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Why The "Squad" was shut out of the convention: []

Theresa_N 8 Aug 23
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That's why we should tell the DNC to fuck off by refusing to vote for their corrupt candidates and instead support any progressive party that can be built by 2024.


Ummm, what? Bernie was the Opening Speaker, women speakers abounded (which the article does note, but never mentions Bernie because it would negate the entire article.)

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 23, 2020

Exactly right...the Article is Talking about Women, not men..


The Corprotists at the DNC loathe progressive voters, yet every 4 years they Beg us to Vote for their NeoLib candidates, gaslite and shame us.
When Are Progressives gonna grow a Spine and walk away from Them..they need us More than we need them..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 23, 2020

This year I'm voting for the Greens. It's a blue state so it's a safe vote. But this year I'd vote for the Greens even if it wasn't safe as biden and the dnc have sold out progressives.

@Charlene, @Theresa_N, @AnneWimsey, @Fred_Snerd Check out

Unfortunately, most progressives will not have the guts to walk away from voting for Dems until there are viable third party progressive candidates to vote for. If Bernie, for example, had had the guts and integrity to run as a third party candidate either time, after being screwed by the Dem Party (instead of playing sheepdog for the Dems), I think progressives would have followed him. But the candidates have to lead the voters by leaving the party first to make voting for them viable.

@AstralSmoke I'm going to the convention via Facebook

@Charlene There's also a webinar September 6.

I wouldn't say they beg us for our votes, more accurate to say they bully, shame, and blame us for their electoral losses whether it's the fault of progressives or not. They never admit it when their election losses are due to their shitty candidates, their Repub lite policies, or their obvious corruption as a party.

Thank you all for being here. I thought I'd mostly be alone in this.

This splitting of the vote has been tried for many centuries in many countries. It never works, simply because, through the laws of arithmetic the conservatives -- and the most ruthless ones at that -- win through the middle. If there were enough progressives worth their salt they would have come out to vote for Bernie in the primaries, instead of reaping a fraction of Biden's votes in most states. It's that simple. It would be different if you had preferential voting (as in Australia) or proportional voting as here in New Zealand. Then progressives would be represented.

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