& the list could go on for a bit. Red-lining that lasted for years is just one added example.
#4 is off by quite a bit.. when I lived on the Al-Ga border in the early 70's separate schools were the Only schools
South Africa had the same policies. I went to a separate school meant for Indians only. There were separate schools for blacks, separate schools for Coloureds too. White schools had everything. We had to do with very little. Our school holidays were also separate for the race groups. This so that kids do not integrate. We lived in separate areas too.
It really depends on where you were from 1954 until the 80s, thjustice department went after it either one school district or state at a time. I went through intergration in both Texas and Louisiana. In La because the schools are actually controled by the state and parishes, they sued the state and parishes jointly, so only one case in 1966, In Texas because of the independent school districts, each district had to be sued separately, my district in Baytown signed a consent decree in 1967and fully integrated in 1968, Dallas DISD was not released from federal oversight until 2003.
@glennlab George Wallace stood in the college schoolhouse door in 1963. (His brother the local Probate Judge signed my divorce papers, so thanks for that!) There was A Ton of foot dragging, intimidation by the KKK, plus outright killing of Freeedom Riders for decades after the 1954 SC decision.
With reference to 5. I read the most horrific stories on lynching at the Civil Rights Bldg in Atlanta. The Emmett Till story stood out for me.
I watched the Conservatives lose their shit when Church services were suspended in a pandemic that killed over 600,000 of their fellow citizens.
Do you actually think these Conservatives have the capacity to experience any empathy at all?
You already know this list could go on for five pages, but you must see my point, NO EMPATHY, none.
Morally inferior beings.
Is it some kind of trauma developing from religious behavior, or taught, or what?
I'd give real money to help fund a study using MRI's like Harris cites for the absence of free will.
@racocn8 There's a web site called [16personalities.com] and within these Jungian personality types is part of our answer, and yes it's mostly biological but backed by cultural "norms" which aren't in the least bit "normal."
I'm an INFP-T which is about as genetically predisposed toward a liberal mindset as you can get. but we only make up less than 5% or so of the population.
Even minorities what are actively oppressed can have a lot of bigotry in this country. It broke my heart to see a black man beat the crap out of an old Asian woman on the news. He doesn't represent black men, but he does show that intolerance is an equal opportunity disfunction and explains a lot of why black trans women get killed so often. It's like Hispanics that support Trump. Yes White Supremacy is terrible but no individual is immune to irrational hate and dangerous behavior.
Most of us have similar minds, it's baffling to me as a fey so I had to study humans a long time to even start to "get it". We need to teach one another compassion and failing that at least a bit of empathy, but it seems too much to ask of this species.
I have a hard time imagining any Republicans falling into those buckets. They seem more like impersonators or somehow fake people; Invasion of the Body Snatchers Pod People, or zombies without the gore. Mostly, they are seriously dim-witted with a big dose of lazy that prevents them from learning anything unless it's an entertaining conspiracy.
It's like they've become schizophrenic to accommodate their religion, and they separate their beliefs from the real world and all the cognitive dissonance that comes with it. In so doing, they've split off critical cognitive capabilities, and become delusional or indifferent when challenged.
Which personality types do you believe Republicans express ?
@racocn8 I think they express all of them, even INFP-T because there can be a dark side to all of them, still it's harder for an INFP to be truly evil, some psychologist actually claim that they believe it's impossible, but still they have, under incredible duress, committed atrocities as well in isolated instances like all other personality types. It just takes cataclysmic circumstances to cause an INFP to commit an isolated violent crime. There are plenty of Conservatives that wouldn't hurt anyone they just don't recognize the humanity of people they don't know or understand. If you were to meet a Conservative INFP they would be Conservative for either religious reasons or because they honestly believe the "small government" part of Conservatism even if they don't understand it enough to avoid it. You probably won't find an INFP in the KKK for example, and if they do hurt anyone they'll punish themselves for the rest of their lives without prompting. I'm still haunted by sixty five cents I once stole from a classmate in third grade. That's our nature.
Sadly the answer is Black lives for every question.
Excellent questionnaire reminder. If this happened to whites you'll never hear the end of it. Look how the privileged evangelists claim they're suffering. They've got no idea what suffering is all about.
...thanks for jogging the memory
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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