Please nothing related to tRump, despite his coloring!
If I did that I would expect to die from cat scratch bleeding to death. Not what I have in mind, I would never be forgiven by the cat, any of its new relatives, Kate, or most of the people on this site. As expected.
I love Ginger kitties. How about Archie, from the comic series. He was a redhead.
He looks like a Pookie...ok, just kidding. I like to name other people’s cats after rivers (did that for my mother’s two, Taiya and Teslin). Miller, Bonanza (Bo for short), Tagish...? I’m sure you’ll find him the purrfect name.
Actually I kind of like pookie for a name, keep it in mind, not in a hurry as it kind of does not matter until he goes to the vet. After next pay day.
@dalefvictor it’s all what kitty wants for a name! My Mattie used to be called Gidget. And I used to have a female cat that we called Dude.
This picture is with him on our dining table. We let all cats go where they want as they eventually learn where the goodies are and then stay off the counters where there is nothing for them. The table is fair territory as it is the only flat place where they can congregate and get brushed.
we feed ours on the table so the dog won't eat their food )
@genessa When I first had dinner that Kate prepared for me he cat, Poulet, ate at a place set for her. I was asked to set the table and the only question I had was, "does she use silverware?" Needed to know so I could make sure Poulet was ok with the way I set it for her. She did not use silverware, but she sure loved the salad, anchovy dressing, and the spaghetti. Poulet had a red muzzle for a while, oh, she did not get any wine.
@dalefvictor oh i guess the spaghetti was made without onions!
i had a cat, wafer, who had a congenital heart condition, exacerbated by the anesthesia given him to clear his urinary blockage, and which did finally kill him as he approached the age of 15, and he took medicine to prevent more blockages. the medicine gave him heartburn. since he was an indoor cat, he ate my clothing instead of grass to relieve the heartburn. anything red and anything woolen he would eat. i thought, he needs alkali, so i gave him raw broccoli. that became his thing. however, he was strong and could open the fridge, and habitually did so and took out whatever he wanted. i might have chicken or fish in there but what did he take out and eat and almost die of? spaghetti. onions, you see, are toxic to cats, and he was particularly vulnerable. so i bungee-corded the fridge shut from then on. what did he do? jump up on top of it and open the freezer! what did he take out of the freezer? corn on the cob! that was his favorite, though he could not digest it at all. he would hold it on the floor with one paw, nibble at it, shake his head because it was frozen and hurt his mouth, then nibble again.
if i had set a place for him, perhaps all this could have been avoided! i don't KNOW if he would have used silverware. he was the kind of cat who just might have!
@genessa If Kate or I made the spaghetti it had onions in it, she still at some though I do not really know how much. I did not know and Poulet late died with kidney problems. Lived to be about 15 though, a pure white cat.
@dalefvictor 15 seems to be a magic number many of my cats just fell short of reaching. my current batch are 16 and a half, 15, 15, 14 and a half and 14. so some of them have broken the spell already!
yeah onions and peppers are bad for cats. how bad depends on the cat i suppose. wafer had his own vulnerabilities already but he was a fighter, too.
Handsome boy! NOT Morris or Garfield, please. They usually choose a name.
No way.
I also like Buddy. Just a simple gentle name.
The problem with this name is that we refer to all our buddies as buddies.
@dalefvictor oh ok. Then maybe Hector. Or Jones. Oliver or Ollie.
Buddy, he looks so agreeable. Does he not already have a name?
They just pick names from a data base. The name they gave him was Wish, which I think all involved have discarded. I just started calling to him using different name, Bax got a reaction from him, but them he just walked off and his.
I should have answered your post before the next. Trying to give credit where it is due. Thanks.
Brigham. Who's named Brigham anymore?
This coming from someone who lives in AZ! Probably more Brighams in UT, but we have our share!
Posted by LaurenIt's my first grand's fifth Gotcha Day and this is her in the arms of my daughter as they drove home.
Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Hey! I'm not done yet...
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness...Going Home...
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness