The groups that collectively wrote and sent the letter to Biden may not seem like a very powerful force, but I watched a couple digital media outlets covering this and this story has been shared over 2 million times. It's now trending on YouTube, which takes some serious interest from the public. I hope Biden's team is paying attention while he's hiding out in the basement.
This could prove his undoing. He needs the African American vote. They will sit it out if he doesn't do something.
I have begun to change my outlook on Biden. Anyone with a severe stuttering problem who goes into a job that requires public speaking has got to have grit & courage aplenty!
Biden is just about the worst leader for this current police brutality crisis which we find ourselves in.
The democrats again find a way to screw up what should be a very easy victory.
Its the job of the governors and mayors to address the issues of police not the president...
The president has enormous influence. He can set the example for all the others to follow.
He could write an executive order right now mandating that police departments comply with strict reforms or lose all federal grants. The threat of defunding is a powerful tool to force local departments to follow federal guidelines.
I'm thinking 'anyone' but the thing in office now..
@SeaGreenEyez yes, but they also know that trump diesn't really care either way...
@SeaGreenEyez its not about trump caring, its about the black vote caring.. And, just so you know, we will not have four more years of trump.
Trump doesn't need the black vote, Biden does. Trump and republicans don't have a chance with black people but if the democratic candidate can't get enough black people to the polls, it may mean another win for Trump. Which is exactly why Biden is the worst choice for democrats.
@RoboGraham Biden might be the worst choice for democrats, but guess what? It's the only choice...
There is another option
@RoboGraham what's that? And don't tell me third party
Of course third party. It is an option. A option that could make a difference if enough people choose to make it.
@RoboGraham " .... if enough people choose to make it."
That's a very important statment you made here... Cause the truth is, the majority of Americans are either democrat or republican.
Yes, that is unfortunate.
But there's no rule that says you have to vote for your party. People can vote however they wish.
When the two major party choices are so very unsatisfactory as Biden and Trump, it is logical to place your vote elsewhere.
@RoboGraham "... it is logical to place your vote elsewhere."
Politics isn't based on logic.. It's based on ideology...
As a critical thinker, I believe that logic is necessary in all endeavors.
Okay, does Joe Biden match up well with your ideology?
@RoboGraham not really but I'll vote for him anyway.. Just to get trump out... If i vote third, i might as well not vote at all. It would be a waste... How many presidents were voted into office as a third party candidate? Zero as far as i know...
Well if politics is based on ideology and Biden does not represent your ideology...
I mean, I get it, Trump is crazy and he got to go but the democrats continuously push terrible candidates on us and the only way to change that is to withhold from them our votes until they eventually understand that, if they want our votes, if they want to win, they will need to actually represent the people and not just wall street and the elites.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
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