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Republicans Who Had PPP Loans Forgiven - Furious Over Student Debt Forgiveness

Republicans such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Tucker Carlson, Matt Gaetz, and Vern Buchanan are expressing outrage over President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan, which cancels a portion of student loan debt for the country’s middle-class students. Meanwhile, many of these same Republicans received hundreds of thousands, with some even millions in PPP loans, which have been forgiven. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 forgiven, Matt Gaetz $476,000, Lauren Boebert $233,000, and Vern Buchanan had a whopping $2.3 million in government loans forgiven.

OK, so let’s see here - Vern Buchanan is worth over $70 million, and his three car dealerships had at least $2.3 million in PPP loans forgiven. Hmmm, now what was that again about paying back loans, Vern? Of course, I’m no math wizard, but it sure seems like Biden’s little $10K loan forgiveness thingy is kinda minuscule - next to your big, fat $2.3 million cash windfall. Just sayin’.

So, giving free money away to wealthy Republicans is perfectly fine, but loan forgiveness for middle-class kids buried in student loan debt - is nothing short of “highway robbery!” Gee, Vern - last time I checked, most middle-class students weren’t worth quite $70 million. Funny how Republicans always manage to feel “slighted” when asked to contribute to anything that might remotely be considered of some benefit to others.

That said, I do get what Buchanan and his Republican pals are concerned about here. It’s an extremely serious issue in most GOP circles - that being if we start giving these regular folks “affordable educations,” the next thing you know, they might just become smart enough to realize how stupid they’d be to “vote Republican.” Can’t have that!

Hell, they might even start to wonder why some poor, black guy like Eric Garner gets executed by police right out on the street for simply selling a few "loosie cigarettes,” while a prominent Republican like Rick Scott can steal $1.8 billion from Medicare - but instead of getting shot or going to jail, he gets elected Florida’s governor and then becomes a US Senator.

Why, if someone didn’t “know better,” they might think “the whole damn system is rigged.” Of course, if Republican lawmakers have their way, most young folks will never get to “know better.” That’s because Republicans have been extremely busy passing laws to make sure these uncomfortable little details about capitalist society - will never be taught in our schools. Problem solved!

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johnnyrobish 8 Aug 26
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My friends are all smart, highly educated people. What I really wish higher education would do is motivate them and others to finally consider breaking out of the duopoly and voting Blue No Matter Who, and instead start voting third party, at least in federal elections. Because until that starts happening, we will never get the radical change that we have been needing for decades, not "waiting until after this election, etc." like we keep getting told year after year. Incrementalism is not an acceptable choice or solution with the problems we face..


Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican... Giving government money and tax breaks to rich people is seen as righteous because they are seen as job creators, even tho we all know that is a myth....

Speaking of PPP loans, in the city where I live, one small businessman, who owns an arts movie theater, got a ton of loan money from the feds during early Covid under this program for the purpose of supposedly keeping his theater open and continuing to pay his employees, etc. Instead, he never reopened his theater after Covid hit, tho all his competitors here eventually did. I don't know if his loan was forgiven or not, but as far as I'm concerned, he is a crook and has cheated the taxpayers, but nothing is ever going to happen to him over it. I think he should have to give all that money back, but that's just my idealistic morality. I have no idea if he's a Repub, but he sure acts like one, typical greedhead businessman. There is another art house movie theater, a non-profit one, that is being started, after Covid hit, that is supposed to open soon, and if the crooked businessman reopens his theater, which I doubt he will, but if he does, I will boycott him and continue to spread the word about this crook. I hope the new art house theater puts him out of business for good, should they both be open this fall. But I doubt he will ever reopen, nor does he care what happens to his theater.


Their mantra is clear, I got mine, now fuck you.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 26, 2022

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