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How do you want to be buried?

I want to be put straight into the soil to decay and share my energy with the system. Our current methods takes this energy out of it, which is a waste.

I am not New Age, my decay being food for the creepy crawly's is the energy I reference.

NotConvinced 7 May 2

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I used to tell my daughter to burn me and flush me. She doesn't have to do thar now since I have a cremation package and my ashes will be scattered at sea. I Do Not want to be buried.


I wanna be loaded onto a big ass rocket, painted awesomely, with a humerous summary of my life written on the side, then pointed at a big fucking black hole and launched into the abyss! That's how I wanna be sent off!

@Ignostic_Skeptic I know right!?


Left to a medical school.


I'll like my body to be used for medical research.



When I'm dead hopefully

Either way the result is the same


I'd prefer cremation, but I told my kids to surprise me.


I have donated my body to science, I believe there are already too many people buried in caskets and the amount of people in the future will be overwhelming. I think it is important that we recycle our bodies as a way to give back and find more ways for others to survive a long life.

I looked into donating my body to science, but found that my estate would hstill have to pay to have my body embalmed before they would agree to take it. They wanted a lot for no cost or effort on their own.

@wordywalt oh I am so sorry to hear this. I was registered with a place in Phila, Pa. but I must have the means to be transported. My good friend told me that she donated her body to a place called Medicure in Oregon. I haven't contacted them as of yet but when I do I will let you know.

@wordywalt I wanted to get back to you to let you know about another donation of your body to science. I found one. It is called Science Care- the number is 1-800-417-3747 they pay for all expenses. I hope this helps you in finding a better Gift Registry. ...


Tree pod. I used to want to be fed to the polar bears at the zoo. Either way, I need really good friends to get the job done.

Helga Level 4 May 3, 2018

Me, too, the tree pod. Or fireworks.

Mushroom suit is kewl too.

@BarkRuffalo YES! I forgot about mushroom suit. Oh, man... now I'm torn.


I would like my organs to go to those who wish to use them to prolong their lives, and then I would like to be cremated and have my ashes scattered on the ocean shore where I married my second husband.


Food for thought.




On a body farm

What is a Body Farm? I never heard of that.

@yuvid1 They study decomposition rates of bodies under different conditions.


I want to be burned and join my son.

@NotConvinced my son is in a box by my bed. I think joining my ashes is self explanatory.


I would prefer cremation, with no visitation. What I really want is as little money as possible to be spent. I'm not for putting thousands of dollars into the ground.


I have considered many things, cremation,a Mushroom suit, tree sprout or body donation to the Body farm or science.
Lately however I am leaning to this, not for me (i'll be dead), but to give my loved ones something . . .
PS I hate the site title and plan on using a local glass blower

@Bierbasstard lol

@Bierbasstard I hope to come back and be a haunting for all causes


I have this creepy fantasy that if I go to a body farm, insects will lay their eggs in my remains and my body will be the springboard for thousands of new lives! What I don't want is to be embalmed and stored underground in an over priced box needlessly taking space that would be better used by the living. I also would hate to think that I would be cremated which would polute the planet my progeny needs to live on.

Cheri Level 5 May 3, 2018

I always thought cremation but it seems a waste of energy and an unnecessary carbon creation excercise. I'd like to be buried in a wicker casket in a plot with a tree planted on top, then I could feed the tree and people who missed me could come and visit the tree and know it contained a bit of all that was left of me.


Cremated, and the ashes spread over my beloved Cascade Mountain Range.

I am a organ donor. First take everything that can help another person.

There is also a program called the 'willed body program'. My late partner was taken for research by the Univ. of Wash. and I have also signed up for the program.


Cremated after being used by medical students at University of Connecticut.


Oddly enough, this is a discussion we have within our family quite often.
I think our consensus is to have a small family only (and close friends) gathering - to say a final farewell - a bit of closure. Then cremated and ashes scattered at our family cottage.
We also like the idea of having a little plaque mounted someplace on the cottage, just because... We're all pretty much atheist, and don't believe in an afterlife, but there's something to be said for the comfort of a place to go (like a grave) to commemorate and remember.

This is what my sisters and I had planned for our parents. My father passed six years before my mother, but we buried their urns together on the same day. My mother spent her remaining years in the metropolis of Corona, NM. She was very abrasive and bitter to everyone. When I drove up to the memorial I was surprised to see most of the town had shown up. One of my sisters said it was to show their respects. My other sister and I claimed it was to make sure she was really dead and wasn't coming back.


I know I don't want a coffin, don't want to be embalmed. Don't especially want to be cremated; could do a funeral pyre, though. You could throw me in the ocean, could do a natural burial. Anyone wants my bones, could have them stripped by dermestid beetles. Could feed me to some animals. I really don't care what happens to my body when I'm dead, because I'll be dead.

And I don't want any sort of non-living monument, either. No tombstone, crypt, nothing like that. Could plant a tree though.

Donate to science, or you can be freeze dried and become a tree


There’s plenty that can be harvested when I die. Make ashes of the rest, mix in some soil, plant a tree. Maybe one of my grandkids could use my titanium hip prosthesis as a doorstop. Waste not, want not, ya know? As a bonus, it would piss off all my theist family members.


Cremation, no funeral, no burial.


Cremate me a scatter me at Sebastion Inlet, FL on an out going tide.

BillF Level 7 May 3, 2018

While I agree with the people below who say it doesn't matter since you will be dead anyway,my experience of friends and family dying is that it helps the people left behind to come to terms with the death if they feel they are doing what their loved one wanted. It also gives them something to do, organising it, which helps to dull the immediate grief. For myself, I really love the sea and I would like to be dropped overboard somewhere with plenty of fish to eat me, but in the UK that isn't allowed - you have to be wrapped up and weighted down because of the danger of getting washed ashore. Woodland burial with a tree planted over you is becoming very popular in the UK, and I think that would be my other choice. At least you are giving something back.

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