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It is sadly true that Sanders supports the war industry. I acknowledge that. And I’m one of those Democrats who challenges elected Dems at every turn: I literally shut down my Democratic Congresswoman’s office after her vote to expand budgets for ICE, CBP, HHS and the military under the guise of humanitarian aid at the border. When I asked the Congresswoman to change positions and lead the call to shut down the concentration camps and she refused, my organized group shut down her office. I was excoriated by area Dems for calling her out and “helping Trump get re-elected”. What bullshit. I am under no illusion that the Democratic Party is for the poor and working classes. But for now, until the young people in this country stand up and lead a revolutionary change in our capitalist systems, I push the Dems hard, and I support the very few who advocate for humane and egalitarian policies like Medicare for All, free college tuition, affordable housing and daycare, and more. Bernie is my guy.

Bobbyzen Level 8 Jan 11, 2020

Bernie isn't blindly against war. He just thinks we don't have to have "killing contests" to make our point, I concur 100%

from the article;

“Now, I'm not a pacifist,” he (Sanders) hastened to add. “There are times when war may be necessary. But I believe, as somebody who as a young person opposed the Vietnam War, which was such a disaster for my generation, as somebody who helped lead the effort against the war in Iraq, which was such a disaster for our younger people, that I will do everything I can to resolve international conflict through diplomacy, through negotiations and not through the continuation of endless wars. Enough is enough.”

But to say flatly Bernie Sanders says "some wars are necessary" is a sensationalist headline from a Bernie hater...IMO.

Robecology Level 9 Jan 11, 2020

Well, World War 2 was necessary to end fascism.

Krish55 Level 8 Jan 11, 2020

I am not going to engage with the trashing of ANY viable alternative to the current administration and i wish you wouldn't either.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 11, 2020

My thoughts exactly!

You have engaged by commenting, you need only look at Sanders war voting record which some of it is mentioned in the above article and his nationalism blaming Chinese and Mexican workers for American workers losing their jobs to know that he's not a socialist.

@Ian-Duggan This group is Progressives and Socialists, not radical socalists, Bernie claims to be a democratic sopcalist, not a radical socialist, don'tcut off your nose to spite your face, you will NEVER get all that you want, but you can get better than what you have.

@glennlab There's no such thing as a democratic socialists just charlatans posing as such to trap people moving left into one of the oldest capitalist parties to confuse and disorient well meaning people: democratic socialists as you call them are the last defenders of capitalism.

@glennlab You do realize Bernie will push for aggression against Russia (Russia and the USA have the most nukes)

@Ian-Duggan So I don't exist, and what proof do you have of your allegation?

@glennlab I was talking about politicians like AOC, Sanders etc. etc.

@glennlab they have fed you a confused ideology that is meant to keep capitalism in place

@Ian-Duggan I am sorry that you are so misguided, maybe when you grow up, you will realize that the world is in living color and that it takes all kinds to balance. There is no socialist utopia, never has been and never will be. Just like there is no capitalistic utopia, never has been and never will be. We need both, but with limits on each.

@glennlab We do need a good debate between Democratic socialists and radical socialists. Thank you both for contributing…

@glennlab Funny you should say that because you are a utopian socialist asking democrat politicians to reform capitalism to make it more bearable is utopian where as as Marx and all Marxist socialists point out that capitalism creates its own gravediggers in the working class they have no class interest in maintaining capitalism and will naturally come into struggle with the system. They're organized by capitalism in work which gives them the objective conditions to run the machines and run the world they need only be taught by the vanguard party of historical materialism and dialectical materialism and the theories of scientific socialism. A big problem is in the way so called democratic socialists fool the working class and steer their struggle down dead ends. These democratic socialists are helped by various upper middle class fake left parties who promote them.

@glennlab Bernie Sanders voted for and supports Israeli strikes on Gaza

@Ian-DugganLast time I checked Gaza is not part of Russia. By the way, just in case you failed to notice, Marx's experiement failed in just over 70 years, so I would be loathe to set him up as a perfect example or even quote him. Economics and political systems are two different but related systems.

@Ian-Duggan As long as we’re exposing the whole carcass, and as you brought up Israel-Palestine, it would be unfair not to mention Bernie has declared, in statements and debates, that Palestinians are worthy of human rights. It may seem insignificant, but for any US politician—a Jewish one, no less— to dare speak of Palestinians as worthy of the same rights as Israelis, KNOWING the wrath of the Jewish Lobby and all its lackeys in Congress, and the pro-Israel propaganda media outlets like The NY Times et. al. will attack him for all they’re worth....Bernie stuck his neck out. And for that, and for him, I am grateful.

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