6 19

No space for Mommy on the couch. But that's ok cause Mommy sits on the chair.

graceylou 8 Sep 29
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I once had 16 in the garage, living in luxury. All neutered. Now with the country moving towards acceptance of population control, I have less coming to the door asking for refuge. Still there are too many kittens on craigslist. I live to spay/neuter.

Mooolah Level 8 Sep 30, 2019

Mine are all spayed/neutered as well. Some were brought to us pregnant or with little kittens, once the kittens are all born and weaned the moms were spayed, and the kittens are fixed when they were old enough. The county isn't really doing anything to help with the stray/feral cat population and even pet owners aren't really into fixing their pets, so this will be an ongoing problem. We have organizations that do TNR and some vet clinics offer affordable spay/neuter events for barn cats, but they can't handle everything by themselves. My 15 cats all live in my 3600 sq ft, 6 bedroom house, on almost 20 acres (although they are all indoor cats only). We've gotten the occasional feline visitors these days but they don't stick around.


Jealous of your furr 4 paw family plush couch 2 girls Kiti&Laila are both shorthairs


Did you warm it up before letting them have it? A good mommy would have warmed it.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 29, 2019

Nope. They warm each other up. It’s a fur pile after all.

And the fleece and faux fur blankets are ultra warm. Most of my cats are former ferals so they are genetically built for cold more than warm.

@graceylou . I was just kidding...Very nice. My kitty is jealous.


Nap time!

Tyrantmike Level 6 Sep 29, 2019

It’s always nap time for cats except early morning when I’m trying to get the last bit of sleep.


Looks like someone is a crazy cat person with too many cats.

These are not even half my cats. Except for 2, the rest of my cats are rescues that have nowhere else to go. I’ve gotten a bunch adopted out but the ones with health and behavioural issues stay with me because no one wants them. I would rather surround myself with cats than with people. Even just one human is too many.

@graceylou I sometimes feel the same way about humans, so no offense meant. I am glad you keep the rescues with no homes.

@TomMcGiverin Animals (non-human ones) are the world to me. I have cats, dogs, horses, various reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, tarantulas, etc. Plus I have a boarding business in a separate building on property so I also look after other people’s animals. We have two foster dogs that were left with us since last Christmas. No rescues are open to taking more dogs and it’s been hard finding a home for two large dogs. But I won’t let these boys to possibly get euthanized if surrendered to a shelter (not no-kill).

@graceylou They obviously do well together! That's pretty amazing. ❤.

@RavenCT These guys do for the most part although Mittens is missing from this pile (she doesn’t get along as well with the others). The older ferals have their own section of the house. They are not social but get along with each other. Then Jazzee has her own separate space because she doesn’t like other cats.


Well its for the kitties in the first brainer.

I did put all those blankies there for them. My dogs are all at the Resort with the SO so the cats are taking over.

@graceylou Love the photo, so comfy.

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