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Ted Cruz Wants Truckers to ‘Starve-Out’ People in Vancouver With Empty Shelves

Former Canadian citizen, and current US senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), agitated in favor of protesting Canadian QAnon truckers, suggesting the truckers ought to leave the people of Vancouver “without food,” as punishment for the government's Covid-19 vaccine mandates. The dispute began when Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart tweeted out to truckers that “95% of Vancouver is vaccinated,” and that “Vancouver doesn’t want you here. Make your point and then go home." In response, Cruz then tweeted out the threat that folks in Vancouver “might feel differently with empty shelves.”

Gee, Ted Cruz is actually wishing empty shelves on folks in Vancouver? Possibly causing many to go hungry, just so these “Trucker Tantrum reactionaries” can "own the libs?” Those seem like pretty strong words Ted, especially - coming from a guy who looks like he hasn’t missed a meal in a helluva long time. Of course, we know old Ted would never allow himself to go hungry. Why, he’d flee the country first. That’s right, Sen. CanCruz would just make a taco run down to Mexico. They're not striking down there.

The thing is Ted, you can always restock an “empty shelf,” but there’s not really a helluva lot you can do with an “empty head.” Of course, Cruz isn’t really stupid. Hell, he graduated from Princeton and then Harvard Law School. He simply says shit like this, because he wants to run for president - and knows this kind of talk is “red meat” for that rabid Trump base. That said, I’m not so sure it’ll work. After all, in order to win the US presidency, one must have some sort of charisma, and Ted has the personality of a rotten corpse.

Kind of makes you wonder how a guy like Ted, who is universally hated by most everyone, including the rattlesnakes - gets reelected? This is a guy who’ll take off - right in the middle of a crisis. Apparently, Texans must admire that in a person. Anyone remember when Trump said, “They’re not sending us their best people?” Well, hey Canada - we’re looking at you, pal! Anyway, all kidding aside, I think if most folks had their wish, they’d prefer Ted Cruz had actually been born on “another planet” - not in “another country.”

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johnnyrobish 8 Feb 7
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90% of Canadian truckers are vaxxed. Teddy's baxxed too, just like his gods, tRump and Fucker Carlson.


Excellent stuff!! Every word Richly deserved by that Fathead!!!!!!


Lol..well since he can't pull a hissyfit about Ukraine, he's gonna try to stir the Canadian Qanon pot..thereby triggering an international crisis with Canada, thereby giving him a chance to Demand action from "Brandon". Biden will ignore it, thereby giving Teddyboiii an opportunity to call Biden weak on the Canadian Crisis..which he created specifically for that singular purpose...Brilliant!🤣🤣🤣

Charlene Level 9 Feb 7, 2022

He’s a detestable human being. He resides in the only state that would have his brand of conservatism which tells you everything you need to know about Texas!


Ran as a Mexican- American when he was still a Canadian citizen with Cuban parents

glennlab Level 10 Feb 7, 2022
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