4 24

The smartest cat that I've ever lived with. 1977 in Park Slope, Brooklyn.


He adopted me one day by just walking into my home. Chewy understood everything I said to him. He learned his name on the first day, then he learned to fetch marbles and return them by picking them up in his hand and putting the marble in his mouth to run back to me and put it in my hand. He would watch television with me and play dead when I shot him with my finger like in the cowboy movies. He followed me everywhere and watched me to learn my habits and movements so he could guess where I would be and show up in advance of me.

He was extremely friendly, but that is what he died of. He wanted to be friends with our neighbors dog, who became too rough and broke Chewy's spine. I took him to the vet and we put him to sleep. I cried all the way home. 1984.

OldGoat43 9 Oct 20
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Mine adopted me also. Little Buddy, I miss him to this day. He definitely watched over me.


That reminds me of my cat Cleo that adopted me in 1975 when I moved to West L.A. She was very smart, and loved to play fetch with a tinfoil ball. She would come in while I was still in bed, and drop the ball on my chest so I could throw it for her. Then she would fly off the bed after the ball, grab it, and bring it back so I could throw it again. She would fetch until I got tired or had to get up to get ready for work. She understood what I was saying to her and would listen intently. I has her in 3 different places. She lived with me for 13 years. I still miss her. She was one of my two favorite cats.

Spudgun Level 7 Oct 21, 2022

I am so very sorry for your loss. I have a cat almost that smart who chose me as well. He wants to play with dogs too so you scared me.

Lorajay Level 9 Oct 20, 2022

If we are fortunate, sometimes the cats in our lives adopt us.

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