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Got a fave toy for your cats, or one that they seem to prefer? Any to avoid?

Several toys that I bought three years ago that were largely ignored, are now a hot item, with our NEW cat. Case in point: velvet spring.

Zster 8 Feb 24
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Da Bird! If you have some room for your cats to leap and to get this going properly, it is Da Best. It sounds like a flying bird when you pull it through the air. My younger cat, when she was a kitten, would angle her wee kitten head and drag it through the house until it got stuck somewhere. []


I miss my Smoki Russian Blue. ...she was a kitten 12 weeks climbed up my leg and went to sleep purring into my ear atop my shoulder. ...please keep your cats safe inside protected from disease drivers and predators


My cat Laila plays with straws chop sticks anything she pleases and is joyful when I wad up a gum wrapper and toss it up in the air for her and her sister Kiti


Each of my cats has been so unique that I couldn't choose a favorite toy. Some like crinkly plastic. Some like shoelaces. I had one that loved ripe olives with the pit inside.

BitFlipper Level 8 Feb 25, 2018

The ripe olive is a definite first!

@Zster Drop something in the kitchen - just once. lol


I recently bought some cat nip tea bags that are a huge hit. Apparently, there's very good cat nip in them.


Zster Level 8 Feb 25, 2018

My all white female will occasionally scratch on her scratching pad or chase the ball in the circle for 30sec or less.


Yes all of my cats like some of the same ones and some different ones. The ones I find on the stairwell in the morning (meaning they ran up and down with them or batted them around like they're trying out for the Major League) I know they like.

I've wondered about those springs because all of my cats steal the fabric coated hair tie backs I use!

They all like the Kong Kickaroo. One likes a tennis ball. Furry toys with rattle beads inside. Hartz mice - they all like those.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 24, 2018
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Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.

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