9 5

I have not seen this subject brought up yet so thought I would. Are any of your cats fussy eaters? Have you ever bought cat food they refused to touch. If so, what do you usually do?

Ray13 8 Sep 24
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my cats eat everything they are given. however, that isn't necessarily good. something is giving one of my old girls the runs lately. i think we have to go back to the meow mix.


genessa Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

I was a pet supply store owner and wanted to feed mine only higher quality brands but more than one of them ( I had eight) would NOT eat anything but Fancy Feast. I gave them Fancy Feast. Cats will starve themselves.

Dandewine Level 7 Sep 24, 2018

In my house what Xena won't eat, Zelda will. I'm not standing around watching them eat, all I know is I have two empty bowls by noon. Dry food is out 24/7, and neither girl has a weight issue, so they're doing fine.

I did that too, wet food for dinner, not much of it and access to dry all day because I wouldn't know if "everyone" got to eat. One wouldn't come out if the others were eating. I did have one with a weight problem and subsequent diabetes.


Constantly. I'm running out of brands & types to try. Dry food is fine, but the canned?...….

@Ray13 I'm home all the time, & just put a teaspoon of canned in their dishes, & 99% of the time it won't even be tasted.


Happens often. I donate rejected food to a local cat rescue group. If it's already on a plate, I move it to an outside feeding station.

pixiedust Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

Most of our cats ate the dry cat food (not the bargain stuff) until they got up in age. Then they seemed to prefer a little of the wet (canned) stuff to supplement. We had one make it to 20 - another one is headed for 21. She thinks she is a dog - now she wants to share people food - kinda hard to tell a 20+ year old cat "no - this is no good for you". 😉 What can I say - they are all spoiled rotten.

Lavergne Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

what's "people food"? Are there any of us here who remember pets, livestock, and all other animals before humans created store bought foods for animals?? More likely that the 'people foods' you are speaking of are those that are processed (that is: crap). If a food is a healthy choice for humans, most probably it is a healthy choice for our pets too.

@Plant1010J We have, over the years, had many debates with other pet owners about this very subject. The Vets don't like you giving them anything other than the very pricey stuff they sell in their offices.....but we had a German Shepherd who got chicken boiled and picked apart and sweet potatoes and cottage cheese and he lived a long and healthy life. That's what I refer to as people food....not crap like hot dogs, etc

@Ray13 well - for what its worth - 9 years is a pretty long time for an outside cat. You must have been doing something right! 😉


When you change a pet's food, you should do it gradually by mixing a progressively greater % of the new stuff, in with the old stuff. This usually prevents any of those unpleasant reactions such as "the poopies", vomiting, and skin/gum reactions.


Yes, Very fussy. They've always given me a problem but I overcame that by changing their flavors every day to keep them from getting bored with it. I give them a bowl of dry food always available to snack on but at meal time I give them their wet food mixed with a little bit of warm water to make it more soupy. They love that.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 24, 2018

yes - they love the "sauce"


Yes. Fussy. And sometimes the food is even dangerous. Dry food alone almost killed Bruce. And Friskies canned food gave Finn "rat tumors" in his mouth! I just keep trying stuff. Have finally settled in Trader Joe's canned cat food...high quality, decent price and they like it.

Humanist5 Level 6 Sep 24, 2018

@Ray13 You can only buy Trader Joe's cat food at Trader Joe's stores. I don't think they have it at Pet smart. Aldi cat food might be worth trying if you have an Aldi store near you.

@Ray13 ps. I spent many happy years in Ohio! I graduated from Kent State and lived in (and love!) Columbus!! Every time I drive home to Erie, I always stopped for gas at Goasis and maybe picked up some fudge at Grandpas cheese barn!!

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