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LINK Walgreens Says It Won't Sell Abortion Pills In 20 GOP-Led States

I know that many of you have no other choice because you're insurance dictates the retailer who fills your prescriptions. If that's not the case, I urge you to boycott Walgreens. They take their walking orders from Republican Attorneys General. They also allowed their employees to refuse to ring up condoms and spermicidal gel if it goes against their religious beliefs. These are over the counter items that customers want to buy. I feel if you work there ringing up those items should be your job. You chose to work there knowing they stocked contraceptives, if you don't like it quit. They should be fired if they refuse to help a customer. That goes for pharmacists who refuse to fill scripts for, birth control, morning after, PrEP or RU-486. Fucking Christian Motherfuckers.

barjoe 9 Mar 4

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I don't think there's a Walgreens near where I live, so that's a good thing. Just like Hobby Lobby, I'll never shop there.


I heard it was a nationwide thing. Glad they backpedaled a little but it’s not enough. Not that I went there often, I refuse to go back.


Having been a hospital pharmacy technician for over 40 years I am way beyond pissed that a bunch of misogynistic knuckle dragging state attorneys general are telling walgreens how to practice pharmacy. That is just plain wrong. In case those bozo's didn't know it, they can't force companies doing legal business in other states (say- pennsylvania) to obey the laws in their state (say- texas). And if this problem makes it to the supreme court-which it shouldn't-you know the catholic church controlled court will agree with the anti-abortion states.


I don't care if they walked it back or not. The fact that they failed to stand up against GOP State Attorney Generals trying to interfere in the distribution of legal medical prescriptions, who incidentally don't want the corporate world to interfere in politics, doesn't mean they get a pass. I live in one of these horror show states, Texas, and I won't let it slide. I've notified Walgreens that I will no longer do business with them, unsubscribed from there notifications, uninstalled the app, etc.


@barjoe thanks!


I was amazed at how quickly Walgreens folded on this decision. Naturally, mine is one of the twenty states (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Louisianna, Mississippi, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia).

Even if it wasn't, I would no longer be doing business of any type with Walgreens. I'm lucky in that they were only one of two pharmacies approved by my insurance plan, and I understand people having to continue using them if they don't have another option. But I would encourage them not to buy any other items when they pick up their prescriptions.

My Medicare Part D plan is with CVS, that and Caremark are the only ways I'm allow to fill prescriptions. If it were Walgreens, I'd have no choice but to use them. If so around at the end of the year I'd change to a different PDP.

@barjoe Exactly, that's what I would do. It's also my hope that even people in the non-20 state territory will stop shopping at Walgreens so they'll reverse their decision, but I suspect they're dug in about it through the next election.

@Lauren They won't reverse but that doesn't matter, I just choose to spend my money elsewhere. After all, it's my money.


I won't do business with Walgreens, or Chick-fil-A, or Hobby Lobby.

Hobby Lobby is the worst.

I’m with you. I don’t set foot in any of those, plus a few more. I stopped drinking Yuengling beer when I found out the owners were big Trump supporters, and screwing the town their factory was in for their water rates.

@Flyongsaucesir Companies I boycott.

Goya Foods
Bubba Gump Seafood
Marvel (Stan Lee didn't agree)
Home Depot
Martins Rolls
Estee Lauder
New Balance
Molson Coors
Hobby Lobby
Planet Fitness
Charles Schwab
BP Oil
Shell Oil
Bank of America
Interstate Batteries

@barjoe Wow,nice list! Some of those I have never even heard of though. AT&T ist on my list too. There aren't any BP stations near me, and I can always get gas at a lower price than Shell offers. (I try to boycott ALL oil companies by simply driving less. I manage to get most of my shopping, banking, mailing, and food takeout done by bicycle, so my mileage is only about 6,000 miles per year.) The nearest Lowes is more than twice as far away than the nearest Home Depot, which I can and often do visit by bicycle.

@Flyingsaucesir New Balance bothers me because they are the best athletic footwear for me. They are the only manufacturer who makes half sizes above US mens 12 and with assorted widths. They contributed heavily to Trump and went all out to reelect Susan Collins in Maine contributing millions. Dems needed that seat. Another is Martin Rolls, which were my favorite, they make potato rolls which are to die for. They bankrolled Doug Mastriano's campaign for Governor in Pennsylvania. I will not buy them, my friend told me to get King's Hawaiian rolls, but they suck. I have been using local bakery kaiser rolls but I will not buy Martin Rolls.


Just to be clear, is this not due to the newly acted state legislation ??? or is this simply a corporate decision ?

It's indicative that they support this. They have not yet become law, Walgreens has agreed in advance to not fill prescriptions for RU-486 in 20 states where it's currently legal.

Republican attorney general's threatened all pharmacies with lawsuits in those states if they continue to sell the abortion pill. Only Walgreens folded so far.


I’m one of the undereducated southerners mentioned below. I don’t care about Walgreens selling an abortion pill. It makes no difference to me one way or another. As a cautious observer I have to wonder why all of a sudden abortion is “bad.” Supreme Court didn’t’t overturn Roe because they suddenly grew a conscience or out of fear of its constitutionality. It’s not a religious takeover in politics.

My thinking is that something is up that is making those in power decide to push for more children. Not because they are religious or pro choice but because it serves their financial goals. Otherwise they’d be all for making and killing babies to use them for body parts to extend the lives of the old and decrepit.

No, something else is driving this and only time will tell what it really is.

ғцҫҡ өғғ техаšš You need to join the conservative "atheists" group. They've blocked me but they'll love your bullshit.

The right has always used abortion as a dog whistle to encourage the birth of more children. Poor uneducated masses create a cheap labor pool as well as uneducated voters.

Republican attorney generals in all the states mentioned threatened lawsuits against Walgreen and other large corporate pharmacies. So far Walgreens is the only one that's folded.

@Lorajay It's easy to fold when they support the policy. Their pharmacies have refused to fill scripts for contraceptives, day after pill and Mifepristone because some piece of shit Christian is against it.

It’s funny how those who figure out that they had sex and then “got pregnant” decide to kill the baby but won’t call it what it is. Irresponsible? Or responsible? If you are smart enough to know you can’t afford a child, don’t want a child or just shouldn’t have a child then why were you making babies? Then again if you view it as better to have the abortion (kill the baby) then you are somewhat of a responsible person. Meanwhile the irresponsible who shouldn’t be having children are churning them out left and right. Joe, I’m not a “conservative.” And if you think honesty is bullshit, well I’m glad I’m wearing boots because I’m full of it. I don’t care if you are for or against abortion, it’s your choice. Just have the guts to call it what it is. And if boycotting Walgreens makes you fell better then boycott them.

I’m telling you I don’t think this abortion legal battle is about left vs right. It’s not about religion. The conservatives and the liberals are just pawns in this. I think there’s some other reason but don’t know exactly why the people who make money from our blood sweat and tears are favoring having more children. We are already overpopulated. So it doesn’t make sense.

@TXLerins An embryo is not "the baby", it's a zygote. Nobody cares if you think it "makes sense" because it's none of your business if a young woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy it doesn't matter if she was "Irresponsible" or not, most young people are. I boycott a bunch of companies, now I'll add Walgreens. It's my money. Of course this is about religion because the piece of shit Republican party had a Christian agenda. America is a secular nation and was founded as such. BTW they are against contraception as well, which would make it very difficult to be responsible. That is unless you expect young people to stop fucking. Abstinence is not going to happen. All these Republicans get pregnant as well and also have abortions, hypocritical motherfuckers. Pro-Life people love the child in the womb, but couldn't give two shits about the child in the room.

@barjoe I don’t give three shits whether an older woman or a younger woman or a middle aged woman kills the living embryo, zygote or whatever else you want to call the not fully developed human in their womb. I never said it was my business. I said, call it what it is, “terminating a pregnancy” means ending the living part of the living cells in that womb…kill the baby.

In my opinion those Bible whacking, moronic, racist Republicans might be happy about Walgreens not selling an abortion pill but I don’t think their questionable moral positions are the driving force behind the anti-abortion trend. Those “in charge” have never held value to human life whether it be embryonic or a soldier at war or an African slave or Native Americans whose land they wanted.

The billionaires behind Walgreens aren’t concerned about pro-life or pro-choice. They are concerned about control. My concern is why they are concerned about increasing the population when we are already overpopulated. That’s what doesn’t make sense.

You go ahead and champion for abortion, I’ll support you. But own the actions and don’t sugar coat them. As an agnostic I’m interested in truth. There ain’t no Santa Claus, there ain’t no tooth fairy and abortion is killing a baby whether you are for it or against it. Whether you think it’s moral or immoral makes no difference to me. Just tell the truth.

@TXLerins So says you. Unless you think a fetus "has a soul" it's not a fucking baby. So when does this "whatever else you want to call" it become a baby? It's it at the time of conception? 1st trimester? 2nd trimester? "Just tell the truth."

@TXLerins The term abortion was the same identical word used for miscarriages. The term changed due probably to religious people. The biggest abortionist in the entire world is that imaginary thing called god. God is all on board with that.
"An estimated 23 million miscarriages occur every year worldwide, translating to 44 pregnancy losses each minute. "[]

@barjoe is the tissue that is an under developed human a mass of living cells that needs to be killed in order to stop it from growing? I don’t know about souls, I’ve never seen one and couldn’t tell you where in the human anatomy to examine one. You’ll have to explain “souls” to me.

The physical and scientific truth is that a thing that is growing is alive. You can call it a zygote, or a fetus but those are just stages of growth in a human life. The word baby makes people feel bad about killing it. So just change the word baby to under developed human and know that termination means killing a living person who has not fully developed. That’s the truth.

I’m on your side on this, Walgreens should sell the drug.

But we disagree on why they are not selling it. I don’t believe it’s to meet a political right wing religious agenda. People with a great deal of money are not bothered with killing unborn babies, they are bothered with controlling people for financial gain. The question we should all be asking is why the change from abortion on demand to trying to stop them?

I don’t believe it’s because a bunch of religious people are in control of the issue. The religious people are hypocrites who consist of the manipulators and the manipulated. Do you honestly think that the manipulated are in control of this issue? I don’t, and I would like to know why the manipulators are suddenly against abortion. There has to be a financial component that I can’t see.

@TXLerins there's a guaranteed number of votes out there on this issue. The Dems made the mistake of thinking that the Central American immigrants would support them over social services issues once they gained citizenship and voting rights. The republicans were right in thinking these same immigrants were anti-abortion Catholics, disliked the Dems because they came here to escape leftist extremism, thus would fall for the critical race, and anti LBGT propoganda.


The last time I was in a Walgreens was when my parents were still living in Florida, 2015. And that was only because that is where they went for their prescriptions.

Had no choice.


Money talks, sadly the attorneys general can get away with this shit is because they are southern states with a hugely un or under educated population. The trick is to get people in areas that may have another option for their shopping and pharma needs to stop shopping at walgreens, walmart, etc.


Wal-Mart is adopting a similar policy.

Just another reason for me not to purchase anything at walmart.


Yawn. My housemate is a 74y.o. woman who hates Walgreens but doesn't move her prescriptions. I've been going to Walmart but, next month, will be back with the V.A. for medical care (not much of which I need or want more of). Asking Dems to boycott anything is like asking the dead to sing birthday songs.


Before long the GOP will be in favor of women laying down and forcefully getting pregnant. They might even enforce this at gunpoint. WTF is wrong with people? Yes, we all need to "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." Let that soak in. Does it mean the earth was plenished before?

That..waves hand...Noah and the flood shit.

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