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Arizona Lawmaker Setting Fundraising Records by Calling for Political Violence

Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers 🌈 drew huge applause and set fundraising records after speaking at anti-Semite and white supremacist Nick Fuentes’ “America First Political Action Conference” in Orlando last month. Sen Rogers called for gruesome violence against political opponents whom she labeled as “traitors,” excoriating critics of the “honorable” Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee as well as proponents of the “bioweapon” coronavirus vaccine. Rogers went on to demand “We need to build more gallows,” adding that such a deadly fate would “make an example of these traitors who’ve betrayed our country.” Rogers is also a proud member of the Oath Keepers militia group who claims Ukraine President Zelensky is a “globalist puppet for George Soros and the Clintons.”

Wow, I hadn’t heard of her before, but she sounds really nice. Is it just my imagination, or does it seem as if Republicans are now cruising psychiatric wards, to find candidates to run for public office? Apparently, all you need to do to get elected as a Republican is to be the loudest, most obnoxious, and hateful person in the room. Don’t forget, Republicans don’t give out “participation trophies,” so you really “need to hate real good.”

Of course, we all know there is no real downside in Republican politics to being as insanely hateful and deranged as is humanly possible. I mean, this fascist, QAnon conspiracy theorist - was also a USAF Lieutenant Colonel and pilot. Makes you wonder, just what kind of aircraft was she flying anyway - a broom? Oh, and I forgot to mention that she also has two kids. Wonder if she even bothered to cook her children’s meat, before she tossed it into their cages?

Now, people like Sen. Rogers have a lot of folks asking “how is this brand of Republicanism any different from Nazism?” The answer is “not much.” The only difference being MAGA Republicans wear cheap red baseball caps instead of nicely tailored uniforms. Of course, while her name may be “Rogers,” I don’t think anyone’s ever gonna confuse her with someone from “Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.”

The funny thing is, Sen. Rogers claims she’s speaking “as a free American.” No kidding? Now, I’m no scholar, but I’ve never seen “freedom” defined as “the right to hang anyone who disagrees with you” before. So, apparently, we’re left with the Bible, bullets, racism, hate, violence, and fear. Who says Republicans don't have a platform anymore? Meanwhile, America continues its slide from being kind of a Federico Fellini film, right into a full-blown Quentin Tarantino movie.

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johnnyrobish 8 Mar 9
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I think there are tow people running for office in this state as Democrats, when I look up who is funding them it is a bunch of right wing rich people, I think they be liars.


Republicans were always Nazis. Trump merely opened the closet door.

racocn8 Level 9 Mar 9, 2022

And she'll probably win...


Lunacy is now a requirement to run as a Republican...

Krish55 Level 8 Mar 9, 2022

Yup..this is my cuntry..
Why you gotta disparage witches?..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 9, 2022

Smile your white hood is showing

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 9, 2022

Even Tarantino would make some of his villains a little bit likeable.

Haha - good point!

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