3 5

So not only did the Israeli Jewish psychopaths kill hundreds of Palestinian civilians many children in their rescue of 4 hostages but also killed three of the hostages, one an US citizen. Not only did the IDF disguise themselves as aid workers but also used the supposedly defunct US supplied aid pier that got washed away. There has also been a ground report that some of the soldiers were wearing American uniforms.

Secular Talk, Krystal Kyle, Kyle Kulinski reports on the start of the collapse of the Israeli government & allies (rats deserting the ship?), the slaughter of Palestinian refugees & Israeli hostages by the rescue party, USA involvement in the raid, revenge genocide on the family of an already slain Palestinian academic probably to prevent the compensation law suits to be pursued in America, together with a number of other matters of note.

Was it reported on CNN, Sky, NYT, Washington Post, Times of London? RT, Al-Jazeera? I doubt it.

FrayedBear 9 June 10

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Not to mention in regards to this post being of foreign affairs, I shouldn't have to state how obvious it is that with each passing election cycle that the US continues its expansion of crimes on humanity and continuous warfare. Where it's also obvious that it's only for the profits of the ruling class and military complex, while the world citizenship is victimized. No matter what party is in the white house. It's an astounding sense of proof that you're totally ignorant to reality. And that when facts are presented to you that challenge your delusional beliefs, that have been forced upon you, you either lack the intellectual abilities to seek clarification or continue to defend that which is betraying you.

I have been warning that the world was changing for years on here. I've offered the resources endlessly for everyone to follow this change. Since Russia had finally went to the defense of the 4 new regions of its federation alone, nations around the globe have been turning away from and denouncing western governments on a fairly vast scale. Making BRICS a major news issue that everyone should be educating themselves on that would drastically help clarify this moment in time. Since the Gaza genocide, now nearing a year which is today moving towards Lebanon, which was predicted would happen, has basically provided an even more strengthening foundation of growth to a desire for a multipolar world order without the hegemony agendas of western states. As if the past several years of constant protest in Europe against their governments weren't enough evidence for you to stay on top of what I've been explaining. The growth of fascism globally! Not just globally, but our own governments fucking support and funding of it on multiple levels! By both parties!

What's it going to take for you imbeciles to get it? This isn't the crash of 2008 coming at us to wake up to one morning to find it happened. This has been a festering boil on our society of great proportions for several years. When this puss filled evil finally pops it will have dire consequences. As if those happening today don't seem to be able to wake you from their delusional reality already! 2008 was a clear indication to be protesting before today came! It's coming after all of us on this round.

I look forward to the revised edited version of this response.


Below you find a swath of people who will betray their own sense of moral understanding. If they actually possess such. As they do so using the same narrative control that has captivated their perception from the management of western leaders and the medias that work for them. The pot calling the kettle black in a number of replies below. While the kettle is obviously the better informed on history and facts, who is attempting to decipher and separate the information and factual means for a better understanding and clarification. From the pot they live in they know not what's truly happening. The very system they attempt to defend, they boil in. They betray themselves, their own societies, and the world citizenship from a blissful state of existence.


Do you remember how the Israeli hostages were taken into captivity? Or did that horrific event go into your convenient memory hole?

Do refresh our memories on how 1200 or so Israeli Jewish invaders were killed during the capture of a few Jewish hostages on October 7th 2023. And whilst at it tell us of the 2 million+ Palestinian hostages in Gaza & the 40,000 Palestinians slaughtered during the Israeli Jewish genocide of Palestinian civilians mainly children & women together with the numbers expected to die from malnutrition & injuries resulting from Israeli Jewish atrocities & lack of medical care.

I am starting to think that Israel is either not very good at rescuing hostages, (and they should be by now) OR... they do not care how many innocent people they kill. just saying

You are really going to use the "Well they started it" excuse for this?
Grow up

@LenHazell53 I note that the Israeli troll has had the cat catch his tongue.

@Leetx The ones that are in power really do not care one iota about the hostages. If they did then they would not bomb and kill anything in sight.

@FrayedBear I am NOT Israeli. I tend to be very critical of Israel, as in an anniversary passed several days ago of them attacking our spook ship in the Six Day War. The nakba was a thing. The West Bank should be ceded to Palestine and settlements dismantled as happened in Sinai and more recently Gaza, but Sharon pushed that during the disengagement to freeze out peace plans from the Quartet and Arabs and to remove the Palestinian demographic “problem” as a threat to Israel proper. Also Netanyahu still benefits from the threat posed by Hamas as it keeps him in power and out of trouble. So don’t lecture me on squat.

But you are obsessed. I see Oct 7th as akin to 9-11 but worse in Israeli public perception which has been craftily weaponized by Likud and friends. It was still quite traumatic for Israelis. You just keep posting one sided demonizations.

And as for the current topic, the rescue of the hostages…as heavy handed and messy as it may have become , I do not begrudge the try. The hostages should not have been taken. Full stop.

The whole Mosaddegh coup in 1953 preamble aside I wish Operation Eagle Claw had succeeded as a hostage rescue regardless of collateral damage. If that makes me an evil person in your eyes, so be it. I don’t really care for your opinion one way or another.

@FrayedBear Clarify what you mean by “Israeli Jewish invaders” in context of the numbers killed.

Given your posting here where you fantasized about lobotomizing all Israelis:

"Should all israelis be lobotomised as punishment for the atrocities committed against Palestinians &..."

Should all israelis be lobotomised as punishment for the atrocities committed against Palestinians &...

I think you might be a bit unhinged.

@Scott321 I think you are an Israeli troll.

@Scott321 better to be obsessed than brainwashed as you are in your beliefs. The israelis are invaders.
I also note that the cat has got your tongue & that you cannot answer my comments choosing instead to obfuscate & try to change the subject:
"Do refresh our memories on how 1200 or so Israeli Jewish invaders were killed during the capture of a few Jewish hostages on October 7th 2023. And whilst at it tell us of the 2 million+ Palestinian hostages in Gaza & the 40,000 Palestinians slaughtered during the Israeli Jewish genocide of Palestinian civilians mainly children & women together with the numbers expected to die from malnutrition & injuries resulting from Israeli Jewish atrocities & lack of medical care."
And to those do answer the observation that some 2 million plus Palestinians have been held imprisoned on their own land & tens of thousands illegally imprisoned & tortured by Israeli Jews.

@FrayedBear So the Israelis are by definition invaders because they live in Israel (often by birth)? They are invaders as a result of what their ancestors did coming into what is now Israel proper? Because as far as I know the people at that peaceful music festival were not in the process of entering Gaza by force. That would have been an invasion on their part.

You live in Australia right? Are you an invader?

You act like a Russian troll.

@Scott321 He is much more than a bit unhinged.

To be honest... I don't care about the Israel vs Palestinian problem. They both need to learn how to coexist, and make new friends. they both could disappear tomorrow and it would not have any impact on me or the U.S.. but. from an objective and humanitarian point of few... and a "only right is right" perspective.... pound for in and day out and year after year... WHO has treated the other one more like shit ? Palestinian being shitty to Israel or Israel being shitty to Palestinian people ? there is no contest here. I don't want to pay for weapons for either one, or pick a winner from either @Scott321

@Leetx Oh I definitely think we should completely pull the plug on our aid and assistance to Israel and more assertively promote Palestinian statehood. The problem is Hamas on that side and they are as much a malevolent actor as the neorevisionists and settlers on the Israeli side.

@Alienbeing now how did you get out of blockage? Sin bin time out expired or given good behaviour reprieve?

@Scott321 You should have done that back in the 1940's & never armed the Israeli Jewish psychopaths.

@Scott321 they are invaders in that they were given someone else's country by countries that had no right to give it. After that disgraceful act they acquired more land by warring with Palestinians & evicting them from their homes. . . Mainly funded by USA.

I see that the cat has still got your tongue & that you fail to answer the points made by me.

@FrayedBear Aside from recognition of Israel as an emerging state (your USSR did likewise at the time), how wholehearted was US military support for the factional Jewish state in the 1940s?

Going to wiki for an overview:
Under rapidly changing geopolitical circumstances, US policy in the Middle East was generally geared toward supporting Arab states' independence; aiding the development of oil-producing countries; preventing Soviet influence from gaining a foothold in Greece, Turkey, and Iran; and preventing an arms race and maintaining a neutral stance in the Arab–Israeli conflict. US policymakers initially used foreign aid to support these objectives.


Seems initially even handed realpolitik to me. We loved that oil. And the Cold War was looming.

In the 50s we get this:

Where Israel became a willing pawn in Britain’s and France’s machinations against Nasser. Note France and nuclear technology that would benefit Israel.

Although not part of the protocol, the occasion allowed Israel to secure French commitment to constructing the Negev Nuclear Research Center and the supply of natural uranium for it.[4]

So there’s that!

From the first wiki linked above:
In response [to the Suez collusion], the US, with support from the Soviet Union at the UN intervened on behalf of Egypt to force a withdrawal. Afterward, Nasser expressed a desire to establish closer relations with the United States. Eager to increase its influence in the region, and prevent Nasser from going over to the Soviet Bloc, US policy was to remain neutral and not become too closely allied with Israel. At this time, the only assistance the US provided Israel was food aid. In the early 1960s, the US would begin to sell advanced, but defensive, weapons to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, including Hawk anti-aircraft missiles.

Then: Kennedy warned the Israeli government against the production of nuclear materials in Dimona, which he believed could instigate a nuclear arms-race in the Middle East.

See the subsection “1963 standoff between Israel and United States”. Especially: In the end, the confrontation between President Kennedy and two Israeli prime ministers resulted in a series of six American inspections of the Dimona nuclear complex, once a year between 1964 and 1969. They were never conducted under the strict conditions Kennedy laid out in his letters. While Kennedy's successor remained committed to the cause of nuclear nonproliferation and supported American inspection visits at Dimona, he was much less concerned about holding the Israelis to Kennedy's terms. In retrospect, this change of attitude may have saved the Israeli nuclear program.[42]

So how much did we back Israel in the 40s and when did our assistance swing into full gear?

Also Israel attacked the USS Liberty using Mirage III and Mystère IV aircraft: []

Those are French aircraft. That was in the late 60s.

@FrayedBear You didn’t answer whether you are an invader of Australia.

@Scott321 lol, here by invitation of the government. Disabled by it & Australian society hence my nom de plume.

@FrayedBear Perhaps you should ask the site managers, or maybe Putin since you think he knows everything.

@Alienbeing I can soon put you back there when you exceed my tolerance level.
As for Putin are you now admitting that you're a Russian embedded agent\ sleeper?

@FrayedBear I didnt miss you, so feel free, idiot.

@Alienbeing in which case the answer little man is in your hands.

@FrayedBear My answer to your nonsense is to correct everything you say when I see it.

@Alienbeing correct factually or pretend that your belief is correct? 😂

@FrayedBear Factually, as has been proven by other people's comments.

@Alienbeing re phrasing what you believe "others as deluded as myself have the same belief of the truth" - of course they do because it's only truth if you have swallowed the lying bullshit propaganda spewed out by the Israeli genocidal inhumane fascist bastards perpetrating the crimes supported by your own complicit government which makes you equally guilty.

@FrayedBear Thankfully, the "others" you casually dismiss are in charge.

@Alienbeing well, one in your favour - you are recognising & admitting that what I state is happening & that your country's government is complicit in the crimes. Thank you for validating my statements.

I also suggest that you will be wise to realise those you talk of are only "in charge" of less than 5% of the world's population & that latest polls of American's now show that the majority no longer want either side of the same bad coin whether it is the Biden (Genocide Joe) or Trump ( felon Don) face in power.

BTW does your US democracy enable voters to express on their ballot paper that "none of the presenting candidates are fit to represent me" option?
And are there special rules as to what happens if the majority of people decide that none of the candidates are fit to represent them?
If not, IMO you haven't got a democracy, merely a mockocracy.

@FrayedBear What has Russia got with a poisoned, imprisoned, and now dead Navalny, an authoritarian poster boy for binding term limits, and a peculiar tendency for people to fall out of windows?

Freedom of the press worked out well for Anna Politkovskaya and freedom of expression for the courageous Pussy Riot. I’m not a fan of Jehovah Witnesses but despise how they have been treated in Russia. The US is bad enough for trans people in certain states but Russia is much worse.

Trump wants to make the US a authoritarian regime in Putin’s image.

Go ahead and read more of your RT propaganda and spout it at us.

@Scott321 "It rarely never fails."

@FrayedBear You’re delusional.

@Scott321 you're projecting.

@FrayedBear What you say I am admitting to is not reality. Russia was and remains wrong in its invasion, and you remaind either terribly ignorant, or merely a shill.

@Alienbeing if it was Russia perpetrating the genocide, atrocities & apartheid against the Palestinians aided & abetted by China would you be singing the same ditty? . . . No I didn't think so!

Predating your so called "Russian invasion" was the US fomented & organised overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014. This was then followed by the genocide perpetrated against former Ukrainians of Russian origin living in the breakaway Donbass region. I do not read you declaiming forces now supporting the Palestinians trying to defend their land & homes from the Israeli jewish aggression! But of course you wouldn't because you are complicit in the piracy & genocidal atricities.

@Alienbeing I also note that you have not responded to my observation of your mockocracy.

@FrayedBear As usual your conclusions are not rational, so why bother to comment on their stupidity.

@FrayedBear I don't respond to many of your "observations" because your observations are usually absurd, therefore not worthy of comment.

@FrayedBear First, you illustrate your ignorance again! The NOT a Democracy, we are a Republic and the differences are large.

You do not read me giving any sympathy to Palistinians because they deserve what they get. They voted Hamas in, so they must live witht the results.

@Alienbeing correct me if I'm wrong but don't Americans vote in their party representatives who then vote the government members. And that the people elect the presidents?

Republic definition: a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

democracy noun
Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
A political or social unit that has such a government.
The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

@Alienbeing and you will not garner my sympathy if the earth's crust crumbles and swallows the land comprising the United States.

@FrayedBear OK, I will correct you. The U.S. President is not elected by "the people". Our President is elected by the Electoral College. Members of the College are selected by State political parties. The number of Electors is determined by adding up the number of Senators (always two, which by itself is not Democtatic because it ignores population) and the number of Representatives alloted in the House of Representatives (again not Democratic because each State is guaranteed at least one representative irrespective of population).

There are more than a few instances where the elected President was not the person who won the popular vote.

Additionally many actions require a 66% vote of the Senate and House (not a 51% as would apply in a Democracy.

You may want to read our Pledge of Alligence which starts by saying (I pledge alligence to the Flag and to the Republic for which it stands). Note, REPUBLIC, not Democracy.

Thanks for once again proving you don't have a clue.

@FrayedBear In a 6/18 reply you wrote "and you will not garner my sympathy if the earth's crust crumbles and swallows the land comprising the United States."

What caused that idiotic remark?

@Alienbeing what caused my remark? Your comment: "You do not read me giving any sympathy to Palistinians because they deserve what they get." Your Alzheimer's playing up again?

@Alienbeing According to :
The following is stated -
"One fundamental principle of a constitutional republic is the protection of minority rights against the potential tyranny of the majority. This design counters direct democracy, where majority rules could potentially ride roughshod over minority interests. The U.S. Constitution outlines various checks and balances intended to prevent any single branch of government from gaining absolute power, thereby protecting individual rights from being infringed upon by majority vote."

"Another key element of this governance style is the separation of powers among branches of the government, a system meant to foster a balance of power. The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch enforces these laws, and the judiciary interprets them. "

Which leaves me very puzzled considering the huge inequalities occurring within your country that not only result in obvious discrimination against FNP & coloured people but also as we are seeing currently with AIPAC is allowing one ethnicity & religious group to be positively favoured at the discriminatory expense of another ethnicity the Palestinians and that the majority is discriminated against by having to fund the discrimination, genocide & atrocities against non citizens. Please explain how this can be?

I would also like to know how it can be that political parties can stack your courts with appointees who make discriminatory judgements favouring the members of the parties electing them?

How is any of this giving you democracy? It is generally claimed that you are the greatest democracy in the world. It reads more like you have an elected dictatorship & a country engaged in systemic discriminations against minority citizens, & in genocide, war crimes & atrocities.

@FrayedBear Don't drag me or tag me into any fucking conversation that I was not already a part of jsust to show how much of an asshole you can be, I'm not going to waste my time reading anything you post since you are certifiably anti US, anti Western civilization and pro Russia. You don't normally deal in facts and even when you do you shade them. What is happening in Gaza is wrong, what is happening in Ukraine is wrong. nuff said.

@glennlab Its twisted narcissism compels the troll to tag everyone in.

@glennlab , @Scot321 When you can discuss your country's role in both the Ukrainian & Israeli afronts to civilised behaviour as in the following press Q&A by Navi Pillay & Chris Sidoti you will have grounds to reply as you have.

You should also look at this video of the South African Minister Naledi Pandor & ask why, from your President down, none of your current administration have been able to make speeches of equal dignity & gravitas

@FrayedBear You ignorant asshole, you refused to reply to my response and instead posted more horseshit. I told you I refuse to read or even listen to anything that you post since you are an obvious pro russian anti western troll. DO NOT TAG ME YOU IGNORANT ASS I was not in this conversation and could care less about anything you think or care about.

@glennlab your response reflects on you not I. Neither of the videos in my response to you are from RT & they are both very relevant in replying to your "Don't drag me or tag me into any fucking conversation that I was not already a part of jsust to show how much of an asshole you can be, I'm not going to waste my time reading anything you post since you are certifiably anti US, anti Western civilization and pro Russia. You don't normally deal in facts and even when you do you shade them. What is happening in Gaza is wrong, what is happening in Ukraine is wrong. nuff said." response.

@glennlab and I've again tagged you in an expanded post that I've just made that includes the above-mentioned videos.

@FrayedBearif I called you a You cock sucking dick licker, would that finally make you realize that you are barking up the wrong tree. You Communist shit head.

@FrayedBear Nothng acting up here.The mindless explanation of your 6/18 post is just as stupid as the post itself. I won't ask you for a better explanation because I know you are Educationally challenged.

@FrayedBear Your 6/19 reply discussing Republics verses Democracies once agan clearly shows you simply have no clue. Even the questions you raise in that reply are meaningless.

Thanks again for showing yo have NO clue, absolutly no clue, regarding how the USA Gevernment is structured.

Don't wait up looking for me to respond to any of the questions you barfed out.

You are a joke at best.

In closing you should at least have the decency to thank me for educating you to the fact the the USA at the Federal level is not a Democracy.

@Alienbeing "In closing you should at least have the decency to thank me for educating you to the fact the the USA at the Federal level is not a Democracy." - oh I do Alien. I thank you & shall evermore quote you whenever I point out the irony & hypocrisy of American belief that the USA has to protect democracy the world over which explains why it has interfered in the governance of some hundred+ countries in this world & why its citizens are the most subservient #stupid people in this world for allowing themselves to be duped.

@glennlab a puerile baby tantram of a response from someone who sounds like they've soiled their diaper & mother has left them sitting in their shit for quite a few hours. . . Which on reflection is what you're facing with regard to the moronic messes that you've created in Ukraine & Palestine.

But there again perhaps you just had a bad night playing poker.

@FrayedBear Few, very few people care what you "point out" so feel free to belch out your ignorant beliefs.

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