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So, Whiskers, the new cat, who is about 6 months old, did his usual thing of "give me attention or I will walk all over your keyboard thing". So, I picked him up and he was cuddling and purring like a chainsaw, when suddenly I smelled a really nasty kitty fart.

I was just wondering if growing young cats have more kitty farts than adult cats do. Anybody know?

snytiger6 9 Mar 9
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I had a cat that was a farter. He made the then boyfriend gag. That is when I was positive that boyfriend was not a keeper. But yeah, he was affectionate as all hell, but also eye wateringly stinky. Because of a change in my circumstances he and his sibling who didn't fart had to be turned over to the Humane Society. Wow, I hadn't thought of them in years. That was late seventies.

@Garban Loving cats is just one of the traits he would need to have. I haven't had a farting cat since that one, but I know the two I have now won't live long enough.


Gas is normally a sign that they have changes their diet and their gut is not working as well yet. Give it a few weeks.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 9, 2022

I never had many issues with any of my cats over the years, but I did find Purina Cat Chow was terrible, & I stopped purchasing.


It has more to do with the food they've eaten, than their age.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Mar 9, 2022
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