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I debated with myself long & hard as to posting this here or in the "General & Hello" slot. In the end I decided this group having a much smaller membership would take second posting. I hope that you enjoy this 10 minute video that I liken to a cat playing with a this case the "cat" is an Iranian professor whom Piers Morgan thought he could confuse & entrap. He didn't but got a well taught lesson. Perhaps you can also learn from it?

I was delighted just now to watch this video of an odious interviewer have each of his utterances soundly refuted or questioned by an erudite eloquent interviewee. Give your day a wonderful enlightening lift and watch this ten minute edited & condensed interview.Piers Morgan interviews an Iranian professor to be confounded at his every infantile question, remark & attempted entrapment that he throws at him. . . It is like seeing a mouse being tormented by a cat repeatedly tossed the mouse in the air for a game of kitty handball. Piers Morgan being the mouse, the professor the cat enjoying itself! If Morgan wasn't so odiously disreputable in his misrepresentation of reality you could say that it is cruelty but it is just the denouncement of the lies fed the world by Israeli Jews supported by the American's hegomonistic selfish policy over the last 80 years or more.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 24
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All these cultures in this region have been fighting with their neighbors since before time, read almost Any chapter of the OT.
Reminds me or the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, buncha stupid people with stupid pointless prejudices killing each other off, hurry up.

Lol, Is this one of your relos at Rikers?


If it were me, I'd have posted this under "Politics". Posting it under "Feline Fanatics" because you see it as a "cat and mouse game" is just over thinking it.

Personally, I have not paid all that much attention to the conflict, other than I am aware that Hamas attacked Israel, which started a war and it is spreading, and the underlying causes of the war, no matter what the latest justifications are, is basically religious intolerance, as well as tribal conflicts that are centuries old. I don't invest my mind or thinking about it because the conflict(s) in that part of the word are based in religion, superstition and long standing conflicts which have been culturally indoctrinated.

There will be inhumane things done by both sides, because neither side is acting out of rationality. I am not about to try to take sides as I see both as being irrational. I don't believe either side really wants peace, and they won't until enough people on both sides die in the fighting, but if history is any clue, any peace would only be temporary, until they forget enough of what war is like and then they will just find a new excuse to start fighting again.

I sincerely wish it were otherwise.

snytiger6 Level 9 Sep 25, 2024

It is very sad having to read your reply that shows the extent of censorship that your government subjects you to together with the propaganda that you have been subjected to all your life by the foreign country now controlling your government.
To enlighten yourself please fully absorb the information contained in my previous posts:
"I was delighted just now to watch this video of an odious interviewer have each of his utterances ..."

"President of Colombia “Anyone who defends the genocide in Gaza or remains silent in the face of ..."

"ICJ issues arrest warrant for Netanyahu."

@FrayedBear I don't think you understood what I wrote at all.

@snytiger6 >I fully understand that you would not have posted in this group, that you are trying to obfuscate history, still accepting the propaganda fed you all your life to justify the Jews illegal occupation of the land called Israel together with their genocide & apartheid practiced on the Palestinian Arabs.
I have again posted the news that 85% of the world's countries represented at the UN have voted that the israelis have to remove their illegal settlements within 12 months & make reparations to the Palestinians.
"85% of the UN represented world population , a staggering 124 countries voting for, 43 abstaining ..."

Religion is a sideshow, a distraction in this conflict. Something to hide behind.
The real story is a story of European colonisation ie seizing indigenous land and denying those indigenous any national/ cultural/ historical identity. Same story Nth American Indians, Australian Aboriginals, much of the Pacific, Sth America and Africa also share a history of colonisation.
Israel is the last "Western" (European) colony because the domination of the Western (European) colonial countries is now over. Any support for Israel comes from those nations who defend their colonial attitude of world governance legacy..


It's rather simple to me. UN/ International laws states it is not just a law, but a "right" to resist an uninvited foreign military occupation []
This is all Palestinians are doing, exercising this right. If my country had to submit to an occupation as brutal as the IDF occupiers, I would be resisting too, I would also exercise this human right we all have.
"Settlements" are fair game, because you don't build "settlements" in your own country.

Apartheid society is also BS, so Zionism must go. They can't share nice so don't get to have control of the toys anymore and set the rules of the game. Had their chance, blew it.

puff Level 8 Sep 24, 2024

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