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Trump and Fox Now Both Silent on Miracle Cure Drug They Promoted

Both President Trump and a slew of Fox News hosts have suddenly gone silent on the “miracle cure” they spent weeks promoting, following disappointing and perhaps even alarming new research about hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, after a study found the death rate among those given the drug was actually higher than for those who were not.

Oh darn, I guess that hydroxychloroquine didn't work out so well, but come on! I mean, how was our poor President supposed to know those meds weren’t really a miracle cure when he ordered 29 million doses?

Why, the only people who were complaining about pushing hydroxychloroquine at the time were the doctors and scientists. You know, the same folks pushing all this crazy social distancing that shut down all Trump’s rallies and golf outings - not the experts like Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity.

I mean, just where’s a Trump supporter supposed to get the latest pharmacology and epidemiology information, if not from the White House and Fox News? Scientists - who believe in evolution, climate change, vaccines and a great big, round earth? Not while I’m the one still paying for the crystal meth.


johnnyrobish 8 Apr 22
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In the actual trials, almost 50% died of heart complications with astonishing speed. The trials were called to a screeching halt, of course.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 23, 2020

If they keep saying too much, they could end up named in a class action law suit.


Trump, as usual, has a bad case of open mouth exchange foot syndrome. And Trump supporters and FOX still have their usual lobotomies.

t1nick Level 8 Apr 23, 2020



Because he was profiting from it, CIA

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 22, 2020

Well, Bob - I am just shocked to hear that (lol).

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