8 7

My newest adoptee.

I call him Mister Bent!!!

He watches tv and cat videos on YouTube with me.


I bought two cardboard scatchers, and sprayed cat nip on them!

None of my three cats will use them!

Is that normal?

Is there a way to get them interested in these cardboard scatters?

of-the-mountain 9 Sep 30
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I have found my cats don't really care about catnip spray, they love the herb both fresh and dried, though. Also, they're more likely to take interest in new toys and such if they think they're mine. 😀

sc62 Level 5 Oct 2, 2019

Don't use the spray. Go to the health food store / co-op & get organic catnip. It is better quality & less expensive than pet store catnip. Sprinkle that in the holes of the cardboard.


He's very cute.

My cats don't really care for the scratchers either. They do like catnip, but they can get a little violent towards each other when they're "high", so they don't get it very often. Some cats aren't affected by it at all.

Kynlei Level 8 Oct 1, 2019

I've read that about 20% of cats don't respond to and are not affected by catnip.

snytiger6 Level 9 Sep 30, 2019

Some cats prefer other things like sisal rope or carpet. He has a spot on his nose just like Maru the cat.

Booklover Level 7 Sep 30, 2019

I sprinkle cat nip leaves on the cardboard scratchers. It seemed to do the trick.

With young cats if you catch them scratching the wrong thing - you can carry them to the scratcher - and make the motion to scratch with their paws - they catch on quick as you make "Good kitty!" noises at them and they discover they're allowed to dig to their heart's content there.

Some cats do prefer just lying on the things..... lol

RavenCT Level 9 Sep 30, 2019

Sometimes young cats are not affected by catnip. I would purchase the natural leaf based catnip. A cardboard bock filled with heavy items works. Scratch on the cardboard scratch boards with them. My cats love to scratch a wicker furniture. So that's what I permit them to file their claws. =0}

Mooolah Level 8 Sep 30, 2019

What a face! Adorable

Frctnal Level 7 Sep 30, 2019
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