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We're catifying!! First shelves went up tonight. I am honestly stunned by how much ALL of my guys like them!

Zster 8 June 29
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I am a bit lazy and just let mine catify on their own, but that often causes clashes with my stuff. I would like to put in some things for the cats, but need a handyman.

I did, too. Got some free labor as a gift. Just a high shelf or two that they can get to (carpeted or padded, if possible) adds a lot. Mine absolutely love it.


I want to do the same thing.

Frctnal Level 7 June 29, 2019

I am surprised by how much my cats take to it. Start with just a shelf or two and see what they think...



bobwjr Level 10 June 29, 2019

That's awesome. I have one that always seeks out the top of the china cabinet - I cleared him a spot. He likes the top of the cat tree too.

The other two have their favorite spots as well. But these look great.

RavenCT Level 9 June 29, 2019

On the Animal Planet TV show, My Cat From Hell, the cat specialist always recommends catifying the homes of cat owners.

If homes are traditional, cats will catify as they see fit....keep curio cabinets SMALL because each cubby hole big enough for a cat to curl up in will have the display items knocked over or knocked out

Jackson Galaxy jerks cat lovers around a bit cat is from an alleged hell....calling cats aggressive is wrong when cats are DEFENSIVE in difficult situations

@GreenAtheist The show makes me uncomfortable at times as often the problem is a cat-clueless human or two... My cats definitely had already made use of potential perches present in the house. Adding these (a gift from family) just expands those options. The cat gang started exploring within five minutes of installing. Guess they like it!

Jackson Galaxy never "cures" the cat, he fixes the stupid owners, lol. It's amazing what having a place to get up high does for a cat's personality.


Yes , they're padded . Again , only comment , but no double points .

Cast1es Level 9 June 29, 2019

Sacred BoHaKi perches

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