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TV or not?

How many here have pulled the plug on their tv?

  • 68 votes
  • 25 votes
sloryd 7 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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I don't trust people who say they don't watch television.

We have Youtube.

@chucklesIII I just find many of them (not all) to be pretentious
asshats. Some of them try to come across as pseudo-intellectuals
and look down on anyone who admits to watching any kind of television.
Don't watch if you don't want to, but don't act like you're somehow superior to those who do.

@KKGator , I like PBS and watch maybe an hour of Netflix a week. Other than that my superiority is just natural. Just kidding.

@chucklesIII As long as it's natural. 😉



I use netflix and youtube for all of my entertainment needs

Tejas Level 8 June 4, 2018

Which is still TV!

i suppose, but i could watch both of those things on my phone or computer


I don’t watch TV but I’m not anti entertainment either, between my phone and computer we have a plethora of entertainment options with a fraction of the commercials... with alternate devices my controll over what I see is greater and I’m more involved in what I’m doing rather than just passing out with a remote in my hand.


I have the TV on almost all the time -- but almost never on channels with commercials. I have all the premium channels and watch movies, documentaries, and series such as GOT and Westworld. I'm always also doing something else -- reading, knitting, on the computer, etc. I have Roku, also but I've done something to it so that It's not working now so I can't binge shows on Netflix.


Most of what we watch is via the net. Amazon, and network stuff. We rarely watch in realtime.

We have 7 screens in the house. The wife and i, can cook, work in our offices, do stuff in the art room, the familiy room, basement: laundry, lie on the bed,.. all while watching/listening to the same show. No restrictions on our time.

Only one screen? Sitting in one spot not able to do anything else. Silly. waste of lifetime.


I try not turning it on during the weekend but don’t always succeed


I'm a news junkie first thing in the morning till I leave for work . It also helps me fall asleep when my mind is working over time .


I've been in my apartment for 2 1/2 years. I get free basic cable with my rent but I've never had it hooked up.


Yes, I watch TV. I will always have a TV. I put probably 20 to 25 hours a month into it. Almost always before bed. Rarely on the weekends During the day.


I was without a TV for 18 years. I've had one now for about 3 and a half years. And it's still a bunch of unwatchable crap.


I am not a fan. I don't even watch shows and movies on my phone/computer. I spend a good amount of my time working and doing stuff.


I don't have a television but I still watch shows/movies on the computer


I stopped around 2007 and no longer even own a tv. I watch shows/movies on my Kindle.



Me, too.


@hankster l know. I have never shared this with anyone. ?

@Sticks48 confession is an important step. I think repent is supposed to be

@hankster lol

@jwd45244 Way to buck up! ☺


Ours is basically a theater. We use it to watch dvds. No cable, satellite, or antenna.


I cut the cable in 2015. I live near the Iowa/Nebraska border, Iowa was having their primary, and I kept seeing Ted Cruz in my living room. I said Oh hell no! Called the cable company and bought a Roku. Never looked back. I watch Netflix from time to time, and Amazon prime. My TV is on probably less than 10 hours a month.

It was Santorum for me!

Oh geez Cruz. Holy fuck thats what nightmares are made of. Such a vile thing he is.


I watch Golf channel and other golf tournaments on TV. The Fox News Channel is the source of in-depth news analyses.


I rarely even watch TV, and by that I mean commercial OTA and I do not have cable or satellite. I do use my TV as a monitor for a computer so I can stream videos from the internet and watch YouTube videos.

Same here.

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