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What are you listening to?

Since music is therapy and the backdrop for our lives, what are you listening to? Post what best represents your current mood, your general mood or just something that moved or inspired you. Podcasts, too. I'll start, but will add more. Thanks in advance. Happy Monday, good people.

FoundMyNietzsche 6 May 7

Enjoy being online again!

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A parody of my favorite TV show.


@FoundMyNietzsche I think it isn't well-known, which is partly why I posted it. 🙂
And yeah, Ann and Nancy Wilson. Ann is the brunette.

@FoundMyNietzsche I don't know.


@FoundMyNietzsche lol ?


I’m a music lover.


I am listening to a book

@FoundMyNietzsche nothing deep. I usually have my kindle talking some book in the background that it doesnt matter if I space on or not. I can fill in th blanks


I love Parov Stellar, electro swing and the young dancers, mostly European, such as this limber guy.


This has struck a chord recently


Steely Dan has been my go-to since I was young. I like the fact that there are more than three chords to a song, and the lyrics are intelligent and moody. Very underrated IMO.


Tom Petty, Counting Crows, Alice In Chains, Natalie Merchant, REM, Milk Carton Kids, Lumineers, Band of Horses...some old Poco.

@FoundMyNietzsche Thanks!?

@CarolinaGirl60 Milk Carton Kids - cool choice! Also REM.

@Palindromeman I saw REM in concert, in the late 90’s. Awesome show!

@CarolinaGirl60 Outstanding! They toured here a couple of times and I saw them on the Green tour. Great show.


I'm a little all over the place these past few days: Shakespears Sister, Alice in Chains, Amalia Rodrigues, and always, ALWAYS, NPR.


It’s a little raunchy, but good none the less.


Joe Satriani or similar. Have a Pandora station like this.


@FoundMyNietzsche, agree.


I have nightmares about this song, had to learn it to play with the school band, had a 1968 Gibson SG... I was going on the next song and someone tripped over the instrument cable and it went face down on the stage, headstock of my Gibson snapped ... it was May 29th 1979 at 9:02PM ... but I do love Glen Campbell

@ArdentAtheist I’m sorry about the SG. I would feel horribly if I broke the neck on my Gretsch.

@ArdentAtheist, @FoundMyNietzsche glen Campbell was a little know member of the Wtecking Crew. He was truly a great musician.


My kids fighting

@FoundMyNietzsche yes. And it's a good thing


Thanks haven't heard that in forever!


Thank you!


@FoundMyNietzsche I love this band. I've heard them described as the Beatles meet Black Sabbath and I think it fits.

@FoundMyNietzsche this song was written and performed by a hippy duo Seals and Crofts and I love how differently it sounds when played metal style.


Here's another awesome YouTuber:

P.S. if you think it sounds too good to be true, you're spot on (read the comments).


I have been looking for a specific song for about a decade and finally found it again yesterday. Loreena Mckenitt Mummers Dance. I really like Nightwish though and I listen to them the most.


I'm gonna get greedy here and jump in again with one of my perennial favourites - Yo La Tengo.

Here is Sugarcube, with the traditional YLT humour:

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