5 15

"We haven't been fed in our entire life!!"
I just gave them a snack 30 minutes ago. Now the pre-dinner campaign begins:

bigpawbullets 9 Jan 31
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My neighbor's cat weighs 18 pounds and no wonder.. She feeds her three times a day plus a bedtime snack. She's very fat even without the 3 layers of fur.


They’re starving! I know, because mine tell me they’re starving at least 3 times per day.


Spike is never so patient, he starts knocking things over and on to the floor until I'm annoyed enough to get up and feed.

Booklover Level 7 Feb 1, 2019

Mine are pretty well behaved . They do turn up , when they feel it's time for fresh food , but usually just curl up on my lap and wait . Actually , I think they're pretty smart . They do properly react to several words , which means they understand more English than I do of cat . My male , who's the slower of the two , can make my computer do things in an instant , that may take me an hour or two to undo . Female tries to hold a conversation with me . I figure as long as it ends up purring , I've met what ever she wanted .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 31, 2019

Ctrl + Alt + arrow key pointing up - equals screen in correct orientation.
Most of my cats have managed to hit that configuration.

They've also shut off my modem a few times.

I was on the phone with my sister once when her cat rotated her screen. She was about to physically rotate her laptop - when I explained there was a simple command sequence - that our cats already knew! (I can't tell you how many times I had to rotate the entire laptop.


How dare you make us wait.....we're right down to skin & bone here!

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