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LINK President Biden Signs Bill Outlawing Private Ownership of Big Cats

The new law also forbids public petting of these animals, as shown in the Netflix series “Tiger King.”

snytiger6 9 Dec 22
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Somebody's a little fuckin' sensitive...


About time. There are more tigers in captivity than there are in the wild, with TX being the tiger capital in the US. IMO, there are a number of problems with big cat ownership, but I'll just point out one. Using young big cats for photo shoots or petting opportunities are huge money makers for the owners - while the animal is young. Once the cat is above legal age for such things, and that varies by state, then the animal is a huge expense. In places where full grown animals are used, (I think illegal in US) the animals are drugged. The cubs that are used are handled all day, they have been separated from their mother. They are handled all day. Some are killed when they are no longer useful, some or sold, or even given away, but of course some are kept as breeders as those young cubs need to be replenished. Adult cats eat about 15 to 20 lbs of meat a day.

I used to volunteer at a sanctuary that took in people's "pets" that they figured out were too difficult, or dangerous to care for, or animals that were confiscated from roadside "zoos" or drug dealers, or whatever. Many showed up in horrible shape.

itsmeagain Level 6 Dec 22, 2022

Replace "cat" with "cow" in that comment and you have definitions of dairy farming and veal production and 4H clubs. For fuck's sake, they force breed heifers to help keep their milk production up, steal their young, tie them up on the floor of dark rooms so their meat stays tender, and then slaughter the fuck out of them all. That is so unfathomably worse than big cats going to photo shoots to be played with for years until they may get shot dead it's not even up for intelligent debate. And this is coming from someone who loves cats. But I'm not tied to some irrational inability to see inequity in our treatment or protections of animals. Honestly, what makes big cats so special that they deserve all these protections and none of these other animals deserve any at all? And how is this one thing for one genus so much more important than passing legislation, I don't know, say for the protections of HUMAN WOMEN'S reproductive rights before they lose their majority? There is but a few weeks left before Democrats aren't going to be able to pass a single fuckin' bill. Can you honestly tell me you think this was the best use of their time? I'm not trying to be rude or mean, but come the fuck on.

@ChestRockfield The article was about cats.

@itsmeagain Actually, it was about Congress spending time on a bill about cats.


It's shit like this that makes me think Republicans aren't completely fuckin' crazy. All the fuckin' problems we have and these motherfuckers are worried about big cat ownership?

I think this was an easy no-brainer law that was way overdue.

@itsmeagain Is it? We can torture the ever-living fuck out of billions of chickens, cows, pigs, and tons of other animals, and we can own tons of other types of animals as well, but big cats is suddenly a bridge too far, so much so that they need to not be working on actual shit to help struggling Americans so they can focus on a bill that affects like 1 in 10,000,000 people because it was popularized on a TV show? What am I missing?


About time, but better late than never.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 22, 2022
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