, etc. Doing so at rates such that to survive, you racked up more debt than you earned thus ensuring you would never be free.

Serfs... look at Russian history. The ruling class actually tried (and this was fairly honest efforts) to raise up the serfs but just were stupid about their economies and how they went about doing it and... the serfs were bound to the land (again).

@icolan Thank you for that!

@icolan excellent point! Wasn't my intent to water down true slavery. Just to NOT water down how bad serfdom or indentured servitude were.

How about different sides to a coin? One a bit mussed but generally in good condition, the other side damaged beyond any form of redemption.

@icolan I see some redeeming value in the original thought(s) behind indentured servitude. Basically, "you are in debt, here is a way to work your way out of debt and possibly learn a living" as some would be apprenticed (men) and some would be given jobs as maids or house servants (women, usually, which they might not have had before).

The problem is that, almost universally (leastwise, I have only read rare accounts of this working the way it seems to have been intended) the 'jobs' were set up so that it was virtually impossible to earn your way out of debt, through any of a number of nefarious mechanisms.

So, it's less the idea that I think is twisted about and evil, it's the way people used that idea for personal profit and gain at the expense of others.

In fact, we still do the basic idea, I've had kids borrow money with no way of paying off their debt so, I employed them to help me with a project to cover for said debt. It -can- be done honestly and well.

@icolan I view it a lot like Communism, Democracy and a number of other institutions that are wonderful on paper but crash and burn when they meet the human ability to twist things to their own ends.


It's not ok to be racist against anyone. And for historical facts.... Which certain people refuse to admit to... There were black slavemasters.


White Europeans were sold into slavery. No one wants to talk about that either.


Children should not be held responsible for the sins of their fathers.


IMHO, it's not ok to be racist against anyone. The Establishment in the US has already tried reverse racism (I just made that up, cool eh?), they called it Affirmative Action. Any time race is a factor in any situation, even with the "best of intentions" it's still racism and it's not ok. That's my more general answer to your specific questions.


Racism is racism, no matter who the target is. It is unethical and disrespectful.


It's not "OK" to be racist towards anyone.
Although, as a white person, I can see why many others would be racist toward
white people. There are STILL many, who are white, who believe they are superior
to all other races. Their behavior has always shown that they are not.
White people have historically treated everyone who isn't them like shit.
Lots of them still do.
I can appreciate other races believing turnabout would be fair play.
That would be typical of human nature.

You have described the basis of white racism nicely.

@jlynn37 Thanks. I take no pleasure in it.
It hurts my heart that white people have behaved as we have, and still do.

@KKGator I totally agree. After learning of the atrocities and inhumanities throughout history that whites have perpetrated on others simply because of skin color, perceived class, perceived inferiority and I am sure there are other factors, I sometimes feel that we whites are nonredeemable.

@jlynn37 Agreed. It's not even self-loathing, as so many conservatives like to call it. It's just the sheer disgust at behavior so abhorrent, so vile, that the only reasonable reaction is to be ashamed. What makes it so much worse is that it's STILL happening. White people STILL demonize blacks, and others.
Institutional, and systemic racism, is STILL alive and well, and those who help to perpetuate it insist it's the fault of those being discriminated against.
It's like the ultimate case of gas-lighting.

@saganian I'm not a liberal, and I don't have "guilt". I just accept the facts of history, and acknowledge the truth of what white people have done throughout history.
If you want to live in denial, knock yourself out.
Don't fucking tell me what to do, or how to feel, about anything.


It's never ok to be racist. period...


Racism is racism is racism.

Any color/culture can be racist toward another.

It is never acceptable.


I was once hired into a executive chef position where 25 out of my 30 subordinates were members of a minority.
No matter what I did in training them, correcting them, or trying to resolve work issues, they had decided that all my actions were because I was racist. Fired someone for not showing up 3 days in a row? Because I'm racist. Wrote someone up for not refrigerating food properly? Because I'm racist. Refused to let someone leave work early to take their kid to a party? Because I'm racist.
On and on and on and on. ((the last 2 chefs had also been driven out of there by the kitchen crew and the owner was losing money hand over fist))

I was paralyzed and couldn't do my job--very hurt that I was being unfairly labeled and accused of having malevolent motivations. I went to the owner and he told me to do whatever I needed to do to fix the problem.
I documented everything for a few weeks and then, one day, I fired the 8 people who were the instigators and trouble-makers. Of course, everyone said I did it because I was racist. 7 additional people quit.

I hired all new staff (all minorities) and trained them.

I never had another issue with anyone at that job.

Don't tell me that there wasn't a core group who were poisoning the well and who were, in fact, racist against me and refusing to let me do my job because of the color of my skin.
I experienced it first hand.

I don't care what color someone's skin is....what I do care about is their work ethic.


I think your mind is already decided on the answer and now your just looking for people to agree with you so you don't feel bad about this decision..
Can a black man by racist against a white man? Sure..
Is it a problem for the white man in a westernized country? No..


Racism can only occur by the privileged ruling class. So if I go to China and I am ridiculed for my pale white skin and golf-ball round eyes or not passed over for a promotion on the grounds of my so called 'race'. The chinese are teh ones in the position of power and in this situation they would be racist. In other countries where Caucasions are the dominant ruling class I would say it is not possible for other groups to be racist because they are still scrambling for equality. The racism directed at them are negative stereotypes that perpetuates racism.

        Some Chinese girls have whiter skin than I've ever seen. Of course they avoid the sun like the plague.

you are using a different definition then the one presented for the basis of the pool.
Thats not how that works.


I tend to loathe everyone equally.


Why is it your job to say anything to a whole race? All you or any of us can do is improve ourselves and hopefully be a positive influence on a few people in our lives.


Hmmm... NO!
First of all many Whites are pro-actively trying to repair the damage done by our ancestors.
Secondly how much "White" DNA would make us responsible for the sins of our forefathers? Many Whites are mixed races and have family members from all over the map so where do you draw the line?
Many "Whites" were beaten, raped and tortured by those same men. Those guilty of bringing European rule were MEN and the women and children were subject to the same abuse as other races. Should they be held accountable because their forefathers were evil and they were suppressed too?
What about the Indigenous people that sold their own people out? Should their ancestors be held to the same punishment then?
There are far too many stories about generational feuds. All around the world people are killing each other over things that happened centuries ago.
Humans need to stop thinking they have a right to be violent towards others unless we are in immediate danger. We need to put our energy towards overthrowing the elite and recognizing we are ALL slaves to the European rule of law and unless we STOP blaming entire races we will never even see the real enemy. UGGGG! RANT OVER!


You CAN be racist against white people but is it OK?
Not ok.

Is it OK to tell an entire race they need to atone for the actions of their ancestors?
Yes where that "entire race" (looks like you've forgotten a few countries here) is still enjoying benefits and privileges deriving from those actions while others are still denied access to same.

Is it OK to tell an entire race they are racist simply because of their race?
No, and AFAIK this is a straw man (Cf comment re forgotten countries)

Is it OK to blame an entire race on the actions of 2 people?
Those actions can be indicative of wider problems within the society which divide along ethnic lines. This is particularly true of countries like Australia which have long histories of entrenched, legally enforced racism which was not repealed until a time within living memory. It took 400 years for the scars of the Norman invasion of England to mostly heal, and they were literally cousins. The subjugation of peoples does not heal quickly.

Is it OK to purposely tell your kids to not trust an entire race?
Probably not, but it may keep your kids alive. Is it alright to tell my daughter not to trust men? 99.9% of men will not harm her in any way, but it only takes one rapist.


Not possible. There is no racism against white people, period. That's my opinion.

Factually incorrect.

If that is truly how you feel why don't you go spend some significant time in a low income minority neighborhood. Please tell me how it goes.

@GregGasiorowski I will not engage in discourse regarding this, and don't care about what you think the facts are.

You may have to look a little further afield than your own backyard but I can assure you that there is plenty of racism against people, racism has no colour limitations.

@Surfpirate I understand the subject perfectly, and have lived all over the world. This poll is so out of touch, it sickens me. I made my statement, and am not going to discuss it further.

@MollyBell No worries, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

lmfao. You take a stance, and refuse to defend, or discuss it? then why did you even open your mouth, since your following silence makes your statement worthless.


There is an easy answer: it is NOT ok to be racist. Leave it there, and you can do no wrong.

Racism is a political construct. It has NOTHING to do with physiology, mentality, spirituality or anything other than how to make a profit by holding another group of peoples under your knee (thumb, heel, whatever). It's false and just wrong on all levels.

It isn't ok against anyone, for any reason.


Surely any form of prejudice or inequality is wrong. I am regarded as white, yet I have a decent amount of Australian aboriginal ancestry. I have many cousins who are considered completely as aboriginal. So how can any of us justify any racism?

4 ok to be racist against anyone? If 5he answer is no,then that's the answer to your question..

To answer your questions

1.No..Saying newer generations must pay for the crimes of old is saying like all of humanity was born sinful because some bitch ate some fruit....Can we execute the son because the father killed some folks.

2.Thats racist.


  1. And nope.

It is not required to like anyone but everyone deserves to be treated right.

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