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LINK An 'Army of 16-Year-Olds' Takes On the Democrats

I know most of us don't particularity like reading lengthy (more than two paragraphs or so) articles, but this one is worth a read.

I love our younger generations. Those GenZers have skills and awareness to policy that I didn't even think about until I was 40.


SeaGreenEyez 9 May 20
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Yeah, kids today are great!

Krish55 Level 8 May 21, 2021

I sure hope they care more about the issues than the person because the reverse is how we got 45. It's a hard position to deal with but that's why life is uncertain and the end is always near. Exciting. Eh? I don't mind most of their positions but disagree about Israel. There in lies the fights for tomorrow's Congress.

It seems to me that we are completing a generational revolution for society's direction and that must always begin with the last generation because they've assimilated all the technology and mindset. They just naturally start putting those things together and it connects to a large enough wave. I hope this is a tsunami which changes everything.

rainmanjr Level 8 May 20, 2021

When I was 16 I was more into politics than I am now, 14 even. It was during the Vietnam war era. Before there was Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, there was Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern. It's still refreshing to see these kids as activists.

barjoe Level 9 May 20, 2021

They've lived their entire lives with Mass Murders, War, ,Rethuglican Gerrymandering, Open Bigotry,Racism and Untenable Economy. Is it so surprising They Know more than we did at their age?..

Charlene Level 9 May 20, 2021

“Looking back, I think we should not have developed those blind spots.”

What 16 year old doesn't have blind spots ? 😛

You don't know of them until they bite you in the ass. Societally they do that every 35 years, or so.

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