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Kiri's bed...

Purrin stole Kiri's bed...

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 Aug 16
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Cat beds? Cat beds? Gideon sleeps on MY bed, and if not my bed, then in a chair in the family room, or on the couch in the living room. No cat bed for him.

Spudgun Level 7 Aug 16, 2020

If you go to a store that sells both cat beds and dog beds , and pinch the bottoms of the beds , you'll find the dog beds always have a plumper bed , and the cat beds have little walls sewn onto the thinner bed . While cts do love boxes , they also prefer the thicker beds . Wouldn't you ? People are so slow .

Cast1es Level 9 Aug 16, 2020

What the hell has that got to do with their spot on the sofa?

@Lilac-JadeCanada girl! DECAF!

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